I'm looking for a Terran practice partner around D to D+ level. I just want to practice with someone at my level who won't bunker rush me or do some gay proxy crap.
Are there any D level clans around?
Finally after my last blog, I started playing Zerg. I went on ICCUP and played 18 games in the past 2 days!! I've never played more than 10 games on any icc account until now and I got to D+ for the first time ever!
I suck horribly and really need to practice more. Looking for a solid blue rank by the end of next season (ya I can dream)
Record: 11-7 (ZvZ 3-1) (ZvP 4-3) (ZvT 4-3)
Zerglings have become my best friend in all my matchups, really.
ZvZ, I haven't made 1 mutalisk yet.
ZvP,win from zergling runby and another from a drone drill.
ZvT, 3 wins with 2 hatch lings. Was 2 hatch mutaing all three times, but they gave me too much of an opening.
edit: Sry if I sounded like an ass in this blog. It sounded like someone was mocking me in the game I played, so I'm guessing it was due to this post. Really am sorry