Post your id along with your race/rank, and what matchups you're seeking
Please follow the format, if you have extra info you'd like to add just put it at the end of your post.
Asia Server
ID: Nomad.Terran
Rank: Gold
Race: Terran(hence the id)
Any MU, or 2v2 team
EU Server
TL ID: r.Evo
BNet ID: rEvolution.revolution
Rank: Platinum Division 3, Ranks 15-25 / ELO ~1400 depening on how much T/rnd I play =P
Race: Protoss/Zerg. I guess my T would be good practice for medium gold ranks, trying to work towards rnd only on the ladder atm.
I dropped you in the "random" aka all races section, because you're just so damn good at all races it seems, :D
TL ID: NeaX NeaX.neax
Rank: Platinum (div 2) +/- 8
Race: Random untill I decide on a race
TL ID: FortuneSyn
BNet ID: Fortune.Syn
Rank: plat div 16 1st currently. Doesn't mean anything, people have under 50 games there.
Race: random
TL ID: Zerum jodon.jodon / zerum.zerum
Rank: top 8 gold
Race: any race probably as I switch pretty much every day
up for practice in all MUs. Would prefer to play with someone I can talk with on skype or something between games... but definitely not needed.
TL ID: xlep
BNet: xlep.fushichou
Rank: silver ~5
Race: Random for now, wanna get experience with all matchups
Seeking: 1v1 partner any race, also a 2v2 Partner
trying to learn terran, I'd really appreciate help from an experienced sc1 terran that can give me some hints (especially on mech). I've only been playing sc1 for about 3 months and basically pure zerg
TL ID : ScorpionX : SkorPwN.ScorpionX
Rank : Platinum Division 1 : #10-30 "ahh they toook my rank !!"
Race : All; seeking all
TL ID: Ziph
BNet ID: Ziph.Ziph
Rank: Platinum Division 4, Rank 4-7
Race: Protoss, Anything but searching for a zerg the most
TL ID: Malderon Malderon.eoanthropus
Rank: Bronze, 40-50ish
Race: Protoss, looking for any 1v1 matchup
TL ID: NiGoL NiGoL.nigol
Rank: Gold, Div10 1450+ points.
Race: Zerg
Search: Protoss/Terran generally.
TL ID: Multiverse
BNet ID: Multiverse.theory
Rank: Bronze (I've regularly beat Silvers though if I play to win rather than trying strats)
Race: Protoss, but trying to learn Zerg and Terran also
Add me anyone tbh just looking for unranked games against people.
TL ID: slimshady
B.NET: light.light
Rank: Platinum, Division 4
Race: Protoss, looking for any 1x1 practice partner that knows basic English at least.
Message me via
TL ID: GoDanny
Div: currently Silver
Race: Protoss
MU's: All
B.Net: FallOutBoy.lunatic
Rank: 1 Gold
Race: Protoss
Mu's: Anything looking for some serious training :D
TL ID: GruGloG
BNet ID: GruGloG.failbot
Rank : Silver rank 1
Race: Toss (mostly, I fool around with other races occasionally). Interested in playing 5-10 games a day against a dedicated partner to practise timing, builds etc.
TL ID: jtype Nescobar.octave
Rank: Bronze (just got bumped down from Silver ): )
Race: Protoss/Zerg
TL ID: tuffe tufflax.swe
Rank: Gold
Race: I'm Protoss, looking for P and T
TL ID: n.Die_EmperoR
BNet ID: nDieEmperoR.Ger
Rank: 4 Silver
Race: P/T
MU: All
TL ID: SadKingBilly SadKingBilly.stackustack
Rank: Silver rank ~40th
Race: Toss, but can play any matchups... need to learn all races:S
TL ID: trickser ytricky.ytricky
Rank: gold divison
Race: protoss
TL ID : Newguy : Dove.cot
Rank : Gold, rank 1
Race : Protoss
TL ID: mfukar
BNet ID: Lostman.lostman
Rank: Bronze Division 18 #34
Race: Protoss. I'm playing T/Z versus friends occasionally, but I really like the dynamics of Protoss so I'm seeking someone to help me improve on both 1v1 and 2v2. I'm an average player, keeping a day job at the moment so I may not be online every single night, but I reckon we could have some fun. Cheers.
TL ID: Gomas Gomas.wins
Rank: ~#10 Gold (started playing only a few days ago)
Race: Protoss
Search: anyone
TL ID: VoodooDog
BNet ID: VoodooDog.Pauli
Rank: Platin Division 9, #35
Race: Protoss, looking for any 1v1 matchup and/or a 2on2 partner for the future sc2 league (4x 1on1; 2x 2on2).
TL ID: palanq palanq.palanq
Rank: Gold, rank ~10
Race: Protoss MUs: any
AIM: palanq
TL ID: Trap
Rank: 30-40 platinum div 3
Race: Protoss, msg me for a 1v1
TL ID: slimshady
B.NET: light.light
Rank: Platinum, Division 4
Race: Protoss, looking for any 1x1 practice partner that knows basic English at least.
Message me via
TL ID: Moonies
BNet ID: Zcomuto.Zcomuto
Rank: Platinum Division 1, hovering around rank 20
Race: Protoss, want to practice any MU
TL ID: Lyter
BNet ID: Misty.lyter
Rank: Silver 15thish/70ish
Race: Protoss, any would be good
TL ID: Newguy Dove
Rank: Silver, 21, just started yesterday, hoping for platinum after next reset. When is that?
Race: Protoss
TL ID: Raytrix Raytrix.raytrix
Rank: Bronze, Rank 20 (Division 41)
Race: got the invite yesterday, learning Protoss
looking for any kind of PvX MU
B.NET: StuF.stuf
Rank: copper, rank 24 (experiment > ranking)
Race: protoss, but i wanna learn other races
Playing almost every day. Rdy to do repetitive learning and take on any race/strategy. Liefst nederlandstalig.
TL ID: keneten
B.NET: keneten.kråksångare
Rank: Gold, 60-70%-ish, rank ??
Race: Protoss, looking for any 1v1 silver-platinum.
TL ID : HellKey
B.NET : HellKey.elkie
Rank : Copper 8th
Race : Protoss
TL ID: stet_tcl zen.soup
Rank: Gold div 12 rank ~5
Race: P (mostly but not exclusively)
Looking for some 1v1 practice/strat talk or perhaps a 2v2 partner
TL ID: Dan7 Dan.danman
Rank: Silver around 20th
Race: Protoss
Looking mainly for a Terran or Zerg 1v1 practice partner.
TL ID: Joxxor
B.NET: Joxxor.jotun
Rank: Platinum, div 8 placement 6
Race: Protoss
Teamliquid ID: G.s)NarutO
BNet ID: SilvA.silva
Rank:Platinum Division 7, Rank #3-#4
Race: Terran, seeking all
TL ID: ShoGi
B.NET: ShoGi.horizonnn
Rank: Bronze rank 2
Race: Terran, looking for every Matchup!! just add me
TL ID: Alexc26
B.NET: Alexc.alexc
Rank: Bronze
Race: Terran, looking for anyone to practice with
TL ID: Mavkar Mavkar.mavkar
Rank: Platinum( not top ranked, 30-40ish)
Race: Terran
Just add me, always open to some matches and practice.
TL ID: n.Die_EmperoR
BNet ID: nDieEmperoR.Ger
Rank: 4 Silver
Race: P/T
MU: All
TL ID: Albinokuh Albinokuh.seekuh
Rank: Platin ~4-8
Race: Terran, searching Z and P
TL ID: Steve.adjust Steve.adjust
Rank: Bronze
Race: Terran, i'll vs anyone... Just need alot of practise :D.
TL ID: demoric
BNet ID: Demoric.demoric
Rank: Currently unranked 1v1, am gold in 2v2 and used to be silver 1v1 pre-reset.
Race: Terran, looking for any race.
TL ID: Mithror Mithror.mithror
Rank: Silver
Race: Terran (though this could still change)
Any MU's. 1v1.
TL ID: Johnranger-123
BNet ID: Johnranger.blows
Rank: Platinum devision but I havent played that much
Race: Terran, looking for any
TL ID: peon.power
BNet ID: peon.power
Rank: Bronze Cup Rank 13
Race: Terran
Native Language: German
TL ID: Evert
B.NET: Evert.evert
Rank: Bronze, rank 3 atm getting higher
Race: Terran, looking for any 1v1 matchup.
TL ID: MaybeNextTime
B.NET: Zergish.gamereplays
Rank: Gold, division 4
Race: Terran
TL ID: Queequeg ndh.meep
Rank: Bronze Div 52, rank 5 (started March 13)
Race: Terran
looking for: 1v1, noob style with chobo flavor
TL ID: damenmofa
BNet ID: diehilde.diehilde
Rank: Platinum Division 1, #3-5
Race: Zerg
TL ID:: TurboT
BNet ID:: Turbo.tactics
Race:: Currently playing as Zerg, experimenting with Terran
Rank: 1v1 Silver Division 54 (42th at time of this post)
TL ID: Cerzi Cerzi.cerzi
Rank: Bronze rank20
Race: Zerg
TL ID: NiGoL NiGoL.nigol
Rank: Gold, Div10 1450+ points.
Race: Zerg
Search: Protoss/Terran generally.
TL: Hammy
Bnet: Hammy.ham
Rank: 20ish platinum (division 1)
Race: Zerg (or Terran offrace), looking for any matchup, or for 2v2 partners
TL ID: FortuneSyn
B.NET: Fortune.fortune
Rank: Platinum, 9 atm
Race: Zerg
TL ID: BeMannerDuPenner phaythox.galis
Rank: gold top15 atm (but im new,got key today. but alredy played 35 games ^^)
Race: mostly zerg. willing to play other races too tho.
i dont know shit about strats yet but was B on pgt some years ago so im not terrible overall.
TL ID: Fictionjv Icx.Icx
Rank: Bronze, something (I don't play ladder, just custom games, and I'm beating silver players, and sometimes lose, so somewhere between bronze and silver in terms of skill I guess)
Race: Zerg
Looking for a T or P training partner
TLI ID: Voley
BNet ID: voley.devou
Rank: platinum 70 something
Race: Zerg, looking for any 1v1
TL ID: saeras
BNet ID: Saeras.saeras
Rank: Silver
Race: Zerg
Searching: For someone that i can explore the vast worlds of SC2 with. (This is included but not limited to; Trying out different strats, micro practice, macro practice, finding abusive points on maps, simply having fun.)
TL ID: Voley
BNet ID: Voley.devou
Rank: Silver division, #1
Race: Zerg
MU: Want to practice ZvZ most, but any will do
BNet ID: OPSavioR.johan
Rank: Silver Division 31
Race: Zerg
Looking for 1v1 practice partners and a 2v2 teammate. i was in gold before reset.
TL ID: mdb
B.NET: lingrush.kekeke
Rank: Platinum (silver level really)
Race: Zerg. looking for any matchup, but really want to learn zvz
TL: JacobDakung
Aka: Stork.caketown
Rank:Gold 1-4th (1500 pts)
Race: Zerg, any match up
TL ID: TrayD
BNet ID: TrayD.fin
Rank: Gold 1-3
Race: Zerg
Looking for any practise partner, protoss would be kewl. (mm first post on TL after reading stuff here for almost 2 years)
TL ID: Dus
B.NET: Dus.dus
Rank: silver, top 10 to 30
Race: Zerg looking for 1v1, or 2v2 partner.
US Server
TL ID: Phelix
BNet ID:ColdWave.helix
Rank: Gold Division 1, ranks between ~30-50
Race: Can play all 3 matchups, seeking any
Also seeking a 2v2 Partner.
BNet ID: Grin.grin
Rank: Silver, Top 20
Race: Random (P>T>Z)
TL ID : Foxy : Foxy.cjf
Rank : 1v1 Silver; rank 3 / 2v2 Gold; rank 22
Race : All - really looking for a 2v2 partner to have some games with.
Best to PM me on here...
TL ID: Heaven-
BNet ID: OuRanus.Negato
Rank: Bronze , rank 10-13
Race: Can play all 3 matchups, seeking any
TL ID: Twe3k
B.NET: ryterres.terres
Rank: Platinum League divison 25 (unranked)
Race: I got to platinum with T, but I am trying to round out my understanding of Toss and Z
I'd love to play with anyone any race any skill level. I <3 sc2. PM for games.
TL ID: nicehook
B.NET: nicehook
Rank: silver
Race: Random/zerg
Willing to help anyone with practice, and looking for advice.
TL ID: redemption99
B.NET: redemption
Rank: Bronze 15-20(i seem to be in a newer division and it keeps changing)
Race: Random(I'd like to focus on T or P though because i SUCK as zurg)
TL ID: my0s
B.NET: myos.matt
Rank: Silver
Race: Random, mostly terran
Looking for someone to practice 1v1 regularly
TL: Modus
Aka: modus.modusoperand
Rank:Gold >10 (1500+ pts)
Race: Random
looking for someone to play repeat games against, I'll happily pick any race you want practice against, but I would like to practice all match-ups. I am also perfectly content "randoming" each game.
TL ID: Koof
BNet ID: Koof.Koof
Rank: Silver 5-10
Race: Random (Or rather, I'll play/want to get better at any race), Any Matchup
Rank: Platinum div 4, rank 20ish
Race: random/whatever you want me to be
TL ID: Trozz
BNet ID: trozz.trozz
Rank: Gold / Platinum
Race: Random
Learning all matchups. Practice through repetition! Any map is fine.
TL ID: Razamataz Stinklesnapz.Stinklesnapz
Rank: 1v1 gold ~20 (trying to rank up hehe), 2v2 rt/at platinum ~20
Race: Random.
Looking to find a friend / some friends to mass games against for fun/learning/improving. Also looking for a long term 2v2 partner if anyone is into that sort of thing.
TL ID: omninmo
Rank: Silver 4-10
Race: i'll play any MU
TL ID: andynewin
B.NET: arcane.arcane
Rank: bronze 68 goes up and down every game by a lot
Race: random been working on all my matchups
Having lots of trouble with tvt and tvp I think I got the hang of zvz and pvp, but I could use some practice with some advice and constructive criticism after the match I also wouldn't mind playing some 2v2 (-_-)
TL ID: log!c MISSINGNO.missingno
Rank: 30ish in bronze
Race: undecided
TL ID: FortuneSyn
BNet ID: Fortune.Syn
Rank: plat div 16 1st currently. Doesn't mean anything, people have under 50 games there.
Race: random
TL ID: syri.fef
BNet ID: syri.fef
Rank: Platinum Div 12 rank ~30
Race: Random, need to practice PvP and TvAll in particular.
TL ID: CharlieMurphy SpoR.One
Rank: Platinum D_2-r35~ rec=110-82~ elo 1220 last i checked
Race: Probably leaning towards Zerg, but I random.
TL ID: David Mudkips ID: Ace.ace
Rank: Placement atm
Race: Random
Seeking: Anyone!
TL ID: huameng
bnet ID: pralz.pralz
Rank: In placement matches right now~
Race: Random
TL ID::Donk)sz(
BNet ID::Donk)sz( (will be)
Race::Random (play zerg best, like 2v2 and teams over 1v1)
Looking for practice partners or clan to join for SC2 launch or if I get into beta.
PM me on here w/ clan/training opportunities or I will update when I get an account
TL ID: Tavu
Rank: Gold Division 26
Race: Anything and everything.
TL ID: t3tsubo
BNet ID: tetsubo.edmonton
Rank: Silver Division 4, 82 wins / 79 losses
Race: Any
TL ID: silencefc
B.Net: eeSanG.arbiter
Rank: Platinum
Race: Any Race, Any Matchu
TL ID: refraxion
BNet ID: refraxion.refraxion
Rank: Gold Division 15, Rank: Between 1 - 20 usually.
Race: I'm starting to play random, seeking any types of matchups.
TL ID : QuitotheOne Quito.Quito
Rank: unranked yet
Race: random untill i decide a race
TL ID:Trowabarton756
Rank: 19-21 PLat Div 1
Race: Protoss
MU's PvX on a lot hit me up for mass games.
TL ID: Landsoul Landsoul.blackdragon
Rank: Platinum, 10 +/-
Race: Protoss, looking for any MU
TL ID: Ai52487963 Platytermite.sabertooth
1v1 Rank*: Bronze 1
2v2 Rank: Gold 30
1v1 Race*: Zerg/Protoss
2v2 Race: Terran
My beta account is shared with all my housemates. We've been trading off turns for 1v1 which explains the bronze league status, and we mostly play zerg or protoss.
TL ID: Floophead_III Floophead.legendary
Rank: Platinum
Race: Protoss atm, trying to l2terran.
TL ID: oopserv
B.NET: oopserv.myron
Rank: Copper Rank 10
Race: protoss, looking for all matchups :D
TL ID: Daedalus
BNet ID: daedalus.maestro
Rank: Gold 18~24
Race: Protoss, seeking Zerg, some Terran.
Aim: Citoyen C
TL ID: teamsolid
Bnet: ??? Didn't post
Rank: Platinum Division 12 rank #3-5
Race: Protoss
TL ID: wonkman wonkman.wonkman
Rank: Platinum
Race: Toss. Matchups: Any ^.^ just add me / pm me on tl
TL ID: TheComeback
bnetid: Arlock.Thecomeback
Rank: Platinum, Rank 12
Race: Protoss looking for any 1v1 ttraining partner
TL ID: Fath0m toranaga.shogun
Rank: Bronze
Race: Toss
Looking for anyone who would like to play!
TL ID: Glenn_Beck
B.NET: GlennBeck.foxnews
Rank: Gold 40
Race: Protoss, looking mostly for Protoss or Zerg to 1v1 against but I am up for anything including 2s. Please don't bother responding if you are a liberal looking to heckle me.
TL ID: polymorphism polymorphism.nibbles
Rank: Bronze
Race: Protoss
APM: was ~120 in SC1, dunno SC2 yet
I suck, honestly. I can hold my own and last a while, but I never seem to build the *right* units, or I don't attack at the right time, or I don't scout enough, or whatever. I still love the game, though.
Friend me if you need a toss punching bag. (Or if you wanna see the tattoo on my abs that reads CARRIER HAS ARRIVED.)
TL ID: Zawada Zawada.zawada
Rank: Gold rank 3 division 16
Race: Protoss, currently looking for terran specifically; will take on all good match-ups though: feel free to add me :D
TL ID: DG_iviajoi2n
BNet ID: ClanDG.iviajorn
Rank: Gold, rank 45 - 55
Race: Protoss - Looking for 1v1s against all races silver or above, prefer Terran or Toss though.
Best way to reach me is to Private Message me on these forums, or you can try to catch me in game i'm on pretty often =)
TL ID: mg
BNet ID: Mindgames.ucsb
Rank: Silver 70-80
Race: Protoss, seeking any 1v1, add me!
TL ID: likeaboss
rank: #2 gold division
race: Protoss looking for any m/u
TL ID: No_Roo
BNet ID: NoRoo.fighting
Rank: Platinum div 2 rank 18, ELO: 1743 (~C- iccup)
Race: Protoss
Any one that needs PvP, ZvP or TvP practice and I'm available I'll gladly help. message in game, say from TL so I can add you up. Willing to do freeform match ups or specific builds you want more practice against.
I idle a lot and forget to set my away status in game, so if I don't respond that's why. o/
TL ID: NotJack NotJack.pcool
Rank: Silver, Rank 5
Race: Protoss but open for changes
I feel my macro is better than most bronze players but I'm having bad unit composition and late game transitions, so need to practice with people who talk strat a lot. Any Race.
TL ID: knyttym
BNet ID: BkaP.bkap
Rank: Platinum 19
Race: Protoss
Matchup: PvZ
Hey I sent a few pms out to US platinum zergs because I am desperate for PvZ practice. My other matchups seem somewhat decent but PvZ is really holding me down. I have lost <5 games in PvP and PvT meaning PvZ accounts for over half my losses T.T I believe I am around 2-15 pvz which totally blows.
PvZ in SC2 feels even worse then when I started TvP in Brood War. If you are a zerg and you feel like stomping all over me then feel free to pm me as well. I appreciate any kind of advice or help you can offer in this matchup. Thanks OP edit: lol wall of text >_>
TL ID: FateCro
B.NET: Fate.isnoob
Rank: Plat div 12 10th or so
Race: Protoss, looking for all would really like a terran (i play normally at night till around 10am)
TL ID: TheAntZ
B.NET: tbc.rapesyou
Rank: Silver
Race: Toss,/Terran LF any
TL ID: KunfO
BNet ID: KunfO.pres
Rank: Platinum Division ~rank 10
Race: Protoss, Any MU's
Server: US
TL ID: StriverzG StriverzG.dfg
Rank: Platinum division 16
Race: Protoss
Looking for Team [o]utCast members and ANYONE who wants to practice customs. Preferably with Platinum/Gold league players.
Add me and shoot me a msg
BNet ID: KIMBOSLICE.burnface
Rank: Gold Division 15, #1
Race: Protoss, vsing all.
TL ID: Zazen
BNet ID: Zazen.bra
Rank: Gold Division 11 rank 4th
Race: Protoss, seeking all I put you on here twice, terran and protoss
TL ID: Brybear
BNet ID: Cive.Bryan
Rank: Gold ~30 with 16 games
Race: Protoss, seeking Terran or Zerg
want 1v1 practice only
aim: HotBrybear69
TL ID: Cyberspace1 Cyberspace.rbeezy
Rank: Platinum
Race: Protoss
Looking for anybody that is up for some practice, any MU is fine. ^^; Vent would be cool, but not necessary.
BNet ID: WIT.wit
Rank: Copper 30-40
Race: Protoss, seeking Terran or Zerg (Copper)
TL ID: Lampshade Agon.gasp
Rank: Bronze
Race: Protoss (will practice with any race)
I just got a key the other day, starting to work my way up but always down for practice.
TL ID: SpiritWolf
BNet: SpiritWolf.xpc
Rank: Gold around 20
Race: Protoss, Any MU
TL ID: B00ts
BNet ID:
Rank: Silver Division ?, ranks between 7-10
Race: Protoss, seeking to play any race 1v1
Also seeking a 2v2 Partner.
TL ID: maggalo maggalo.maggalo
Rank: unranked so far.
Race: Protoss, looking for any 1v1's. Also looking for a 2v2 partner, and a team for us to practice with.
TL ID: JoraM Darkblade.JoraM
Rank: Silver
Race: Protoss, looking for team practice 2v2 any race
TL ID : the6357 IBBn.ibbn
Rank: Platinum, rank 88 (lol..i got placed on plat by mistake or some shit)
Race: Protoss.
Looking for anyone to play and learn some game basics and builds
Want to learn unit spells and figure out different uses for spells and abilities
I'm on after 11 pm Central standard time (us)
hit me up
BNet: mDZeaLoT.mdzealot
Rank: Gold Division.
Race: Protoss / Terran
TL ID: Raydog
B.NET: alexJR.alexjr
Rank: Platinum (around 15ish, +/- 3 ranks, depends how many games I play a day).
Race: Protoss. Looking for Terran, Zerg, and Protoss players who aren't afraid to experiment and let me try out new builds, and I'll let them of course do the same, while also playing more "standard" practice games. Don't hesitate to PM me on teamliquid or hit me up on bnet2.0!
TL ID: yarkO
B.Net ID: yarkO.joel
Rank: Silver (top 10)
Race: Protoss, looking for practice partners of all races. Msg me on here or find me online.
TL ID: LION.lion
BNet ID: LION.lion
Rank: Platinum 9
Race: Protoss, seeking all 1v1
TL ID: asdfTT123
BNet ID: HMP.hmp
Rank: Gold rank top 8
Race: Protoss, looking to play all MU's
TL ID: Whiplash
Bnet: Whiplash.whiplash
Rank: Plat floating between 11-17ish division 4
Race: Protoss, looking for zerg/protoss practice partners that are plat rank 17+
TL ID: boesthius boesthius.boesthius
Rank: Platinum (div 5) was 9 but dropped down to 13 since I haven't played for a few days
Race: Protoss
TL ID: lazydays Ouroboros.pwn
Rank: 1v1 Silver Division 56 (35th at time of this post)
Race: Protoss. Looking for any 1v1 match up
TL ID: TorcH
BNet ID: TorcH.gaming
Rank: Platinum (Div 7) 2~5
Race: Terran, seeking all
TL ID: psymage2
B.NET: Acolyte.Fright
Rank: Silver, rank 12
Race: Terran, looking for zerg or terran 1v1 matchup
TL ID: Slained Slained.denials
Rank: Plat - ranked #2 div 7
Race: Terran
Bnet: griM.reaper
Rank: top 10+/- Plat
Race: Terran
Anyone who was looking for me. I also am interested in a 2v2 partner who is plat .. or any plat ppl to practice with. prefer mic.
TL ID: rally_point
BNet: HMF.fonghoming
Rank: gold 10-20
Race: Terran, with Protoss on the side
Seeking: Want to improve in 1v1, and will help anyone that wants it (even lower ranks)
TL ID: unsniped
B.NET: unsniped.aacad
rank: gold, 6
race: TvZ/P ZvT, looking for any of these
TL ID: unsniped
B.NET: unsniped.aacad
rank: gold, 6
race: TvZ/P ZvT, looking for any of these
TL ID: Sad[Panda]
BNet ID: SynC.distortion
Rank: haven't placed yet
Race: Terran, ready to play anything dawgs ;]
TL ID: Seele
Rank: Gold Division 5, #1
Race: Terran, seeking all
TL ID: monad monad.monad
Rank: Copper
Race: Terran
I'd like to find someone who is strictly better than me (Silver+) and willing to send me some critiques about my game at the end of each match. I always play Terran, willing to play against anything. Unfortunately all I can offer you other than the opportunity to do some noob stomping is my sincerest thanks
TL ID: Lobbo Konservering.smedel
Rank: Platinum Div 12 rank 16
Race: Terran/Zerg, seeking all
Activity: Nights and mornings.
Likes: Icecream Oh you're so clever
Any MU's. 1v1.
Only seeking people that can control their feelings when lost and know it is just to practice.
Happy smiles or your are not of my interests.
TL ID: potatoedoughnut vyedma.vyedma
Rank: Silver (playing on friend's acct, just got my own)
Race: Mostly terran, but will play any MU
TL ID: Spyfire242
BNet ID: spyfire.spyfire
Rank: Silver div. 26, ranked 44
Race: Terran
Looking for people to mass game with in all match ups.
TL ID: Farehnheit
B.NET: Nellamad.farehnheit
Rank: Gold ~35
Race: Terran
MU: T v Anything
TL ID: Meta
B.NET: meta.meta
Rank: Platinum, rank 50ish
Race: Terran, looking for protoss/zerg practice
TL ID: xDark.Carnivalx
BNet ID:
Rank: Gold Division 2, jump between rank 1 and 8
Race: Terran, will be switching to zerg, seeking all.
(I think canada is included in the USA server :S
TL ID: alexpnd
BNet ID: duhast.mich
Rank: Top 10 in silver, going to gold baby lol.
Race: Terran mostly
BNet ID: OnizukA.sensei
Rank: Gold Division 7 currently 15th
Race: Terran
Any match up please add me and IM me for practice games thanks
TL ID: fx72 bonjwa.fxyo
Rank: Platinum 20-40
Seeking some zergs and toss, really interested in a dedicated practice partner that has good knowledge of the game. i am also D+ iccup.
TL ID: Krissirk KrissirK.withak
Rank: Bronze, 10(ish)
Race: Terran, seeking for any 1v1 matchup
TL ID: M3rciless
B.Net: Insight.liquid
Rank: 20ish platinum
Race: Terran
TL ID: Angra
BNet ID: Angra.angra
Rank: Platinum, Division 12, rank 12
Race: Terran, looking for any race to play against
TL ID: Fallen33 Fallen.Fallen
Rank: Gold 36
Race: T
looking for prac in any matchup as well as offracing
TL ID: CheepCheep
B.Ner: Flyer.cheepcheep
Rank: Bronze (75+ atm)
Race: Terran
I suck a bit and know it, but I want to get better. I am looking for people to practice with (anyrace). I also want to learn the other races as well and do some 2v2. PST timezone (Evenings and Weekends
TL ID:ScN.gosu
B.Net: ScN.gosu
Rank: Gold
Race: Terran
Need 1v1 practice partner all MU's to hammer out build's with, in an effort to improve upon them.
Gold or higher please
Vent would nice as well
TL ID: dudeman001
BNet ID: aflac.aflac
Rank: Silver 4-8th
Race: Terran, Protoss every now and then
TL ID: CandleJack
B.NET: CandleJack.pgo
Rank: Bronze (75ish)
Race: Terran
Looking to play anyone, feel free to friend me if you're looking for a few custom games or a practice partner or whatever. I'm not very good at the moment but hoping to learn fast. I'm on almost every night (EST) and a lot of afternoons.
TL ID: TheBrassMan TheBrassMan.golden
Rank: Gold Division 16
Race: I main Terran seeking all races. Message me anytime i am on
Server: no clue - US account, but playing from europe. Probably US, but I'll leave this here just in case
TL ID: plated.rawr
B.NET: Zamiel.tholuxe
Rank: Bronze, rank 10ish
Race: Terran, looking for any 1v1 matchup.
TL ID: VorcePA
BNet ID: VorcePA.omfgwat
Rank: Gold #1
Race: Terran
Teamliquid ID: Lobbo
BNet ID: Tokys.Tokys
Rank:Golden league somewhere
Race: Terran, seeking all
Activity: Nights and mornings.
Likes: Icecream Oh you're so clever
TL ID: Blitz
BNet ID: Blitz.Blitz
Rank: Platinum Division 2, rank 60+
Race: Now Terran Yeah! Pride of war!
TL ID: Shadowfury333
BNet ID: Shadowfury.gamereplays
Rank: unranked (trying to understand game before laddering)
Race: Terran
Rank: Copper, 50th
Race: Terran, looking for any 1v1 match-up.
Just want to learn the game and have someone I can consistently play with who can critique me in any way. I use ventrilo and have a server. Anyone is free to play/chill on it just hit me up on AIM or xfire.
AIM: k5j
xfire: jrkk
TL ID: ploy
BNet ID: tskill.ploy
Rank: Top 10 in some platinum division
Race: Focusing on terran Wooho another one!
TL ID: noojoh
BNet ID: awesome.cityx
Rank: Platinum Division 7 was in top 8 now around 30 Keep tryin, terran hwaiting!
Race: Terran
TL ID: fallen
BNet ID: fallen.frog
Rank: plat division 10 rank 3rd
Race: terran
TL ID: Volshok
BNet ID: volshok.volshok
Rank: Plat Division 11, 55th
Race: Terran
really need to practice TvP
TL ID: Zazen
BNet ID: Zazen.bra
Rank: Gold Division 11 rank 4th
Race: Terran seeking all I put you on here twice as terran and protoss
I want good zerg/toss partners. anything gold+ I guess add me up!
You're listed on TL as in US, so I hope you're in the US
TL ID: plated.rawr
B.NET: dreki.lyn
Rank: Gold Rank 20 or so
Race: Terran, looking for any 1v1 matchup.
B.Net: imBLIND.imdeaf
Rank: Plat 20ish
Race: Terran
Dire need of people to practice builds with. If you want help to hone your build, PM me. I have a lot of builds on paper that i really want to try out but I don't want my ladder ranking to fall from #5 plat to #40 again...
TL ID: Nightmarjoo
B.Net Lyra.Nightmarjoo
Rank: Platinum (best is #11, was floating around 14-19 before I took a two day break)
Race: Terran
TL ID: Thorguge
BNet ID: Thorgouge.tgouge
Rank: Silver division 6 rank 1
Race: Terran, Any MUs
I'm usually on all the time so just hit me up if you're looking for some practice games. I'm always down to take a break from ladder for some custom game practice.
TL ID: Lumi Lumi.scm
Rank: Platinum Div 7 50-60
Race: Terran, looking for Z and P practice partners, long-term
TL ID: nammer
B.NET: Nammer.time
Rank: silver rank 3-5
Race: Terran, looking for a 2v2 partner and practice partner
Rank: Platinum(Div 15), 22nd
Race: Terran
Looking for all Matchup practice 1v1
TL ID: yomi
BNet ID: Teckman.lolcraft
Rank: Placement 1v1, Gold 2v2
Race: Terran, LF any matchup. Want to get some games in before placement and after as well.
Rank: Platinum Division 8
Race: Terran (Zerg offrace) looking for any match up
TL ID: scbwnewb1 ravageblade.ifr
Rank: bronze 10ish
Race: Terran, any matchup or teams.
TL ID: Foxhawk
BNet ID: Foxhawk.foxhawk
Rank: Bronze 10 #3 atm
Race: Terran, looking for any
TL ID: Ai52487963 Platytermite.sabertooth
1v1 Rank*: Bronze 1
2v2 Rank: Gold 30
1v1 Race*: Zerg/Protoss
2v2 Race: Terran
My beta account is shared with all my housemates. We've been trading off turns for 1v1 which explains the bronze league status, and we mostly play zerg or protoss.
TL ID: Dasanivan
BNet ID: Dasanivan.lyh
Rank: Gold top 10
Race: Terran, any matchup
TL ID: Dynamis
Rank: Platinum 15, rank 3
Race: Terran, looking for any matchup.
TL ID: link0
B.Net: linko.linko
Rank: Plat Division 5, Rank 8
Race: Terran, looking for any matchup.
TL ID: Zekke
BNet ID: Zekke.Zekke
Rank: 28th Silver
Race: Terran
MU: Looking for any matchup!
TL ID: Volshok
BNet ID: Mango.agogo
Rank: Plat Division 11, 74th
Race: Terran
MU: Looking for All, pref Toss, need to work on Mech based TvP
TL ID: Shidonu
B.NET: Shidonu.jeff
Rank: Platinum rank 40ish
Race: Terran, thinking about trying some toss out
Looking for all match ups bfresh.getmoney
Rank: 2v2 random silver - ~1
2v2 team gold ~10
1v1 silver ~30ish? haha dont play it
Race: terran/toss
Server: US/PST MUs: any
TL ID: OhNoes
B.NET: ohnoes.alexhart
Rank: Silver Rank 61 / Division 5
Race: Terran also looking for 2v2 partner
TL ID: YellowSnow
BNet ID: YellowSnow.Daniel
Rank: Gold 18~24
Race: Terran.
TL ID: Rothbardian Sokuryoku.voluntaryist
Rank: ELO around 1260 right now, 55-31, Plat Division 11 rank 6.
Race: Terran, seeking any MU very interested in getting someone who is slightly better than myself, but I am not picky!
TL.ID: RisingTide
B.Net: Mathos.amice
Rank: #13 Platinum Division 10
Race: Terran/(Protoss off) - Looking for any and all match ups
TL ID: Jadious
BNet ID: Jadious.jadone
Rank: Copper top 10
Race: Terran
TL.ID: Tsagacity
Rank: #20 Plat 6
Race: Terran, I laddered as zerg but now I want to practice alot with terran. Anyone looking for some friendly practice games please contact me!
BNet: mDZeaLoT.mdzealot
Rank: Gold Division.
Race: Protoss / Terran
TL ID: Sunny Afternoon Haruhi.suzumiya
Rank: Platinum 30~50 Division 5
Race: Terran, seeking Zergs mostly, Protoss is welcome too if you're willing to help me optimize my builds (i.e, using the same build over and over, etc)
TL ID: Foxj
BNet: PAT.reignwingz
Rank: Silver - 1
Race: Terran - Looking for any and all match ups
TL ID: TheAntZ
B.NET: tbc.rapesyou
Rank: Silver
Race: Toss,/Terran LF any
TL ID: CakeOrI)eath CakeOrDeath.CakeOrDeath
Rank: Gold Division rank #5-15
Race: Terran, looking for 1v1 partner
TL ID: potatoedoughnut ID: vyedma.vyedma
Rank: Silver before reset, Gold now
Race: Terran
I've been around on TL for a bit, but mostly have just read articles and played liquibet/fantasy (I know, what a mooch). Now that SC2 is out I've gotten into actually playing.
Anyway, I'm US central time, I am usually available evenings and weekends. I play Terran primarily, but can probably fake other races enough to practice a specific build. Send a PM if you're around the same time and interested.
TL ID: Ziph
BNet ID: Humble.lee
Rank: Platinum Division 11, Rank 7
Race: Terran, looking for toss and zerg player
TL ID: PhallicAgressor
B.Net: Phallic.Agressor
Rank: Gold League, 40~
Race: Terran, any 1v1 matchups or 2v2 parts.
Rank: 1v1 Gold, 5th Rank |
Race: 1v1 Terran | Zerg
TL ID: queuequeue
B.NET: QueueQueue.queuequeue
Rank: Currently 12th in Platinum Division 1
Race: Terran. Looking for any decent players willing to test build orders and build optimizing.
TL ID: sixduck
BNet ID: frose.ftan
Rank: Platinum Division, rank 70+
Race: Zerg, looking for any and all MUs
BNet ID: FrOsTy.Blayze
Rank: Platinum Division, rank 44+
Race: Zerg, all matchups (will offrace)
TL ID: copythis
B.NET: MDOM Whats your full ID T_T
Rank: Platinum rank 30 (30-15ish)
Race: zerg, looking for toss/terran partner but zvz is ok too i guess
BNet ID: prObe.ling
Rank: Silver Division 5 currently 2nd
Race: Zerg
TL ID: Bosu
B.NET: Bosu.Bosu
Rank: Platinum rank 2 1908 points
Race: Zerg, would like to play others
Would like to find a group/ clan of higher level players to practice with.
TL ID: Xife
BNet ID: Xife.Schenn
Rank: Platinum Division 8, #20 ish
Race: Zerg, seeking all
TL ID: jobiasRKD
BNet ID: jobias.rkd
Rank: Silver Division 6, floating around 30
Race: Zerg
TL ID: hazu
BNet ID: hazu.sherocki
Rank: Platinum
Race: Zerg
Looking for a 2v2 partner, either a Toss or a Ran.
TL ID: Virtue
BNet ID: Semantics.CRSenadenos
Rank: Gold 8+
Race: Zerg but not against playing every race as i do plan to do so once i get zerg down.
TL ID: Medzo
BNET 2.0 ID: Medzo.bryan
Rank: Platinum 1on1, 2on2rt, 2on2at.
Race: Zerg
Server: USA
TL ID: MiyaviTeddy MyvTeddy.miyaviteddy
Rank: Platinum(Div 1), 73rd
Race: Zerg
Just give me a message and send a friends invite or something saying "From TL" to let me know you're here
TLID: Motiva
Bnet :
Rank: Gold < 30
Race: Zerg
Looking for some 1v1 Practice partners. Anyone Feel free to add me I left off that last part, too depressing T_T
TL ID: Enfold
BNet ID: Enfold.nick
Rank: Gold Division 45, Rank 5 - 20
Race: Zerg, Looking for all matchups, especially terran
TL ID: FakeGuy
B.Net Fake.guy
Rank: Bronze Div 15, 3rd place (woo!)
Race: Zerg for the ladder, but really want to just hammer out builds as other races too to better understand them. Looking for Day9 style hammering the same strategy a dozen times in a row, the 'very easy' ai is just not as good a learning tool as I'd hoped.
TL ID: ShawdowReaver
Rank: Silver 20
Race: Zerg
Seeking: Want to practice my T and P against a silver player. I'm probably a copper Terran or Protoss atm.
TL ID : Telecom1
B.NET : TelecoM . telecom
Rank : Platinum rank 27 1v1
Race : Zerg
TL ID: Mooish
B.NET: Shuffle.moloney
Rank: Platinum #9
Race: Zerg, Looking ideally for a Toss to Grind PvZ's with.
TL ID: guitarizt
B.NET: guitarizt.guitarizt
Rank: Silver Rank 40 / Division 13
Race: Zerg. Looking for 1vs1 or 2vs2 with anyone but preferrably better people who can tell me what I'm doing wrong. My zvsz sucks.
TL ID: unsniped
B.NET: unsniped.aacad
rank: gold, 6
race: TvZ/P ZvT, looking for any of these
TL ID:King K. Rool SquirrelZerg
Rank: Platinum Div 16. currently 40ish though I haven't played much.
Race: Zerg looking for any matchups.
TL ID: Crabman123
B.NET: Crabss,bad
Rank: Gold, 81st at the moment.
Race: Zerg, (would like to learn Terran but I'm really bad with them)
Looking for practice partners who can offer constructive criticism. I'm Especially looking for someone to play with while I learn T.
TL ID: Ohgodspiders Ohgodspiders.ohgodspiders
Rank: Bronze 30-20
Race: Zerg, willing to learn terran, seeking 1v1 training partners of any and all races, need to get much much better, likes long strolls on the beach and dancing in the moonlight
TL ID: Kvz
B.NET: Kvz.kevin
Rank: Platinum, rank 10-12
Race: Zerg; looking for any matchup
TL ID: Atrioc
BNet ID: Atrioc.Atrioc
Rank: Platinum #5-8
Race: Zerg, but considering trying some Terran
Need dedicated T or P platinum player for 8+ games at a time for solid practice.
TL ID: iSin iSin.Grouty
Rank: Platinum
Race: Zerg
TL ID: mrkent
B.NET: zerg.protoss
Rank: Gold ~50
Race: Zerg, looking for partners for any match-up, preferably Gold 1-50. Really wanna do stuff like day9 was talking about, just play 10 games straight of same match up to work stuff out.
TL ID: BlasiuS
BNet ID: BlasiuS.howardab
Rank: 1v1 platinum, rank #17+; 2v2 platinum, rank #13+
Race: Zerg
Seeking: practice in all matchups, and I'm always up for some 2v2 (please be platinum skill level)
Timezone: East Coast/EST
TL ID: blith
BNet ID: blith.ipx
Rank: Silver Div. 5, ranked 45
Race: Zerg
want to practice all matchups
Rank: 1v1 Gold, 5th Rank |
Race: 1v1 Terran | Zerg
TL ID: McCain
BNet ID: Asp.msj
Rank: Platinum #5-8
Race: Zerg, need toss/terran partner
TL ID: Ambiturnal
B.NET: Ambiturnal.ofreddit
Rank: Bronze
Race: Zerg-ish.
guessing you're from the US
TL ID: Monk
BNet ID: Monk.Monk
Rank: Platinum division 12 rank 15-20
Race Zerg
Don't know one person on this game, just looking for someone to game with and maybe talk strategy. I honestly feel like I have no clue what I'm doing half of the time. Hit me up if you knew me from wc3 also~ Foh)Monk
TL ID: Cabtn Ingame name: Cabtn Cabtn.abtin
Rank; NOOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Race: I play Zerg. Need someone to help me get better plz.! Seeking anyone
TL ID: zLnoEk
B.NET: zLnoEk.kinny
Rank: Gold Div 24 Rank 7
Race Zerg, any match up
B.NET: FroZeNN.pbt
Rank 3 Silver (hopefully can move up soon)
Race: Right now Zerg, but i Switch from time to time to Protoss. LF someone to practice some strats, and different scenerios.
TL ID: fams
B.NET: fams.fams
Rank: Gold, 7th-2nd
Race: Zerg looking for T and Z
TL ID: GoHard
B.NET: GoHard.zerg
Rank: (Current Platinum #5) (2000+ rank 1 platinum before reset as Mixy.mixomatosys)
Race: Zerg, looking for zerg vs any
TL ID: SoySauce
BNet ID: SoySauce.magic
Rank: Platinum Division 8
Race: Zerg
Looking for 1v1 practice partners and a 2v2 teammate.
Rank: 1v1 Gold, Division 6 (1900 Silver before reset)
Race: Zerg
I'm on at night, early mornings. I will play any MU, focusing on playing as Zerg at the moment.
TL ID: DemoninuHaunt
B.Net: Haunt.Demoninu
Rank: Just Finished my Practice matches. No Placing yet.
Race: Zerg. Just starting looking for whoever whos willing to learn with me or Cool enough to show me a few tips. I'm o pen to anything.
TL ID: Suffo suffo.suffo
Rank: Silver div 39, rank 13
Race: Focusing on Zerg rite now, but can also play toss
looking for strat talk partner, and ofc a 2's partner, any race will do.
TL: mikku
SC Beta ID: Cirno.thestrongest
Rank: Im plat 2v2 but copper or bronze in 1v1
Race: Zerg, would like someone to teach me terran though
Matchup: any
TL ID: nicehook
B.NET: nicehook
Rank: silver
Race: Random/zerg
Willing to help anyone with practice, and looking for advice.
TL ID: w1pe0ut
BNet ID: RebeL.wipeout
Rank: Silver Division, rank 8th
Race: Zerg, looking for any and all MUs
Timezone: EST
TL ID: Fantacy fantacy.fantacy
Rank: gold
Race: Zerg, looking mostly for terran practice partners
TL ID: StarDragon StarDragon.flight
Rank: Gold Rank Division (8 2v2) and division 11 (1v1)
Race: Zerg, I <3 zerg.
Seeking: 2v2 or 1v1 partner, any class, looking for ways to improve, and needing friends - been in beta 2 days xD.
TL ID: sLiniss
BNet ID: sLiniss.mafia
Rank: Gold Division 32
Race: Zerg, looking for any 1v1's
TL ID: nomsayin ID: nomsayin.nomsayin
Rank: Top of gold before reset, platinum now
Race: Zerg
TL ID: Highwayman
B.NET: Highwayman.highwayman
Rank: Silver (just placed)
Race: Zerg seeking any race. I just want to play A LOT of games with somebody. Terran is a bonus.
*I have my own vent server. I would prefer to play with someone that has a headset so we can talk about things after we play.
B.NET: WIT.wit
Rank: Copper was top 10 before wipe (stopped playing ladder for a while)
Race: Zerg; Looking for an active T/P/Z who know's how to duplicate certain build orders and uses steam/xfire. We can go back and forth