My name is Jeff, and I live in Sacramento, California (US). Roughly eleven years ago, my sister's boyfriend saw that I was a gamer and wanted to introduce me to Starcraft. The idea sounded interesting, and I had zero experience with RTS games (which sounded fascinating). Needless to say, the rest is history. I fell in love with the game, and have played countless games with a couple of friends of mine over b-net. It still remains my favorite RTS game (by far), as well as my favorite game by Blizzard (I play my share of the Diablo series as well, with a little WC3 mixed in).
My skill in SC is definitely nothing to write home about, if write about at all. Haha. I suppose the casual attitude my friends and I play with hasn't pushed me to improve, but I am finding myself desiring to really improve my game these days. For several years, I was simply a point and click player, with hot keys being foreign affairs. Just recently did I actually decide to implement them into my play (and now I wonder how I ever got by without them).
Anyway, as for following professional Starcaft, I was a casual youtube replay observer for about a year, but just the last month or so have I sank my feet into following the live competition and the TL community regularly. Following these 4 leagues has become a fast love, much like baseball and (American) football did when I was a child.
As for teams and players, my favorite team is SKT1, but I also really like Samsung Kahn. My favorite players are BeSt, Bisu, and Stork. I also like Piano, Light(ALive), and yes, even firebathero. Players you won't find me rooting for wouldn't be a long list, but Kwanro and Jaedong aren't going to get much love right about now.
As a last note, my favorite race is Protoss, closely followed by Terran. I quite dislike Zerg. :D