I tried to create a setup optimized for speed with good error tolerance. Only time will tell if I succeeded.
Note: currently SC2 doesn't allow the proper remapping of the "toggle sound" hotkey, Control+S. I hope this gets fixed sooner or later because it conflicts with part of my keys, but for now I can live with it, it's nothing major.
Here's my setup, using US standard keyboard layout and enUK version of the game:
Conrol Groups:
Z for tech buildings
A, S, D, F, G, H for army
N for Queens
1 somewhat unused
All of them work just like normal Control Groups. S can't be assigned, SC2 will toggle sound instead.
Unit Commands:
T for attack move
2, 3, 5, 6 for Move, Stop, Hold, Patrol respectively
R, E, W, Q, 4 for abilites etc.
Tech Buttons:
All upgrades are mapped to these buttons in the same order as they appear in the building. X for Pneumatized Carapace, C for Ventral Sacs, V for Burrow.
Queen Buttons:
V Spawn Larva
B Town Camera
N Control Group for Queens
The idea is to hit N and then repeatedly B, V, click on hatch. I prefer not to use a placement that allows to use shift easily here because the most important actions are placed around the H key.
Spawn Creep Tumor currently is on E, Transfusion on R. Transfusion feels fine there, but since Creep Tumors are quite the macro thing I am thinking about putting them back to C.
Building Construction:
R for Build Basic Structure
E for Build Advanced Structure
3, 4, 5, Q, W, E, R, T for the buildings. Buildings that I want to be able to access quickly are placed close to/on R and E. I wonder if it would be better to place the common buildings 1 or 2 keys away...
Unit Construction:
Y Control Croup for Hatches
T Select Larva
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Q, W, E, R for the units. No unit is mapped to T to prevent accidentially building units you don't want to build, you should know this issue from Scourge in BW.
Screen Positions:
J, K, L, SemiColon for moving to a saved screen position
M, Comma, Period, Slash for saving screen positions. No Control or Shift key required.
Camera Move:
7, 8, U, I, 9, O move the camera left, up, down, right, turn left, turn right.
Not sure if I'll ever use this to be honest. If I feel that I should put something else there I won't hesitate.
Birth Queen is on Q, Morph Lair/Hive on W.
I played a few games with this so far. It definitely is hard getting used to it. I'm basically doing the Chill Macro Challenge as I spend most of my time trying to macro. I'm slowly getting into it though. It's obvious that such a setup is a bit harder to learn than a name or grid based one. And since I also have to compensate for changing my keyboard layout from German to US and the removal of cast-on-wireframe it'll be a rough time (I'll blame that for any spelling mistakes too).
Please tell me if you spotted any potential issues or if you have ideas that could further improve my hotkeys. Better fix them now than once I got used to the new hotkeys.