Where the main cast seemed gayer than before the start of the movie and the acting actually induces seizures. How the fuck did this movie even spawn a piece of shit sequel. This shit just pisses me off, when shit like this is brought up in conversation and the idea is pitched for it to be brought to the big screen just give the money to Spielberg a half ass attempt by him at least has decent enough actors along with an actual storyline.
I would have paid for the entire cast to be executed in the movie Schindler's List.
Worse yet, this movie is regularly televised - I've stumbled upon it being aired on Comedy Central multiple times this summer. Is it a movie that is SO bad that it has sort of an underground following?
Wow. That's... I don't even know what to say. Ok, I retract Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter and offer Zombie Doom as the new challenger. The zombies are guys with garbage can lids as shields, and tinfoil armor/swords. At one point, ninjas appear out of NOWHERE(No mention of ninjas the entire movie up until then) to save the protagonist.