On July 14 2018 08:32 Latham wrote:
Hey, I made a quick list of players from TL so in the future no one will have to go back 5 or 10+ pages to check the friend codes:
TL name Go name Friend code
if you guys would PM me the remaining missing info, I'd complete this list and maybe ask a mod to pin it to the first post or first page?
UGH, i suck a TL formatting.
Hey, I made a quick list of players from TL so in the future no one will have to go back 5 or 10+ pages to check the friend codes:
TL name Go name Friend code
- bObaZ bObiNhaS 4090 5518 5757
- Latham LathamTK 1866 0647 2083
- BlueStar Stegocefal 7131 7251 6252
- Ahswtini ahswtini 7987 1441 2187
- dAPhREAk pokeachickk 6419 5527 7497
- WindWolf AxelRantila 2056 5680 3253
- Lestye lestye 9939 4281 5846
- cLutZ ClutzLutz
- Anlo 201cm 4489 6214 3859
- Hasuprotoss hasuprotoss
- MastrChiefr MastrChiefr 1631 7722 3072
- FuRong 5774 5550 8005
- mordek Mordek77 0286 8832 0751
if you guys would PM me the remaining missing info, I'd complete this list and maybe ask a mod to pin it to the first post or first page?
UGH, i suck a TL formatting.
and now i am realizing where all of these friend requests are coming from, lol. may be nice to put the location too so we know the best distance eggs. im from SF.