(1) What is the most popular way for Starcraft players to hold their mice?
(2) Is there a correlation between mouse grips and performance on a large scale?
In this thread, I only ask for two pieces of information:
(1) The mouse grip that you use. Please choose one of the following:
(A): The Palm Grip
"The most commonly used method to hold a computer mouse is what is known as the 'palm grip.' This method involves the user placing his entire hand onto the top of the mouse, resting his palm and the pit of his hand on the rear of the mouse’s shell. The mouse is held and controlled by the user pinching his hand together to hold the mouse between his thumb, the heel of his palm and his ring or pinkie fingers. The index and middle fingers are usually placed fully on the left and right mouse buttons respectively. A slight variation of the palm grip style is where the pinkie finger is used as the right side stabilizer to hold the mouse, with the index, middle and ring fingers placed on the left button, scroll wheel and right button respectively.
The palm grip is defined by the fact that the entire surface of the user’s fingers and palm make contact with the surface of the mouse and the contact points on the mouse are large and undefined."
(B): The Claw Grip
"The claw grip is another style of holding a computer mouse that requires a user to arch his hand and form a claw shape, pulling the mouse in so the rear end of the mouse is stabilized by barely touching the pit of the user’s hand.
The claw grip is defined by the fact that six contact points are made on the surface of the mouse."
(C): The Fingertip Grip
"The fingertip grip is considered to be a subset of the claw grip, where the user grips the mouse solely with the tips of his fingers. While this grip style strictly speaking falls within the ambit of the claw grip subset, it is a popular grip, particularly amongst proponents of certain genres of games, thus elevating it to the status of a primary grip style for gameplay. Unlike the claw grip, the hand is moved away from the rear of the mouse as the user is not concerned with stabilizing the rear of the mouse in his hand and wants increased precision and control of the mouse on the mousing surface instead.
The fingertip grip is defined by the fact that there are five contact points made on the surface of the mouse. Note that the sixth contact point found in the claw grip is no longer present (i.e. contact with the pit of the hand), which is a defining factor of the fingertip grip."
(2) Up until now, your best iCCup ranking. DON'T LIE. Please post both the letter value (D- to A+), and the number value. You can guesstimate for the number value if you wish.
I am going to compile the information so please follow the following format (or something somewhat resembling it) as it will make my job a lot easier.
Preferred Grip: "The Fingertip Grip"
Best iCCup Ranking: C-, 3400
Unfortunately the greatest challenge to the data is the fact that people living in the Korea timezone have a far harder fight for points than people living in the West. If you don't believe me, stay up late one night and play during prime time in Korea. I guarantee that if you earned your ranking in another timezone, you won't come out of a couple of hours of play ahead.