Ace - 6 -------
0cz3c <-- from Ver
Ver <-- from Caller
Malongo <-- from Fishball
mikeymoo <-- from Mynock MrBabyHands HeavOnEarth <-- from Abstain Scamp <-- from nemY
Bockit <-- from Mynock Mynock < -- from Ver Ver <-- from Showtime! Tricode <-- from Mynock
Abstain - 5 ----------- nemY
HeavOnEarth Fishball <-- from Scaramanga
HeavOnEarth <-- from nemY Showtime! infinity21 Incognito <-- from Ver
nemY - 5 -------- fusionsdf <-- from Abstain
HeavOnEarth <-- from Abstain RebirthOfLegend MTF <-- from Showtime! Plexa
Scamp L
Ver - 8 ------- BloodyC0bbler Caller Scaramanga
0cz3c dreamflower
RebirthOfLeGenD Vivi57 iNfuNdiBuLuM
Incognito <-- from Showtime Malongo <-- from Ace LucasWoJ <-- from Mynock
BloodyC0bbler - 0 -----------------
Showtime! - 1 -------------
Ver <-- from Ace Bockit <-- from Ace
Mynock - 4 ----------
mikeymoo Ace Amber[LighT]
Tricode <-- from BloodyC0bbler
Bockit <-- from Showtime! 0cz3c <-- from Ace mikeymoo <-- from Ace
Fishball - 0 ------------
Caller - 0 ----------
Scaramanga - 0 ----------
Total - 29 ----- Ver - 8 Ace - 6 nemY - 5 Mynock - 4 Showtime! - 1 Abstain - 5
Non-voters - 1 ----- Camlito
Voting will close in 30 minutes. Again, please send me your actions if you are a competitive candidate.
fuck this.
I change my vote to Caller, because he is <3
c u l8r
Feel free to PM me for reasoning besides the fact that caller is a pimp.
Voting is closed!
Final count:
Ace - 6 -------
0cz3c <-- from Ver
Ver <-- from Caller
Malongo <-- from Fishball
mikeymoo <-- from Mynock MrBabyHands HeavOnEarth <-- from Abstain Scamp <-- from nemY
Bockit <-- from Mynock Mynock < -- from Ver Ver <-- from Showtime! Tricode <-- from Mynock
Abstain - 5 ----------- nemY
HeavOnEarth Fishball <-- from Scaramanga
HeavOnEarth <-- from nemY Showtime! infinity21 Incognito <-- from Ver
nemY - 4 -------- fusionsdf <-- from Abstain
HeavOnEarth <-- from Abstain
RebirthOfLegend MTF <-- from Showtime! Plexa
Scamp L
Ver - 8 ------- BloodyC0bbler Caller Scaramanga
0cz3c dreamflower
RebirthOfLeGenD Vivi57 iNfuNdiBuLuM
Incognito <-- from Showtime Malongo <-- from Ace LucasWoJ
BloodyC0bbler - 0 -----------------
Showtime! - 1 -------------
Ver <-- from Ace Bockit <-- from Ace
Mynock - 4 ----------
mikeymoo Ace Amber[LighT]
Tricode <-- from BloodyC0bbler
Bockit <-- from Showtime! 0cz3c <-- from Ace mikeymoo <-- from Ace
Fishball - 0 ------------
Caller - 1 ----------
Ver RebirthOfLeGenD
Scaramanga - 0 ----------
Total - 29 ----- Ver - 8 Ace - 6 nemY - 4 Mynock - 4 Showtime! - 1 Caller - 1 Abstain - 5
Non-voters - 1 ----- Camlito
Day 2 vote:
I vote for nemy
Voting for day 2 is open! Vote to lynch someone and if you would like to double lynch here.
changing my Day 2 vote to Ver.
I vote for BloodyC0bbler
Reason: Fishball
Double lynch/I vote for Ver
I vote to lynch Plexa. Die Mafia.
I change my vote to Dreamflower from Ver
Reason: L yelled at me . (Also read the analysis of her).
4492 Posts
You guys are acting really stupid here.
I vote for ace because I'm not playing a mafia game until Ace dies
Sydney2287 Posts
I vote for Ver
See thread for why.
I vote for Ace and Double Lynch.
Oh, and I vote for double lynch.
I for once agree with malongo, I vote to lynch plexa