I've commentated a couple of SC2 replays and just found out from the players that they don't want their builds revealed so that they don't lose any edge on the ladder. While i find that to be pointless for a bunch of reasons, i will respect their wishes.
That said, I need some good replays to commentate. I have a good amount of knowledge having played a few games myself and watched probably 100 of them with the added benefit of being able to discuss what was going on with the players. So PM me or reply here with the replay file and I'll do your games if they are any good and post them to youtube and start linking all the games i've done in this blog.
if you think you're up and coming and want your name known, this can be a great way to get there.
thats pretty retarded this is beta and probably alot of things are going to change. plus really what is this site to you. OH HEY I LIKE THIS BUILD ON LIQUIPEDIA LET ME JUST USE THIS NO PROBLEM
On February 22 2010 06:26 Sc2ggRise wrote: I've commentated a couple of SC2 replays and just found out from the players that they don't want their builds revealed so that they don't lose any edge on the ladder.
On February 22 2010 10:42 Sc2ggRise wrote: well it looks like i'll have some good games to commentate over the next few days
stay tuned.
Also if you don't know already there is now a replay thread for Beta, it would be sweet if you could commentate on some Artosis/Idra/Nony/Tastless/Day[9] replays :D:D:D