So crap I just pulled an all nighter working on this orgo lab and now I feel like a piece of shit. I'm kinda in a mental haze after sleeping 3 hours but i need to do a lot of work/go to lab right now so I can't sleep.
I just took advil but I'm not sure if that was a good idea. Idk if I should drink more caffeine (drank 3 big cups of coffee last night) or if I should eat something (slept through lunch but dont have time for latemeal! =( ) or what. What's a good remedy for umm not sleeping? anything special good to eat or medicine? I can't think
Paper due at midnight that I need to finish =/ and only after lab/appts/paper can i actually sleep.
u can always go with redbull.. u r gonna end up with your nervous system kinda messed up though
Just drink energy drinks non stop until you have finished the paper, otherwise you are doomed to failure.
Sleeping 3 hours =/= all nighter?
Your body should be fine from occasional lack of sleep, and if you're in college you should be getting used to it anyway. More caffeine/energy drinks also won't hurt. I would stay away from eating too much simply because it'll make you even more sleepy if you really need to stay up.
finish the paper b4 u run out of energy drinks though or bad things happen. believe me I know.
Three hours of sleep is not bad. If you do all-nighters often (like I have in the past), your body learns to cope with it pretty well.
Man..I know how you feel..the past two days I only got about 7 hours of sleep. I had 3 tests and a project to do this week and finally it's all over. I can finally sleep/play starcraft lol. sorry for not answering ur question, i was just in a similar situation as you this whole week and just wanted to show sympathy becuz i know it sucks working all night trying to get ur work done and do a good job on it but once it's over, it's like being freed from jail after being locked up for 5 years.
Canada7170 Posts
Wash your face with cold water now and then. Drum your fingers on the side of your face to stimulate your nerves.
my SAT is tomorrow but after that i'm gonna start doing all-nighters again
I haven't found any good remedies. I just struggle through it the best I can and just get as much sleep as possible when I have time. Like this week, I slept an average of 3~4 hours a day from Sunday until Thursday. It was pretty bad, but I feel so good after finishing everything.
Just keep going! You'll finish eventually. Good Luck!
It's not healthy, man. Go to sleep. =/ I've suffered from memory loss due to staying awake too long, and worse shit can happen.
For me 3 hours is basically nothing. I feel it very heavily.
Canada5565 Posts
Definitely eat, get a lot of protein in you. Even if you don't feel hungry the food will feel good. In my experience when you've been up close to 24 hours you start to burn energy really fast.
Eat a lot and take a shower, really helps. I'm basically nocturnal and as long as I eat/shower in the later hours I'm functional enough to get through the day.
drink one five hour energy.
fill your sink with water, ice, and salt.
stir for 1 minute.
dunk head in water for 15-20 seconds.
be awake!
salt? why
aha! nvm. i know why.
oh to clarify i woke up at 7:30 am yesterday, worked on lab report from 5pm to 10 am, then slept 11 am to 2 pm, then went to different lab and just got back from eye appt
so 3 hours of sleep but on the next day >.> and it freaked me out, when i woke from the 3 hours of sleep i have vague memories of attacking my alarm clock but i came to in the shower, confused because i had already showered before the nap...but more than that confusion i felt ridiculously mentally hazy, it was pretty crazy...like i suddenly "put together" all the connections between orgo chem and my life and my roommates (like a crazy person, i'm not going to describe the sick retarded way that i fit these things together momentarily in my head) but by the time i got out of the shower i had a grip on reality
the paper is not so bad, i just need to add a little bit but i cant think right now >.< i should get some food anyway
Exercise increases bloodflow and will help you stay awake. Anything to get Adrenaline going will also help, just watch out for the low point after that wears off can be pretty bad, Coffee has a long kick in period cause of digestion and i dont do any drugs ( not even paracetemol lol ).
Basically anything to increase Adrenaline will work well.
Offtopic my sleep pattern is 40 hours awake - 20 hours alseep
How I do it is I listen to an upbeat song nonstop. Last night's all nighter was canon rock. A long shower is also a good idea if you absolutely feel like you're slipping.