wow SKT dropped their entire B team :/ wow. Dove? that man is ooooold aha. WAIT RUMBLE TOO? i remember him ! him and shudder were gonna be the next big thing :/
Player that i know are only Dove and Miracle -.-"
edit. and Rumble, isnt this guy retired long time ago?
I always had it in my mind that In_Dove was skinny.
On July 13 2010 21:08 ForSC2 wrote: Why so many from SKT T1? Maybe they're making room for sc2 recruits? hope not though.
Russian Federation3329 Posts
woah.. I never knew SKT had so many backup players... Awww I remember Rumble... He and Bisu used to be really good 2vs2 players... They had such a good synergistic effect
On July 13 2010 21:17 moopie wrote:Maybe they're making room for sc2 recruits? hope not though. makes the most sense for me. They cant ignore Sc2. Why pay B-teamer for Sc1 if you can have new players for Sc2 instead of them. The other teams must follow soon too. We need some insider infos =). What plans they teams have for Sc2 in aspect of the team structure and they resources they plan to spend. Well basically how they plan to switch over to Sc2
On July 13 2010 21:17 moopie wrote:Maybe they're making room for sc2 recruits? hope not though.
That would be my guess. That and maybe they predict there's not much point in developing new players for SC
On July 13 2010 21:08 ForSC2 wrote: Why so many from SKT T1?
they were required as sacrifices for the black magic charm they are cooking up for bisu 2.0
Couple guesses regarding SKT's mass firing of pretty much 80% of the B-team.
1. The exact same thing as KT did. Cutting everybody that don't contribute and narrow the team down to only the core. It worked out pretty well for KT (Flash). KT originally had like 22 team members and narrowed down to like 11 before this season.
2. Saving expense. SKT not doing well and decided to cut expense. B-team members do require housing, food and maybe some breadsticks for paycheck.
3. The new round of drafting is coming. SKT decided to drop every B-team member that the coach considers to be "hopeless" and going to mass recruit newbies in hope of finding the next Boxer. He is very jealous of CJ's B-team.
sad to see dove and rumble go. old dove replays were so amazing!
Singapore66064 Posts
wow SKT1, what happened there?
SKT probably cutting costs, apparently marketing costs have gone up a great deal and their Q1 performance was poor, this article is about 2 months old but decisions like this often take that long to filter through
South Korean carrier SK Telecom has reported lackluster financial performance for the first quarter of the year, with net profits rising only 1.6 percent from a year earlier, according to a Wall Street Journal report. Despite the modest gain in net profit, operating profit showed a 15 percent decline in the same period.
The profit disparity has been blamed on a dramatic increase in marketing costs, paired with deep discounts necessitated by fierce competition in the mobile market. The iPhone, offered by rival KT Corp, is considered a driving force behind smartphone adoption.
SOURCE: electronista
EDIT* Sorry missed dukethegold's post
On July 13 2010 22:36 Not_A_Notion wrote:SKT probably cutting costs, apparently marketing costs have gone up a great deal and their Q1 performance was poor, this article is about 2 months old but decisions like this often take that long to filter through Show nested quote + South Korean carrier SK Telecom has reported lackluster financial performance for the first quarter of the year, with net profits rising only 1.6 percent from a year earlier, according to a Wall Street Journal report. Despite the modest gain in net profit, operating profit showed a 15 percent decline in the same period.
The profit disparity has been blamed on a dramatic increase in marketing costs, paired with deep discounts necessitated by fierce competition in the mobile market. The iPhone, offered by rival KT Corp, is considered a driving force behind smartphone adoption.
SOURCE: electronistaEDIT* Sorry missed dukethegold's post So not only are we raping SKT in sc, we rape them irl too GOGO KT HWAITING!
Looks like SKT decided to have some sort of a clearance sale.