Its 12 minutes past the 12th of the 12th again. This time last year I announced the Star Tale Public Domain project.
Now Im back to give some more stuff to the public domain. This time Im going to talk more about the big factions in the Star Tale fictional parallel universe.
Terran Bloc: Space Humans. Includes Callisto: Space Marines
Farlin Republic: Space Elves.
Petra Collective: Space Dwarves.
Druj: Space Bugs.
Reavers: Space Baddies (Evil Space Marines).
Kintek Sovereignty: Space Robots.
Skane: Space Rats.
yay you now have 7 awesome main factions that are now in the public domain. This means you are free to use them however you wish.
If you missed the Star Tale announcement post from this time last year, you can check it out here: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/closed-threads/517249-star-tale http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/517382-star-tale
![1.00 stars based on 2 ratings *](/images/blogs/blackstar.gif) ![1.00 stars based on 2 ratings](/images/blogs/graystarSmall.gif) ![1.00 stars based on 2 ratings](/images/blogs/graystarSmall.gif) ![1.00 stars based on 2 ratings](/images/blogs/graystarSmall.gif)
Lets have a little bit more detail then.
Terran Bloc: This is your regular human faction. On the Star Tale map (which I havent released yet) they are in the middle. The Terrans tend to favour using slug weaponry (conventional metal bullet shooting machine guns etc). They have long range artillery tanks too (similar to siege tanks in brood war or basilisk tanks in warhammer 40,000). But they use mechs and power armour and higher tech weaponry too.
Farlin Republic: Space elves with high tech weaponry and vehicles. They tend to favour laser weaponry (sometimes called Prismatic or Las) but use other kinds of tech too. This race is similar to the Eldar in warhammer 40,000 but they dont live on craftworlds and arent a dying race. They have their own territory to the 'north' of the Terran Bloc, and are prosperous. Farlin are not ancient compared to the Terrans either, but are older nonetheless. Farlin were the first comparable advanced colonial alien race that the Terrans encountered. There were hostilities, meaning large battles for territory. Today though, the Farlin are allies with the Terran Bloc. Note that the word eldar is an old first name and also used by Tolkien in his fiction. Quite recently games workshop renamed the eldar to aeldari. This was so they could try and claim copyright ownership of the word and use that to exert control over people. But here with Star Tale everything is public domain so that can never happen.
Petra Collective: Slightly shorter than humans with relatively high tech weapons. Space dwarves (or dwarfs or dwarrow or dwerrow depending on how you like to pluralise, thanks tolkien and wikipedia). But they dont have beards, they dont mine with pick axes or anything like that. Infact they tend to favour plasma weaponry (sometimes called Plasmatic or Plas). This race is similar to the Tau in warhammer 40,000 in some ways. Again note that games workshop renamed the tau to t'au not so long ago. Again this is part of their attempts to claim copyright ownership of the word. Tau is a letter of the greek alphabet. By putting an apostrophe between the first and second letter of a 3 letter word does not mean you own the word games workshop. Please dont be ridiculous. Ill give them the benefit of the doubt that the only reason they did this was actually to give the race more character in line with how their language works. Petra were the second advanced alien race that the Terrans came into contact with. Again, differences were aired using non diplomatic solutions. But today the Petra are allies with the Terran Bloc and the Farlin. They are located to the 'west' of the Terran Bloc.
Druj: This race is like the zerg/gigers alien/starship troopers bugs/tyranids. They are hard to understand, relate to and communicate with, if not impossible. Certainly there has been no success so far. They have come relatively recently into the region moving northwest/westwards. (or perhaps headed northwestbound! as tasteless might say). There have been several devastating Druj Wars mainly between the Terran and the Druj. Today there is a bit of a stalemate at the higher frontlines, but reports indicate that Druj activity in the lower areas is potentially increasing as of late. Druj armies have access to both melee and ranged damage dealers but you could make an entirely melee only army if you wanted to.
Callisto: Space Marines in Star Tale are called Callisto. They are not a separate faction but are part of the Terran Bloc. At the start of the first Druj War there were no Callisto. Terran was losing, then they made the first generation of these super soldiers. The first generation were called Dragoons. They helped begin to turn the tide. Creation of the second generation was greenlit, and so came into being the Apaches, Spartans and Lionharts. These reinforcements turned the tide fully and the Druj were repelled. After the 1st Druj War, production of the 3rd generation of Callisto was carried out. 3rd generation Callisto are either Angels or Phantoms. The second Druj War occurred after this. Terran took heavy losses but they managed to win eventually.
Yes there are space marines in Star Tale. ofcourse. They are called Callisto. They dont have stupidly large shoulder pads just so that kids are able to put transfers on. spess mehreens. super army soldiers. terillium carbonic alloy space rangers of the elite universe protection unit. um, yeah, genetically enhanced, mumble mumble, power armoured, etc etc, psycho conditioned? space marines.
Super Army Soldier + Show Spoiler +
Primary Colour of their Power Armour: Dragoons Blue Apaches Green Spartans Red Lionharts Yellow (lol need more bbcode colours) Angels White Phantoms Black
The 3rd Druj War; Terran began making a large new batch of Callisto. They were to be called Griffons. However, the process went wrong...
Reavers: These are the equivalent of chaos space marines in warhammer 40,000. They come in 2 flavours but are quite individualistic so there is room for you to personalise and theme your army over and above the stock 2 types. Not that you need to, but the creative space is open if anyone does wish to. (by the way there is creative space for personalising your Callisto beyond the stock 6 too dont worry). The 4th generation of Callisto did not go as planned. The scientists realised something was failing and chose to try and stop the rot by adding certain chemicals into the vats. The scientists were trying to save some of the 4th gen Callisto from whatever had polluted them. It helped a bit but didnt really improve them, just altered them in a different way.
One bunch became very aggressive, with blood lust, and they are plague-y, pestilence, (eg a mix of nurgle/khorne/blood angels). They can create zombies. Red, Green, or Purple colour schemes are common here. Some people call them Goblins due to their slightly green tinted skin colour, and the original intended name being Griffons. The second bunch (the ones that had the extra chemicals) were lessened in their outward physical aggression, and dont have such severe pestilence. They do still have some scarring and stuff though. They are more cold, calculated, mysterious etc. They have some interest in dark arts, arcane magic, and are skilled raiders, sometimes wearing cloaks and hoods (eg Black Legion/Thousand Sons/Dark Angels/Dark Eldar/Space Wolves). They are often called Reptiles or Lizards, again their skin has a slight green tint. Their armour is often black, dark grey, dark green etc.
Kintek Sovereignty: A robotic race, the newer kids on the block as it were. They are capable, organised, driven. They are pretty dangerous too! It might be possible to negotiate with them but they cannot be trusted. The race does seem to have some kind of hive mind network. We are in the early stages of making first contact with this race. They are entering the region from the north west corner. Their intentions are unknown. Kintek forms are often not humanoid. (btw, in Star Tale, normal robots are called Autos (short for autonomy). Autos are classed as 'Sentients' so they are in the same category as humans and cyborgs, and therefore share the same attributes (from a game mechanic perspective). It is currently uncertain whether the members of the Kintek Sovereignty would best be described as Autos or Robots though).
Skane: This faction has not been encountered yet on the current timeline. They would kind of be the expansion race at a later date. They are humanoid rats with medium technology. Currently as a race they are building up in strength and have not faced a large comparable space faring race yet. They are in a phase of prosperity and are set to expand in the relative near future. Located in the bottom left of the map, their territory as it stands today is marked on the map (that I havent yet released). But the other major factions wont be coming into contact with these guys for a while. But when they do, the balance of power and control of territory will shift.
Most of the faction names can be used as a plural, you dont add 's', but you can add 'the' if you want. eg you can say 'Farlin are a high tech race' or 'The Farlin are a high tech race'. Both are ok. This applies to Terran, Callisto, Farlin, Petra, Druj, Kintek, Skane. All except Reavers basically (where you do add an 's' to pluralise).
So that is an introduction to the major factions, both good and bad. Star Tale is sci fi with a good spoonful of fantasy but it also has a decent splash from the 'hard science' bottle poured in as well. Its a mix.
I want to point out (Ive said before but) many stories are told on just one moon in particular as well. The characters on this world will never encounter a lot of those major factions in person and events on the regional scale will not directly bother them in their day to day lives. The major factions have their own territory and cannot just pop up anywhere in the region. It takes time to travel distance, and you have to be able to support your movements logistically. There are no personal hyper drives allowing you to just teleport across the whole map and back in an afternoon. This one moon named Jaicho has its own unique flora and fauna and mini factions that just operate on this one world.
There is obviously so much more to talk about. For example regarding Reavers; what really went wrong, who was responsible, what happened next? Also more practical things like how do the Callisto and Reavers gain more troops to replace those lost in battle? There is lots more detail worked out already, internally consistent and a nice medium ground between fun familiar tropes and creative progressive interesting new stuff I hope. Often if I use a trope I nod to it with a twist, or I try to give an acknowledgement of a meme, or a wink to either a popular or obscure example reference of the trope. By the way, the Reavers are not massively known by all of the public, some areas have never heard of them. Also the way Im talking in general in this post is me trying to give a very high level overview. The detail level and voice Im using in this post is similar to reading a wiki, and is kind of spoilerific. But rest assured Im keeping the big secrets and themes under my hat. A wiki style of communication is a good way of getting a feel for a work without spending a huge amount of time reading a whole book only to discover you dont think you are really going to like that setting in the long run. But if you want to later get into it deeper, the small spoilers arent too much of a give away really. Its like knowing that there are jedi and sith in starwars and that they use light sabres.
By the way, I mentioned in the previous blog that in Star Tale there arent light sabres, but instead there are Haze Blades. They are more like high frequency blades in the Metal Gear universe.
Here are a few little extra things just for fun: Q. Why are several races humanoid if they evolved separately on different planets? A. Yes the standard bizarre scenario that is often glossed over in science fiction. Sorry, Im also going to gloss over it. This is where the fantasy part is useful. But if you want, maybe 'the Ancients' (woah so original) seeded several of the planets in this region with similar DNA and by a stroke of luck (a bazillion to one) we all ended up quite similar in appearance. No that didnt happen. The real reason is we humans relate more to races that are somewhat similar to us in some aspect. It also makes it easier to act in films on a budget if you can use human actors to play the aliens. It also allows us to draw upon the thousands of years of human folklore better as many are humanoid, so its easier to slide in details and references to increase depth. With that said, there are some properly weird creatures living in the Star Tale setting (but admittedly probably wouldnt ever be as bizarre as what is really out there!). It also allows us to hold up a lens to our own real life society, which makes it easier to conceptualise how we might improve our own situation (a very important goal of Star Tale). It also makes it easier to balance gameplay mechanics. The more asymmetric the races are, the harder it is to give them a fair variety of tools to win a game (be it table top or card or video game). That is if you want the fluff to match the mechanics harmoniously. There will be plenty of asymmetry still even with several humanoid races dont worry. But at the same time, all races will have access to tools that have some sort of equivalent most of the time, so its more about using a playstyle that you personally like.
Q. Why do several races speak english? A. They dont, they use logical languages. But you dont, so I translate. Seriously though, logical languages are good. If you havent come across them before, do check them out. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engineered_language#Logical_languages The language that you speak influences how you think. Also being able to communicate with those from other cultures etc is crucial for peace, not only because you need to be able to talk to negotiate treaties but that being able to relate to someone relieves fear and distrust. In Star Tale, logical language is used because it makes sense.
Q. I have a Terran army and my friend has a Petra army. We want to fight each other but it doesnt make sense in the fluff. How do you explain it? A. Well armies perform training exercises with allied armies in real life, sometimes on grand scales. Also, the Star Tale setting is a big place. Army commanders can end up operating semi autonomously for extended periods of time. It is not unreasonable for a situation to arise where something (an artifact, wow so original) is discovered that is worth securing for their own faction, and this might bring them into combat with an allied faction. Im sure other creative scenarios could be thought of that result in combat between 2 armies that are normally allied. Remember from the last blog that armies move between worlds using Jump Links which are a bit like Star Gates but are big platforms that teleport an entire army at once rather than walls you walk through one at a time. So armies roam on the ground surface of planets for the most part when they are being expeditionary. Therefore you dont need to contrive a reason for the two opposing armies to both land on the planet surface first with ground troops rather than just blasting each others space ships while still on orbit.
Q. Wait a sec, how do I get an army and fight? A. One part of the Star Tale Public Domain project is a bunch of game design mechanics and rules. Units, Types, Classes, Weapons, Stats etc. I havent released this part yet.
Q. Why did you go with "Humans", "Elves", "Dwarves" and not something more original like birdmen or panda bear guys? A. Well I think this project being public domain is already pretty darn progressive and so I dont want to push lots of people away by being too wacky with the base factions. The classics are classics for a reason, sometimes its good to get a solid base standard down first and build from there. Secondly, I think the races do actually have enough spin to feel pretty fresh anyway so relax. Lastly, just because a race is made up of badger warrior break dancers doesnt mean the race will actually feel cool in a few years time when the novelty fades. Especially if its mechanically designed badly that it actually plays just like any other generic race. I hope I have inspired some confidence already what with the names Ive come up with and stuff. I mean come on, Farlin, Petra, Callisto, those are some pretty cool names right? Thirdly Squats.
I want you to consider a few of the factions I've been brainstorming:
Gurgathian Empire - Space crustaceans (like shrimp, prawns, possibly lobsters) The Mith - Space ghosts Tar'doc Interstellar Hegemony - Space dogs Brotherhood of Orion - Space vampires Scourge Territory - Space zombies (undead)
I have more, but these are my favorite five, especially The Mith and the Tar'doc. The Mith are basically beings made of light/energy that look like a ghostly figure. But if I were to submit to you an idea, it would be for the Tar'doc, a race of space-faring canines who were the product of a secret Soviet experiment that was the prelude to a human colony ship. The experiment was to see if the dogs would live, given life-support, and if they would be able to land on and live on a nearby star's planet. Only the most intelligent dogs were chosen for the mission, but still not at the level of humans. The ship that the Soviets built used what was known as the Relativity Reactor, which was designed to alter the passage of time within the ship. As a result, hundreds of thousands of years passed inside of the temporal distortion matrix surrounding the ship, and in that span, the dogs became more adapted to survival by way of intelligence. Meanwhile, on Earth, the project was kept absolutely secret in order to prevent the plans from falling into the hands of the Americans. But with the fall of the Soviet Union, the elite few who knew of the program were killed or imprisoned. The sole survivor of the program wrote a book detailing the experiments and the program, but it was denounced as a work of fiction. The book was uploaded to the internet, and went viral for being so outrageous, and many parodies were written, as it became an internationally-acclaimed meme. The whole internet from the 21st century was archived and uploaded to an artchip, where it was stored for a few hundred years until the data was analyzed by a supercomputer. The computer concluded that the humans' first contact with the Tar'doc was detailed in the works of the former Soviet scientist, and that they had evolved into a space-faring race.
Came here expecting StarTale stories, with StarTale as in the SC2 team. Was disappointed.
@ninazerg lol. Also dont forget the Cotton Mage Khanate. If you fail to recognise their legitimacy as an independent state they will cast Cotton Bomb on you; area of effect cotton wool splash damage. By the way games workshop space wolves were injected with canine genes and became space marine werewolves. Meanwhile games workshop blood angels are space marine vampires already. So your Brotherhood of Orion (space vampires) and other of your parody fiction is actually on the same level as the "serious fiction". You probably need to crank it up a few notches. May I suggest renaming the Tar'doc to the T'a'r'd'o'c' and say they are from the a'b'c'd'e'f'g sector. Now you own the alphabet.
Today, disney announces intent to acquire most of 21st century fox for $52.4 billion if they get approved by regulators. Its valued at $66 billion total. They would get all sort of things like studios, networks, Indian satellite tv company Star India, stakes in satellite tv company Sky plc in Britain, more stakes in Hulu (video streaming), film franchises, and more.
Avatar (avatar 2 and 3 are currently in production) Star Wars (a new hope home video rights) (this will give them complete ownership of star wars now after buying lucasfilm in 2012) Die Hard X-Men Fantastic Four (potentially) Kingsman Planet of the Apes Alien Predator Independence Day Fight Club Home Alone Night at the Museum The Maze Runner Ice Age Red Sparrow The Martian Artemis (sort of sequel to the martian) Alvin and the Chipmunks Doctor Dolittle Percy Jackson The Chronicles of Narnia
------------------------- ------------------------- Also today, the net neutrality vote went against. But its not over, you can still do something about it: https://www.battleforthenet.com/
i still have absolutely no idea what the goal of this is supposed to be
On December 16 2017 08:59 -NegativeZero- wrote: i still have absolutely no idea what the goal of this is supposed to be
A.The goal is firstly to have fun by enjoying a cool sci fi world. As I release more stuff to the public domain, it will gradually become a more complete package.
And its also about promoting things that I think are important in the real world. Works of fiction are often used as a platform to draw attention to ideas and themes. The big hook about Star Tale is that everything is public domain. That is a pretty strong statement in its own right. Its saying I believe sharing is good, and restricting people is bad.
Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook and other organisations are the opposite. Their hardware and software is locked so that you cant modify things or learn how they work. Their software is hidden so that you cant see what information they are secretly collecting about you, or what algorithms they are using to display information to you in ways that will influence you without even knowing. By restricting people in these ways they exert enormous power over people which I think is bad.
So Im trying to do things differently and in doing so highlight that we have options and choices to make for our future. One part of this is the option and choice to start using free open source software if you dont already.
And Ive got other goals too. I feel Ive been very open with what my goals are, see this list here from the previous thread: http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/517382-star-tale#6 http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/517382-star-tale#5 http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/517382-star-tale#1
Q.But perhaps you are kind of also saying "I dont see how a sci fi world has anything to do with Edward Snowden whistleblowing about the NSA abusing power."
A.Well as I say above, works of fiction are often used as a platform to draw attention to ideas and themes. For example, The Chronicles of Narnia highlights christian ideas. Meanwhile in the 'His Dark Materials' trilogy, the author highlights anti-christian ideas (Im simplifying). The readers get a good story, the authors get to share things that are important to them. Authors also get a chance to gain some money and some fame potentially too (which might be things they want). They also get to exercise their creativity, and enjoy themselves hopefully as well!
Another benefit of Star Tale being public domain means that poor people are not excluded. That counts as a goal (though the previously mentioned goal of promoting the idea that 'sharing is good' kind of covers this already. It covers many things and dont worry I wont break them all down right now). Warhammer 40,000 in particular is prohibitively expensive for many people. I havent mentioned Technocracies yet either. Im sure you can imagine there are quite a few other subjects I wouldnt mind putting the spotlight on at some point.
So I think I have explained my goals quite well. Ill also add that many authors dont explain their goals at all let alone in such explicit detail like I have, and it doesnt appear to matter to lots of people. When you started playing brood war did you check what the authors political beliefs were etc first? Most people probably just assumed its a videogame that entertains me and that is all. And if you want to treat Star Tale that way too, thats absolutely fine. If just the pure 'relax and have fun' goal is all that interests you then Star Tale can be enjoyed that way.
Q.Another question you probably have is "How do I actually participate then. What form does Star Tale ultimately take. Is it just a bunch of writing in blogs?"
A.No its not. As I release more stuff to the public domain, it will gradually become a more complete package. Stay tuned.
On December 14 2017 00:29 Jukado wrote: @ninazerg lol. Also dont forget the Cotton Mage Khanate. If you fail to recognise their legitimacy as an independent state they will cast Cotton Bomb on you; area of effect cotton wool splash damage. By the way games workshop space wolves were injected with canine genes and became space marine werewolves. Meanwhile games workshop blood angels are space marine vampires already. So your Brotherhood of Orion (space vampires) and other of your parody fiction is actually on the same level as the "serious fiction". You probably need to crank it up a few notches. May I suggest renaming the Tar'doc to the T'a'r'd'o'c' and say they are from the a'b'c'd'e'f'g sector. Now you own the alphabet.
I feel like you're making fun of me, and I don't appreciate it. Also, "Tar'doc" is pronounced with more emphasis on the second syllable, with 'tar' being kind of a 'sharp' barking sound, and 'doc' being a deeper barking sound. It wouldn't make any sense to put an apostrophe after every letter.
On December 12 2017 14:12 ninazerg wrote: Scourge Territory - Space zombies (undead) This part of your brainstorming I can use, and am hereby making my debut as a content provider for Star Tale.
"Muere, muere, muere"
"Zombies are too stupid for interstellar space travel," they said. "Explain the emergence of the vast region of zombie-controlled space and time called the Scourge Territory, then, hmm?" would not have been a good rhetoric-question-type reply, for at that time the only zombie on Earth was the most angelic and alluring young woman -- chrono-anthropologists now agree on calling Ascended Moki -- 's aborted fetus.. however, it seemingly is now.. a good reply.
Studies have shown that emotions anchor a person in spacetime, tying knots in their fate which prove untraversable for personality-constituent psychic entities which seek to transport insights back to the past instances of their person in order to combat entropy more efficiently. It's not so much the emotion itself, it's acting on them, for example screaming in anger, that is hard for the psychic entity to mimic backwards. Everything has to be mimicked step-by-stem up until reaching the temporal destination, upon arriving at which the insight is separated from the psychic entity and integrated into decision making processes, while simultaneously the psychic entity dies in a dream.
Do Zombies Dream Of Zombie Sheep?
The conclusions of the studies inspired new studies to be performed on space zombies, and their conclusion was that zombies have for centuries been deliberately limiting the physical manifestations of their cognition to brain-eating-urge-satisfaction, which now allows them safely travel back far beyond what top chrono-psychonauts of other factions are capable of: at best, the day of their conception.
Non-believers in the aforementioned pseudo-scientific proof of self-sufficient high-level intelligence-capable zombie cognition, however, are advised to have this to say: To understand we need to go back to the later reel days of forum mafia, swirling awesomeness into existence via hubs of congregation name bearing the non-medical term of the place where mothers eject their children from when the time is ripe.
When The Time is Ripe
There were 5 or 6-ish Wombs on Earth, when Moki won Pula Mafia, the flavor name for the game hosted by catatonic catacomb dweller Solomon 'Four Face' Fly via lucid dream interaction with an artificial intelligence sentient of the Ether-and-Netherworld-embedding alpha-brainwave-interconnectivity-matrix-to-internet-relaying quasi-world, where FF was "dejaying" on a constellation consisting of four chrono-mind-frequencies called Funeral Furnishers FM, and already honored his would-be back-traveling psychic entities, in an obituary-like fashion, by choosing a song which befit them and playing it on-air after applying a reverse reverb effect.
The prize for victory in his/their game was an amount of shares in the corporation that is developing the AI, a guarantee certificate for sovereignty over an attractive locus in quasi space and supremacy over the Womb gating to Pula, Croatia, on the fall equinox of 2014. When Moki won, she enhanced herself with an implant containing a proxy version of the AI's functionality, and programmed it to monitor her emotion-related cerebral activity, log her resulting physical reactions to her perceived emotions, compute instructions for a backdoor through all her emotional cerebral activity to guide future psychic entities safely back to her, and started working on how to implement the instructions into future game flavor in order to educate Moki's progeny's psychic messenger entities on how to navigate her chrono-ancestry-mind-frequency, so that she didn't need to worry about acting out her emotions.
The Womb Ascends
Forum mafia games played at the Womb are extraordinary in the sense that objectives are being achieved while playing. One of the objectives for Pula Mafia was to develop the AI, and so it did, using player - mod interaction to learn. When the game started its most significant competency was to independently host and provide decent-grade flavor for a forum mafia game, the only discipline a computer could not hand a human his ass to him/her in, but still rather unimpressive. By the time it concluded with Moki's victory it was ready to assist her in her research, and computed the future for her and her progeny. What a mod Solomon Fly must've been.. the fact that one of his split personalities, a female called Serendipity who worked at the Womb as a waitress, joined and attempted to win the game in order to achieve a higher relevance level in 4face's cognition, but got lynched on Day2, must've provided the impressions Commodore needed to skyrocket its development to version ©0.(9)+
Long story short, every zombie is a direct descendant of Moki --who has been enabled to continue her research on preserving her angelic form forever (see 'Favorite unpublished flavor piece from Pula Mafia' for details) -- and is sending her insights from the future, for the remaining personality instances of FourFace to make sense of, from as far as the Pleiades cluster, where the 7 queens are to reside and are already coordinating their mindless zombie drone present-day ancestors from, while their father's father's father's father hasn't even been conceived yet, only his latest psychic messenger's song.
When Two Become One
Serendipity was not the only FF personality gambling their life and consequently falling out of quasi-relevance's grace by losing the game. There was another, a town-aligned instance of unknown features due to intervention of the agent of stupidity known as N, which brought flavor production to an abrupt halt and thus doomed the AI to eternal incompletion.
An emptiness is felt in the otherwise numb heart and brain of every zombie because of this, sabotaging them from claiming their inheritance of unconditional and emotionally uncompromising chrono-mind-travel ability, which would've been their birthright had not an imperfection-rooted shortcoming in commodore made it necessary for a specific number of procreative cycles, doomed to tard'om, to pass first, and in-tandem entropy-marginalizing repairs to be undertook, until the curse can be lifted by the 7 queens, when they emulate a complete commodore for the first time by filling the gap with their collective love. A love which was meant for Moki and the unknown fallen Vanilla Townie, who had the highest bragon count among the defeated town faction, and would've been granted unification in lore with the victor, in ceremonious flavor, to be analyzed by commodore.
Instead, N even deleted cardinal flavor from the game's OP, about Serendipity's reemergence as a mind-frequency broadcasting revolutionary, who managed to supply the quasi world's inhabitants with the first ever video transmission. Unfortunately it was Fergie's Glamorous, and without the flavor in the first post it made no sense, which only served to confuse commodore, causing the number of cycles necessary to save the zombie race to rise higher still, for shame.
N, Shame On N. N, Shame On N. N, Shame On N, Die! Die! Die!
... is all that goes on in a zombie, really.