Thanks Artanis/Radley, especially as that was short notice after the player change.
We have just three weeks left to go. 3 players have been substituted at this point. However, we have got all 3 replaced and you guys have managed to keep it going so thank you very much for that.
If anyone else finds that they are too busy to play at any point, that is ok, I dont want this tour to feel like a burden. If a player drops from here onwards, I possibly wont look for a replacement. Instead we can just carry on and skip that series. If you as a player arent able to play 1 week, rather than drop out completely, Ill just continue to post the lineup for each week, and if you are able to rejoin back in again later on, that will work just fine.
So lets crack on!
Week 5 starts tomorrow (Monday the 18th of June).
Best of luck.
As for week 3 match me vs Oya I think we are set for today 20 cest. I may be late though for around 30 minutes due to my working schedule for today, so maybe lets meet on 21 cest if its okay for you Oya.
Ah brilliant, looking forward to watching that series, thanks Favorit/CadenZie.
CadenZie is flying to South Korea right about now. Obviously that is a pretty big change in circumstances so I expect she will be very busy now. Huge congratulations and I wish you good luck!
Like I said in my last post, Ill just continue to post the lineup for each week anyway, and if any of you guys are able and want to play your match up then great.
Week 6 starts tomorrow (Monday the 25th of June).
Good luck.
Good news; CadenZie's snake Cello is going to be filling in for her while she is in Korea. So Cryoc if you would like to message the snake and organise those games. Apparently he has very good multitasking. + Show Spoiler +actually Im just joking. Pet snakes cant play video games with keyboards. (But they can play with mice...)
Thankyou Radley for posting those results, thats all been added to the OP.
By the way, as we are nearing the end of the tournament, I just wanted to ask you guys how are you getting on with the maps? Are you getting more familiar with them, has it been easy to get used to them? Any problems? Are they fun?
United States1433 Posts
The maps are fun and simple to get a hang of!
Yeah, the maps are ok and kind of define Card Cup. However, I wonder why it is using exactly this format as opposed to rotate those two maps each match. But I’m totally fine with how you are running Card Cup
Thankyou for the replays Artanis/RedW4rr10r, added to OP (stats updated).
@RedW4rr10r: Well this tour was mainly to showcase Clay Fields rather than Crown And Sceptre and my thinking was that if you play 2 games in a row on the same map, its easier to "get your eye in" as it were. For example if you make a small mistake in the first game and you know straight away exactly what you would do differently next time, its kind of easier to stay in the zone with that thought if the next game is on the same map.
We are entering the final week of the tournament. Week 7 starts tomorrow (Monday the 2nd of July).
Good luck with your final match!
Planning to cast this in one hour, group 3
Or maybe not since calendar
Officially casting at 20:15 GMT (+00:00)
Thankyou so much L_Master, superb stuff, you are a natural.
The VOD of Week 3 can be seen here (starting with a TvP between radley and Oya): https://www.twitch.tv/videos/280171565?t=00h01m17s
Then a ZvT between RedW4rr10r and Cryoc time stamped here: https://www.twitch.tv
Then a PvZ between FavoritBW and CadenZie time stamped here: https://www.twitch.tv
If you are planning on watching these games, I recommend sticking around for CadenZie vs Favorit at the end of the cast. If you have time to watch just 1 game, Id probably pick Game 2 from that series time stamped here: https://www.twitch.tv
By the way, the VOD is longer than the actual cast because L_Master played some ladder games afterwards, so dont be put off by the video length.
That was your 7000th post L_Master.
He mentioned he might do some more casting tonight. Im not pinning him down to that or anything. Im only mentioning it incase it does come true, it gives you guys some advanced warning. If its at a similar time to last night, then it will start in about 5 hours time. So be sure to check the twitch stream: https://www.twitch.tv/l_master
Oh yes and if you like the infamous Nada's body thread, well the handsome and athletic L_Master went topless for y'all last time so dont miss it LOL. Im sure all the 80+ year old grannies who we all know lurk teamliquid forums will make sure to tune in now. You're welcome L_Master.
(seriously this is more exciting than ASL5 was. How often do you get to watch a korean superstar (CadenZie) fight against us mere mortals?)
Yep I'm planning to cast again today at 20:15 GMT (+00:00)
L_Master is live, just setting up now. About to cast Week 4. Oh and there goes the t shirt already lol.
Edit: Currently watching Artanis vs radley (PvT). Then afterwards its going to be Ty2 vs Oya (ZvP).
Edit: Cast finished, cheers L_Master. Here is the VOD: Artanis vs radley starts at: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/280528586?t=00h08m48s
Ty2 vs Oya time stamped here: www.twitch.tv
(he is thinking of doing Week 5 either tomorrow or the next day, same time). Again no pressure if you find that something comes up or whatever, Im just letting people know that it is a possibility.
United States1433 Posts
Going to try and cast week 5 tomorrow at 21:30 GMT (+00:00).
Will be casting in about 3.5 hours from now!