Birthed by this thread, this blog is a communications thread for a sc2 practice team. This is specifically for a group of people who have been contacted one by one already by Mr.E (eek.one) to get together and practice, but others are welcome to join. Furthermore, I encourage you to make your own practice team, so things don't get too messy. It is definitely not our goal to create a second practice partner thread: one stickied gigantic list of IDs is plenty. Maybe as more of these pop up there can be cws between the teams, but we'll see.
The players listed below are all platinum level on the US server, in no particular order: bnet id tl id race enfold.nick Enfold Ryuk.From Trowabarton756 & Fate.isnoob FateCro LION.lion LION.lion (I need your race) tskill.ploy ploy lumi.scm Lumi FrOsTy.Blayze Dr.FrOsT Xife.Schenn Xife badsmcgee.zzz badsmcgee stockton.stockton stockton eeK.one Mr.E Lyra.Nightmarjoo Nightmarjoo & Fallen.fallen (everyone pm him and tell him how boring his id is) Fallen33 Hlidskjalf.Rune (everyone pm him and tell him how awesome his id is) Grobyc.teamliquid Grobyc Fortune.syn FortuneSyn Nevake.nevake Ketomai Celious.hukfan Celious Orange.aiden alexJR.alexjr Raydog Here.teamliquid kNyTTyM Clockwork.nex Brightside6382
Courtesy of Mr.E is a vent channel: It's public at the moment, but will be passworded if there're any issues.
So for now, add everyone on the list, and give us some general times you're available, maybe tell us about yourselves, best mus/maps, bw experience/skill, etc.
Remember, both people in and not in this group, you can use the TL vent server when it's not full (it can hold up to 150): chromium.typefrag.com:11005
will complete the post more later but for now
Fallen.fallen Platinum protoss user
Yeah I'll add you metal, I know you!
People wanting to get in on this, please pm me instead of posting in this thread, else it'll get very messy. This is a thread to save the people already in the team from having to msg/pm a bunch of people seperately, not necessarily a recruitment thread.
My bhad haha I'm on my phone only got aa limited amount of shit I can do!
Hey Lyra ^^
Add me to the practice group.
Fortune.syn Random
I like long walks on the beach, with girls. I tell them I'm c+ on BW and they like it..
Add me!
[US] Grobyc.teamliquid
I'm C rank iCCup Protoss in SC:BW, and when my friends aren't on my account lowering my rank I hover around rank ~10 in my platinum division.
edit: oops, PM'd you!
add me pls
[US] globalpawn.nocaution
i'm currently in platinum zerg. but its coz i played newbs for my 5 rank match and went 5-0. so currently plat rank 40 somethin
Thanks for doing this. For those who don't know, I'm eeK, and I strongly encourage all who use vent to just get on my server when they get on SC2, IP listed above. Even If you just want to ladder, it's a good way to get things moving and start meeting the other people in the group. Also, add the ID's in the main post to your friends list and say hi.
Ryuk.From Protoss(Can play all 3 races pretty/fairly well considering I 2s as random). Don't hesitate to pm for practice looking to boost my skills to a level that is necessary to be bonjwa of sc2 =D.
Enfold.Nick Played a lot of games with eek when I was zerg but switching to toss. Down for any mu / chain practicing
Adding the people on the list here, so if I msg you don't feel too creeped out lol
I would love to obs some of these games. I would put my name up but I'm only a top5/10 gold player so I'm not sure if it would be worth my time.
I am Vlare.Tswift who plays as Random and am looking for a group though.
I added everyone
lets get some games goin this wknd!
Hey bumping since I'd like to join with you. BkaP.teamliquid
I am learning zerg at the moment but have played protoss up to this point. Decently ranked protoss and my PvZ is my best matchup.
hey eek told me about this I would like to join the fun! Clockwork.nex
Currently a Plat Z player who uses T once in awhile. As far as my best MU is concerned I'm not sure maybe ZvT?
Okay I need a terran player to help me get my T up to speed and point me to some replays of solid strats and build orders. I would be glad to help them with their tvp and tvz in turn.
Make sure you guys keep looking at the list, a few more people have joined.
bumping since ids got reset. My id is Here.teamliquid
my new ID is celious.hukfan