This is the reenacted conversation.
Bisu: hey fantasy iluvyou<3 let's not practice and have fun kk? Fantasy: all right homie </3 *sneaky thoughts in his headzorz* -later- Fantasy: hey jangbi, stork, and kal would you like to get revenge on the guy that rapes you in the butt all the time? Gaytosses: kk lawlz Fantasy: muahahahhaa
after OSL final.... Fantasy: kekeke bisu lawl nub Bisu: WTF YOU CAN"T BEAT ME WITHOUT PRACTICE YOU HOMO Fantasy: NOW I WILL FINALLY GET MY GOLD KEKEKE Bisu: You. My room. Tonight. No pants. No lube. Fantasy: NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Several painful hours later, Fantasy limps back to his room, face caked with salty tears of buttrape
CA10824 Posts
Valhalla18444 Posts
Holy shit..Ban him please..fucking terrible..at what point did you think this shit was even remotely funny as you typed it? Surely this couldnt have sounded clever even in your head..you poor feeble minded child.
Ok maybe banning is extreme, but his posts clearly needed to monitored before they actually get posted..maybe implement some sort of mod post review feature. But god..keep your day job.
Please tell me you are drunk as hell
here's another one.
*Jangbi picked up the phone* - hello? who is this? - you helped Fantasy practiced right? - what? - Hey I'm definately gonna help Luxury practice. We'll see. - Bisu? - *disconnected*
I hope they ban by IP. Fucking idiot.
What bothers me is the fact that this thread was made like way after the games lol.
LMFAO. Come on guys, that's pretty funny