Here is a chain of emails between a craigslist user from the New York area, and myself. The link to the original ad is here: For those of you too lazy to read it, the guy basically says he’s pro at writing and will write your university term paper for money. It seems money will make people do just about anything as you will see from this ridiculous troll request. It initially starts out “fairly” legit (with a fake email address under the alias “david sholamby”), to hook the guy in with hopes of easy money on a subject he is apparently “familiar” with.
He also had a column entitled Love Apologizes to Virgin at Link - but it was volunteer writing and he got sick of working for free.
he's succumbed to the appeal of money before
Once the talk of money starts going, he is willing to write one of the most racist papers a university might see.
"Ok. Introductory paragraph -
Even though more welfare recipients are white than African American, the African American communities are particularly sensitive to their welfare recipients due to both lack of job opportunities and stereotypes about laziness which have been common to the African American community since the days of slavery. African American welfare recipients who engage in playing videogames represent a trifecta of negative stereotypes about laziness. A fair assumption is that this particular subset is a drain upon society; however, this paper will explore that assumption in light of the particular social aspects of poverty, race and videogame."
Notice at the end how he posts the chain of emails (neglecting to put in his own responses) and comments on how he knew the emails where racist but would continue to write the essay anyway. I think the best part is the fact that he actually put in some research to write an introductory paragraph. Also – AIDS, Cancer and Biker Gangs in his angry forum post.
P.S I do not condone trolling or racism, my friend gave me 10$ to post this here.
If you are bored enough to read the entire email correspondence. (read from bottom up)
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I appreciate your response, but due to my current financial situation I will be unable to afford your services at the initial price quoted. I recently stopped showing up to my job, stopped showering, starting drinking grape drink and eating KFC (and also had a very awkward sexual encounter with a prostitute - I guess you are right about the getting laid part). I did all this in the hopes of temporarily gaining a first hand perspective on escapism in welfare - and it worked. I realized that doing nothing all day is great, and I may drop out of school to play warcraft 3. Thank you for your advice but unless we can work out a more manageable price I'm afraid I'll be stuck writing this essay on my own.
On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 9:49 AM, Tim Lieder <> wrote:
You won't get kicked out of a class for racism. You won't get laid but you won't get kicked out. You will just have some very uncomfortable class disucssions. Hell, I took a class with the guy who tried to found the White Student Union on the University of Minnesota campus and he got a decent grade in it. (He also asked what race the Mesopotamians were because they looked semitic to him - that was weird - strange guy)
Ok. Introductory paragraph -
Even though more welfare recipients are white than African American, the African American communities are particularly sensitive to their welfare recipients due to both lack of job opportunities and stereotypes about laziness which have been common to the African American community since the days of slavery. African American welfare recipients who engage in playing videogames represent a trifecta of negative stereotypes about laziness. A fair assumption is that this particular subset is a drain upon society; however, this paper will explore that assumption in light of the particular social aspects of poverty, race and videogame.
Something like that. I can go with the drain on society perspective, but there's an infinitely more fascinating one that states that interactive videogames provide some of the best opportunities for learning the job skills that would make any manager happy including quick decisions, team work, the ability to fail without quitting and leadership. How are these translated into the lives of welfare recipients - particularly welfare recipients whose major job opportunities are usually entry level and repetitive?
Anyhow try something like that and address the racial aspects as best you can.
From: David Sholamby <>
To: Tim Lieder <>
Sent: Mon, February 22, 2010 10:48:47 PM
Subject: Re: I will write your term paper
Not to worry, I was engaged in a heated debate on an online forum regarding my topic today. I was accused of racism on one of the school discussion boards, and will be getting kicked out of my class unless I provide proof of research to back my claims. I need to pass this course, and your 100-150 dollar estimate seems more than reasonable. First I will need your help in actually staying in the course. You said you knew of some background, would it be possible to write a small paragraph to defend my claim of "African Americans on welfare who engage in online gaming are a liability on the tax system because they are unwilling to pursue employment opportunities" . This could act as a sample of your work and also help me stay in this course. I don't want to get kicked out of the class for racism (even though my claims are reasonable). I figure this will give me a good idea of the type of essay you could write, and also help me defend myself on the class discussion board. Until I clear my name, I won't be attending the lectures - any arguments/ideas from your end are greatly appreciated. After I sort this issue out, I will be happy to work out the payments for the actual essay (assuming they don't kick me out of the class that is).
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:50 PM, Tim Lieder <> wrote:
I apologize for not getting to you more thoroughly until now. Yes. I can definitely do this paper. For a 2000-2500 word paper, I'm estimate about 6 hours or $150. That's actually a high estimate because I want to prepare you for the maximum amount that you'd be expected to pay for this paper. If it takes me less time, I will only charge you for hours worked. Looking at the assignment, I am doubting that it will take me more than 4 hours ($100) but I don't want to estimate 4 and then have to charge you for six.
I would like half upfront and the rest upon completion. My paypal address is
And I recently worked on editing and gathering sources for a peer reviewed paper on video games and the digital divide and the benefits of video games in the education system. So I have that background and I should be able to write something that will please your professor enough to give you a B. And most of my clients are repeat clients so it's in my best interest to give you as decent a paper as possible.
And I definitely don't recycle papers. I always write originals.
Let me know if this works for you.
From: David Sholamby <>
Sent: Mon, February 22, 2010 5:22:41 AM
Subject: I will write your term paper
** Avoid: wiring money, cross-border deals, work-at-home
** Beware: cashier checks, money orders, escrow, shipping
** More Info:
I saw your ad for writing a term paper. I'm taking a 2nd year university sociology course. The focus of the paper is on escapism seen in areas of poverty/underprivileged social groups. I have a very controversial topic to analyze: video game use as a means of escapism by African Americans on welfare. The main goal of the term paper is to do research on a topic that has a "knowledge deficit", and I'm finding it difficult to acquire sources (and provide my own point of view on the issue). I am overwhelmed with work in my other courses, and can't find the time to conduct the research and write the paper before exam season arrives. I need your help to pass this course! I've asked many friends and searched online for help in writing this paper (and the professor is completely incompetent - never available to help any students), it seems craigslist is my last resort. My only baseline is that the game "DotA" in the online computer game "Warcraft 3" is a popular choice of escapism for those living in poverty. The paper is to be 2000-2500 words long using MLA citations and a minimum of 3 sources (online or written). I guess my main concerns are:
-Is this topic doable or should I coerce the professor into giving me a new one?
-Would you be willing to write a paper on this subject (or one on a new but similar topic)?
-What would the estimated cost be to write a paper of this length (preferably aiming towards a B mark)?
After we work out payment details I'd be glad to send you a more detailed rubric on what the professor is expecting for this paper.
On my last leg here,
David Sholamby
On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 9:49 AM, Tim Lieder <> wrote:
You won't get kicked out of a class for racism. You won't get laid but you won't get kicked out. You will just have some very uncomfortable class disucssions. Hell, I took a class with the guy who tried to found the White Student Union on the University of Minnesota campus and he got a decent grade in it. (He also asked what race the Mesopotamians were because they looked semitic to him - that was weird - strange guy)
Ok. Introductory paragraph -
Even though more welfare recipients are white than African American, the African American communities are particularly sensitive to their welfare recipients due to both lack of job opportunities and stereotypes about laziness which have been common to the African American community since the days of slavery. African American welfare recipients who engage in playing videogames represent a trifecta of negative stereotypes about laziness. A fair assumption is that this particular subset is a drain upon society; however, this paper will explore that assumption in light of the particular social aspects of poverty, race and videogame.
Something like that. I can go with the drain on society perspective, but there's an infinitely more fascinating one that states that interactive videogames provide some of the best opportunities for learning the job skills that would make any manager happy including quick decisions, team work, the ability to fail without quitting and leadership. How are these translated into the lives of welfare recipients - particularly welfare recipients whose major job opportunities are usually entry level and repetitive?
Anyhow try something like that and address the racial aspects as best you can.
From: David Sholamby <>
To: Tim Lieder <>
Sent: Mon, February 22, 2010 10:48:47 PM
Subject: Re: I will write your term paper
Not to worry, I was engaged in a heated debate on an online forum regarding my topic today. I was accused of racism on one of the school discussion boards, and will be getting kicked out of my class unless I provide proof of research to back my claims. I need to pass this course, and your 100-150 dollar estimate seems more than reasonable. First I will need your help in actually staying in the course. You said you knew of some background, would it be possible to write a small paragraph to defend my claim of "African Americans on welfare who engage in online gaming are a liability on the tax system because they are unwilling to pursue employment opportunities" . This could act as a sample of your work and also help me stay in this course. I don't want to get kicked out of the class for racism (even though my claims are reasonable). I figure this will give me a good idea of the type of essay you could write, and also help me defend myself on the class discussion board. Until I clear my name, I won't be attending the lectures - any arguments/ideas from your end are greatly appreciated. After I sort this issue out, I will be happy to work out the payments for the actual essay (assuming they don't kick me out of the class that is).
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:50 PM, Tim Lieder <> wrote:
I apologize for not getting to you more thoroughly until now. Yes. I can definitely do this paper. For a 2000-2500 word paper, I'm estimate about 6 hours or $150. That's actually a high estimate because I want to prepare you for the maximum amount that you'd be expected to pay for this paper. If it takes me less time, I will only charge you for hours worked. Looking at the assignment, I am doubting that it will take me more than 4 hours ($100) but I don't want to estimate 4 and then have to charge you for six.
I would like half upfront and the rest upon completion. My paypal address is
And I recently worked on editing and gathering sources for a peer reviewed paper on video games and the digital divide and the benefits of video games in the education system. So I have that background and I should be able to write something that will please your professor enough to give you a B. And most of my clients are repeat clients so it's in my best interest to give you as decent a paper as possible.
And I definitely don't recycle papers. I always write originals.
Let me know if this works for you.
From: David Sholamby <>
Sent: Mon, February 22, 2010 5:22:41 AM
Subject: I will write your term paper
** Avoid: wiring money, cross-border deals, work-at-home
** Beware: cashier checks, money orders, escrow, shipping
** More Info:
I saw your ad for writing a term paper. I'm taking a 2nd year university sociology course. The focus of the paper is on escapism seen in areas of poverty/underprivileged social groups. I have a very controversial topic to analyze: video game use as a means of escapism by African Americans on welfare. The main goal of the term paper is to do research on a topic that has a "knowledge deficit", and I'm finding it difficult to acquire sources (and provide my own point of view on the issue). I am overwhelmed with work in my other courses, and can't find the time to conduct the research and write the paper before exam season arrives. I need your help to pass this course! I've asked many friends and searched online for help in writing this paper (and the professor is completely incompetent - never available to help any students), it seems craigslist is my last resort. My only baseline is that the game "DotA" in the online computer game "Warcraft 3" is a popular choice of escapism for those living in poverty. The paper is to be 2000-2500 words long using MLA citations and a minimum of 3 sources (online or written). I guess my main concerns are:
-Is this topic doable or should I coerce the professor into giving me a new one?
-Would you be willing to write a paper on this subject (or one on a new but similar topic)?
-What would the estimated cost be to write a paper of this length (preferably aiming towards a B mark)?
After we work out payment details I'd be glad to send you a more detailed rubric on what the professor is expecting for this paper.
On my last leg here,
David Sholamby