After my discussion with the adviser within the NSSA, I learned that with all my credits that will be able to transfer over, nearly all my liberal arts, gen ed, and electives are covered. All I need to do is take the core classes, co-ops, and related math classes. Depending if I double major (by adding an Informational Forensics) or not I should be able to complete my degree within 2-3 years.
I spoke with an officer about the ROTC program, and unfortunately because I am not a freshmen/sopho, and not yet a full-time student of RIT, I am not eligible for the ROTC program. So much for that.
I'm going to be researching other scholarships/grants I may be eligible for to assist me further with financial aid.
Any advice on what else I can do besides FAFSA/TAP, please share. Thanks!