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Patch 9.10: Live on May. 14, 2019
Yuumi will be released during Patch 9.10. To find out more about her check out the following links!
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I'm a bit confuse with the Yi Alpha strike change. If you are in a 1v1 duel, do you strike the 4x the same target ?
On May 15 2019 01:21 FaCE_1 wrote: I'm a bit confuse with the Yi Alpha strike change. If you are in a 1v1 duel, do you strike the 4x the same target ? Yeah I think so. I'll check in a practice game later, but a 75% damage increase on single target which is kinda insane. I guess this also makes his jungle clear a lot better depending on where the bonus damage is applied.
Slightly made up for by the 10% AD nerf. It puts a lot more of his damage into alpha for 1v1 in combination with the rageblade nerf.
Did you just absorb it mid attaching? After having watched the video I still have no clue what she does except look cute.
The Runic Echoes buff is nice but I still preferred the old AP JG item with MS.
Yuumi seems.... Awful. Her numbers feelso incredibly low its almost ridiculous. Like your Q level one does less damage than an auto attack from a caster minion and the cooldown is so long. I think you lose trades even if you manage to get into 500 auto range without being hit to proc shield aggressively, and then manage to use your passive shield to save your ADC. She also literally has 50 HP less than Sona at level 1, and lower armor and magic res? Like... how do you not insta die in lane?
That 30% winrate is literally equivalent to being 4v5 IIRC.
Her ult seems pretty good, and her kit seems interesting... But yikes.
On May 15 2019 16:33 iCanada wrote:Yuumi seems.... Awful. Her numbers feelso incredibly low its almost ridiculous. Like your Q level one does less damage than an auto attack from a caster minion and the cooldown is so long. I think you lose trades even if you manage to get into 500 auto range without being hit to proc shield aggressively, and then manage to use your passive shield to save your ADC. She also literally has 50 HP less than Sona at level 1, and lower armor and magic res? Like... how do you not insta die in lane? https://lolalytics.com/ranked/worldwide/9.10/platinum/plus/champion/Yuumi/Support/That 30% winrate is literally equivalent to being 4v5 IIRC. Her ult seems pretty good, and her kit seems interesting... But yikes.
The 500 AA range is terrible. She does less damage than other enchanters, she's squishier than other enchanters AND she's a worse enchanter than them anyways. All for some cool mechanic.
I've played her a bit now.
I think she doesn't need Flash shaco style. You have no real aggressive playmaking or catching ability, and you're inserts dead if caught in cc anyway, but you're so hyper mobile with W that basically any other time you want to flash you probably have a teammate to weave to or you're an idiot and shouldn't be there anyway. So having 2x combat summs helps your Lane a fair bit. She does suffer a bit from a hybrid thresh lantern / Lee W syndrome though.
She also seems like she wants to support diving champions more than like an arc. Zoomies awesome for driving, her auto range isn't an issue when they actively trying to peel an irelia or something, and RWE is essentially free full team root. Only game I won out if eight was with a wukong jungle and despite personally feeding in Lane, and monkey only being marginally ahead, we kinda just 2v5d team fights.
I think she really needs a slight auto range increase or maybe the ability to proc passive with Q, and I think her Q damage should be increased drastically... But I think there is a high skill floor champ in there somewhere. Although I basically fed unscrupulously for 8 straight games, so what do I know. Lol.
Honestly lets just commend Riot for managing to release a champion that isn't busted at launch
How does she interact with stealth? Does she turn invisible too or is there just this innocent small kitty flowing towards you and then wham! you get one-shot by Eve? Follow Shen/Nocturne/TF?
When she attached to a stealthed champ she stealthed too using their mechanic.
Lol. They just buffed her base stats, added 30 HP to her passive shield, buffed her Q by 10%, hard buffed Q slow, buffed her E heal by 20%, buffed her Ult damage by 7% to 18%. Literally her entire kit.
On May 16 2019 13:54 JimmiC wrote: I think once people figure her out she is going to be pretty decent. Its going to be the not feeding early that will be hard.
Good god it is hard. Sona been memed on for being squish for years... yet Yuumi is literally 16% squishier than Sona with less auto range and a longer attack windup.
To be honest, I don't think Yuumi is that complex. It might be a bit mechanically intense to play her properly, but its not intellectually difficult. I've seen tons of players play pretty smart, but if they clicked a bit wrong, they were now at 25% and burning all the pots at level 1.
I think Yuumi is hard to play and execute on, but I dont think its a mechanical thing. Its a different playstyle than normal enchanters the way Singed is different than other tanks, ya know? Or Ivern is different than other junglers.
She does weird shit in a way no one else really does and a lot of her power is invested into it. Probably take 20 to 50 games to really grasp her positioning and feel comfortable with it in all game situations for example. And her abilities interact and require her teammates to be played with full potential; her mobility relies on her teammates understanding and being mindful of her W and her best ability / play of enabling melee dive champs is something thats much easier with pro style comms. Idk, shes kinda like Singed mixed with Taric in that regard.
I disagree. Poke and run is basically the most common tactic in LOL. The problem I saw prepatch was that, unfortunately, that was her best tactic, and it also was mostly a losing tactic for her. She was basically Sona without Q and crappy range in lane. If her W disjointed autos or something like that, I'd agree she is hard, because dissapearing autos would be a great skill. But that is not a thing you can do.
After finally getting another game on her and realizing you can activate actives while attached to someone, I'm thinking glacial augment GLP/twinshadows Yuumi. The specific game I just played had myself and a master Yi, so eventually I just attached to him, twin shadows'ed and ulted. Even without glacial augment it worked alright, I can't imagine with a more pronounced slow