Star Tale is a project encompassing several aspects. It is public domain meaning you can use it however you wish.
It’s a fictional parallel universe. Star Tale is a collection of characters, factions, locations, technologies, resources, etc.
Star Tale is also a bunch of game design mechanics and rules. Units, Types, Classes, Weapons, Stats etc.
Star Tale is partly about esports. For a game to truly be an esport it must be in the hands of the public, under their own control. The best situation for the players is if they have total freedom to manipulate and play with things, alter things and learn how it works or improve it at will. You can host tournaments with autonomy. You can make t shirts and merchandise. You can use the characters in your own stories, films, games or adverts. You can modify and tinker to your hearts content, and then sell your work if you wish. All of this can be done without having to get or pay for a license, and you can keep all of the profits.
Star Tale is also about encouraging things in the real world. Learning about science, learning about history, and thinking about different ways of doing things. Logical language, logical calendar, base 12 number system. We are at the dawn of the information age, an incredibly important time. Edward Snowden has shown us we need to be careful and responsible.
But mostly its about having fun. Hi Im Jukado. Some people call me Juke, some call me Card. Some know me as CardinalAllin. This was posted at 1 minute past 10 on the 12th of the 12th. My first public domain release was earlier today, the Vaylu Tileset which you can see here: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/brood-war/517233-vaylu-tileset-public-domain
Edit: This actual post today has been posted at 12 minutes past 12 on the 16th of the 12th, 2016.
The original post above was made at 1 minute past 10 on the 12th of the 12th 2016. It was my first post using a new account named Jukado (which was created on the 1st of January 2016). I had planned to use the Jukado account for Star Tale related posts and keep it separate from my brood war stuff. TL mods want me to use one account, so the CardinalAllin account has been name changed to Jukado.
Before the blog was closed, Nakajin Canada 931 posts said: “I still don't have a clue about what is Star Tale, is it an actual thing, like a public domain program or website and if so can you tell us where to find it?
Or is it just a universe and everyone is suppose to contribute to that universe by creating their own project?
Or were you just super high?
Because right now what you are describing is a project made from stuff and rules from everybody, and that from some reason can be an esport. So I guess it is a video game? But then that dosen't tell us how or where we are suppose to contribute to this.
And also it is suppose to encourage learning about calender even tough, it is suppose to be created by everyone so noone know what it is going to be. And then something about Snowden.
Well I don't care that much, I needed something to get out of my exam studies.
Anyway good luck with your Star Tale, may your futur be brighter then the other Startale.”
If you want something that doesnt exist, build it.
If you want a double 6, you must first roll the dice.
I still don't have a clue about what is Star Tale, is it an actual thing, like a public domain program or website and if so can you tell us where to find it?
As of right now, the entirety of public domain Star Tale is just this blog post! The rest is simply documents and spreadsheets on my hard drives, pictures and notes in my notebooks, and ideas in my head. Star Tale is public domain so if there are ideas in your head too, I cant stop you from adding them into the mix.
Or is it just a universe and everyone is suppose to contribute to that universe by creating their own project?
If someone wants to contribute they can (because its public domain). Ive got quite a lot of stuff that I plan to release already. It might be a bit early to start contributing because essentially I haven’t released anything yet. You may wish to wait and see if Star Tale is any good, if it is something you like and if your ideas will fit in to form a cohesive whole first.
Or were you just super high? Im deadly serious (if you call attempting to have as much fun as possible as deadly serious).
On December 16 2016 21:12 Jukado wrote: Logical language, logical calendar, base 12 number system.
OMG! Marry me!
Hello Korakys, Ill pass for now
Why would you release everything to the public domain, are you barking mad? Yes, thats exactly it.
Yesterday Star Wars: Rogue One was released. Not long ago Star Wars was sold to Disney for billions of dollars. Also not long ago Minecraft was sold to Microsoft for billions of dollars. At some point you have to ask yourself how much money do you really need. Is this morally the best thing. Can we do better?
Early in Minecrafts development, Notch said "Once sales start dying and a minimum time has passed, I will release the game source code as some kind of open source." Sales of Minecraft never decreased. Once Minecraft became the cultural phenomenon that it is and started being used by teachers in schools etc, it would have been a really good thing if it had been released to the public domain. Many people supported the game because of that sentence.
This is one example of why Star Tale is public domain from day 1. I love Notch but this isnt about a person, its about having cool things in the public domain.
We dont want restrictive laws and cold blooded shareholders in suits or jaded veterans controlling it. Similarly we do want the most creative, valuable and passionate community figures to be free to thrive. Its best for the public if they dont have to worry about cease and desist orders.
Recent examples would be AnotherMetroid2Remake being shutdown by Nintendo, or Nostalrius legacy server being shutdown by ActivisionBlizzard. A similar thing was Oculus Rift being crowd funded but then sold to Facebook. Legally nothing wrong has been done but the situation could be much better for the public.
Star Tale aims to improve this.
Its much more than that though. Its about Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, the NSA, big data, privacy etc. I want to combat these organisations that are too powerful and are used improperly by those that own them.
I also want to teach about: -the history of scientific progress -the population growth of humanity geographically -how scientific progress is affected by war, politics and religion -personal computers, privacy and programming -finite resource management (arable land, water, oil etc) -improve the fibre optic network -encourage equality for different genders and minority groups in the tech industry -bring attention to freedom software (libre/free open source software) -debate about renting and owning houses -online payment options and anonymity -improve the laws governing the internet -the amount of knowledge the average person has today compared to 100 years ago. The importance of education. -free speech (merits and debate) -secret data mining -history of religion and greek culture affecting modern views -money, inflation and crypto currency
You wont get any hollow PR from me. All communication is direct and eye level. So lets get into it.
Take Star Wars, StarCraft, Stargate, Warhammer 40,000, Final Fantasy, Discworld, Avatar etc and mix them together. This gives you an idea of the 'world'. Its a sci fi setting with a bit of magic and plenty of guns, lasers, energy shields, hover cars, jetpacks, exotic animals, all of that good stuff.
In Star Wars you have light sabres. In Star Tale you have Haze Blades. These are much more like High Frequency blades in Metal Gear.
In Star Wars you can turn to the dark side. In Star Tale you can turn Cold. Thats just 2 random details.
In Star Tale there are Jump Links. These are like stargates but they are a big platform that can transport a whole army at once between planet surfaces.
War is an aspect of Star Tale but its not all encompassing like in WH40K. For example many stories are set on one particular habitated world which is in an area that is currently relatively stable. The Star Tale setting gives plenty of freedom for non war related stories to unfold. Its similar to Discworld in this way. But dont worry, there is plenty of opportunity for armies to do battle as well. For example in one area the Terrans are fighting the Druj (the Druj are similar to the Zerg or the Tyranids).
In terms of game rules and mechanics, I am inspired by Brood War, Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer 40,000, class based first person shooters like Battlefield and Neo Tokyo (the cyberpunk source mod inspired by Ghost In The Shell). Even Pokemon game design is mixed in.
Do you guys want to know more, am I wasting my time?
On December 17 2016 00:42 Jukado wrote: Do you guys want to know more, am I wasting my time?
Poll: decision 2016tell us more (11) 69% please stop (5) 31% 16 total votes Your vote: decision 2016 (Vote): tell us more (Vote): please stop
Canada8988 Posts
I didn't close anything, I am not even a mod
Its always good to exercise creativity but you're gonna need to have something more refined before you can expect other people to understand/follow.
@Nakajin I know you didnt close it. @Coagulation Alright lets carry on for a bit then.
Imagine an area of space quite near the centre of a galaxy. Now imagine a system and a planet, its a big yellow gas giant with rings. This planet has 18 moons, 2 of which are habitable. The most important moon is called Jaicho [cool name dude]. This is one of the main locations in Star Tale. Its where many stories are set and where many characters live. Its a lush planet with lots of colourful vegetation, many seas and lakes and forests that are teeming with life. But it also has grasslands and deserts and tundras too. Jaicho is oxygen rich and supports some pretty large exotic animals, some of which may be dangerous. So why did people decide to live there? read on
This moon named Jaicho has several Jump Links on its surface. These gateways connect it to other habitated planets and moons. Originally Jaicho was settled for resource mining operations. Later it became a trading hub for the area as it is a cross roads between the other worlds. Since then it has developed into a diplomatic centre due to its geographic location so it is important strategically and politically.
The people on Jaicho do not dominate the moons whole surface though. There are vast areas that are still wild and arent safe. Many species and factions live on Jaicho.
The capital city on Jaicho is called Alyxia. This city is culturally rich (in both the sciences and the arts). All of the above is now public domain. You now have the start of a basic setting that you can use if you wish.
Well you're doing it sorta backwards. You should probably pick a specific medium geared towards your strengths and start from there (novel/comic/game/cartoon etc) and after you have generated content you can attempt to get people to expand on the concept with you as well.
See the problem is right now you have an idea but thats not really gonna get you very far with anyone because honestly ideas are a dime a dozen. The thing that makes or breaks an idea is execution of the idea and that process takes a huge amount of time energy and skill to generate and you dont even really find out if its good or bad until its done.
People are generally more inclined to work on their own ideas.
Having said that.. keep working at it because its a great way to practice but I would drop the public domain thing because you have pretty much no reason to not take credit for your own hard work.
@Coagulation Why should I do things the traditional way. There is nothing traditional about this project as a whole. Whats wrong with doing things backwards? I am specifically rejecting the traditional way of doing things here. Im not necessarily looking for people to expand on it. Im just saying that if someone wants to, there is nothing I can do to stop them, and I wouldnt want to stop them anyway. Im not J K Rowling, Im the opposite.
See the problem is right now you have an idea I do have ideas and I have developed them too. Think about the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook or the Dungeons and Dragons rules. Many videogames are based on D&D rules. And the WH40K world is licensed out to other companies (more and more now). With Star Tale you can use the rules Ive made for free and with freedom, and you can keep all the profits etc. Im definitely not dropping the public domain thing. Thats a critical component.
...takes a huge amount of time energy and skill... Ive put in the time and the energy. Star Tale began 15 years ago, but Ive worked on it particularly in the last 3 or so years. Whether I have the skill is not up to me to decide. But hopefully Ive built up some trust by now what with (4)Crown And Sceptre and my brood war guides etc. Game design is a vastly different beast though, Im not denying that. Im deeply embedded in the video game world, films and music, but also board games, some card games (android: netrunner for example), and sci fi novels. I maintain large spreadsheets for these things (over a thousand entries in each) and study them critically, lots of notes etc. Ive designed and made and play tested board games, card games and video games. Id like to think I know my fair share about these subjects. You will have to see if you like what Ive come up with for yourself though because it is a subjective art form.
...its a great way to practice... Im not practicing. Mana spirits hasnt released yet, you arent a hardened veteran compared to me by any means. Your post has a bit of a tone to it and thats fine because I havent proved myself yet. Im just trying to be really honest, Im not trying to insult anyone. Like I said you wont get any hollow PR from me. Basically though you dont know much about me yet, you dont know how much stuff I have already prepared or what form it takes.
I want to show you all though. Its all going to be public domain for certain, thats integral. Hopefully you guys are beginning to get a feel for what this is all about, and see the potential here to make something pretty good.
Lets do a little bit more world building quickly. Lets zoom out from the moon Jaicho and look at a wider area of the galaxy. There are some big players vying for control of territory. Here are 3 of them: I mentioned earlier that there are the Terrans which are the basic human race. And there is the Druj which are similar to the zerg/tyranids. These guys are extremely dangerous. Unlike the tyranids they dont completely consume a planet and turn it into a barren rock though. They arent that stupid. There is also a robotic race, the newer kids on the block as it were. They are capable, organised, driven. They are pretty dangerous too! It might be possible to negotiate with them but they cannot be trusted. The robots do seem to have some kind of hive mind network. These dangerous robots refer to themselves as the Kintek sovereignty.
Great, now you have 3 races similar to brood war. All of it public domain. yay
btw, in Star Tale, normal robots are called Autos (short for autonomy). Autos are classed as 'Sentients' so they are in the same category as humans and cyborgs, and therefore share the same attributes (from a game mechanic perspective). (It is currently uncertain whether the members of the Kintek Sovereignty would best be described as Autos or Robots though).
About half way through last year when I realised SC2 ladder play was never going to transform into a game I could really enjoy I came up with a rough idea of how to replace the setting if someone was going to make a new, but similar style game. Here is the bones:
3 different colony ships are sent out from Earth to 3 separate worlds in, lets say, the year 2108. 200 years pass and each colony develops in radically different ways. The first (I didn't develop names but lets call them Druj after their planet) turned to experimental genetic engineering and made themselves into toughened and specialised individuals to survive their planets difficult environmental conditions. They ain't no hive mind and gameplay-wise take the place of Protoss. Mostly of Western/African background, a collective of individuals.
Next are the Kintek who are now more machine than man. They have central server "queens" that control swarms of robots. Obvious Zerg analogue. They are somewhat obsessed with finance. Mildly Indian flavoured.
Lastly the Sylec discovered abandoned alien ruins on their planet and have unlocked a series of electromagnetic energy projection based technologies (basically shields and plasma rifles, etc and maybe some teleporting gate). They tend to operate in small packs and rely on sharing energy to keep all their shields up and power big artillery guns. Majority East Asian.
So each society lost contact with the home Solar Federation some time ago and are slowly making their way through various dangerous planets and battling each other as they seek to return to Earth and find out what happened. Mysterious...
So, yeah, anyone can feel free to steal this idea.
@Korakys Now you're getting it! In the Star Tale world, the Druj and the Kintek Sovereignty are a bit different to what you have come up with, so I wont personally be using that as canon. Also, Star Tale is a parallel universe (technically galaxy really), so the history of the world may reflect the real world but isnt actually part of it (Star Tale is not set in the future of the real world like in your idea).
The Kintek are somhat obsessed with finance and are mildly Indian flavoured. mmm sounds tasty, though Id prefer spicy
Id like to introduce 2 characters quickly. After that we shall get more into some of the game mechanics perhaps.
First up is Gigi. (yes this is a reference to typing GG when you resign an online game). She is often seen sporting a yellow tracksuit. She is a teenager and a talented mechanic, Gigi carries a wrench. (yes this is a nod to Mario and Halflife Opposing Force Adrian Shephard with his wrench, and Team Fortress 2 engineer etc). A woman with a practical trade, and modest clothing. Gigi could probably be considered the poster child for Star Tale. She has prosthetic legs and she owns a few rare gadgets too.
Next up is Elin. He lives outside of the cities in one of the deserts. He is a young man who is part of a tribe that is nomadic. They travel about on wheeled vehicles and also on mounts that are quite large hairy animals (bigger than a horse). Elin and his friend Yanosun are adept wing suit users and are good marksmen with their iron sight rifles. I came up with Elin and Yanosun when I was 13 years old.
Im not practicing. Mana spirits hasnt released yet, you arent a hardened veteran compared to me by any means
I see.. Look im just saying you're gonna want to at least have a picture or two with captions or something if you're gonna tell people you want to build an esport to overthrow microsoft.
well gl hf bub!
When I read your comment, it felt like you were massively talking down to me (because you were). I decided to stick up for myself. In this thread I have been 100% honest about my goals. I believe it is important for me to be clear about my stance on subjects and my moral position. As for my goals, yes they are ridiculously lofty I know. Being so open like this can easily put people off, I know that too. You are a skeptic and rightfully so; I havent proved myself yet. But there is nothing wrong with being ambitious and there is nothing wrong with being honest.
I also promised I will talk to people at eye level. Thats what I am doing with you, Im talking to you like an equal. Please dont call me bub, I dont know what it means but I suspect its not very nice.
With that said, thankyou for actually talking to me at all. You are also being very honest and its genuinely useful for me. The approach I chose for this thread was a scattergun style, and the approach I chose to release Star Tale overall is a grass roots style. I dont think these are ways you personally enjoy the most unfortunately but it can be quite effective and its what Ive chosen to go for.
Also (luckily) Im just about to release some pictures. Just very basic paint sketches though. Talking about the magic system.
bub is like redneck slang for bro. wolverine says it.. Sorry if you got the wrong idea just trying to help.
On December 17 2016 23:42 Jukado wrote: @Korakys Now you're getting it! In the Star Tale world, the Druj and the Kintek Sovereignty are a bit different to what you have come up with, so I wont personally be using that as canon. Also, Star Tale is a parallel universe (technically galaxy really), so the history of the world may reflect the real world but isnt actually part of it (Star Tale is not set in the future of the real world like in your idea).
I was just using your names because they are free to use and I didn't have any.
Your presentation of your, er, system/secondary world is strongly lacking in coherency. That is why you have not been getting much traction. For someone who seems to so highly praise logic the lack of it in the providing of information about Star Tale is perplexing.
@Korakys, yep, I chose to use the scattergun approach because I thought it would be a really good way to build excitement. To give people a taste and a glance at all the different possibilities, and get the creative juices flowing! @Coagulation, no worries, apologies if I overreacted. Lets get into some game design finally.
In Star Tale magic isnt a massive thing. What I mean is guns and vehicles and mechs and stuff like that are are just as important on the battlefield. There is a magic system though. The Star Tale family of game systems are independent from each other (but synergise nicely). They are versatile (the magic system could be used for a pokemon style battle game for example). Each system is like a separate module that you can plug together or leave out. And they are completely public domain.
The reason I want to talk about the Magic System first is because it represents so many aspects of what Star Tale truly stands for. It represents cultural unity. It represents rational scientific thinking. It also contains symbolism for the development of the human race. Its meant to be really fun too! These things are so important to the project.
Cultural unity by combining both eastern and western traditional ideologies. Scientific thinking by being a tribute to Thales and Aristotle and the birth of rationality. The development of the human race is slightly poetic license. We came from the water, we developed on the land, we tamed fire, and we are heading for the 'stars'. Water, Earth, Fire, Air. This picture is just a little symbol for the Star Tale Project, I just made it in paint to get the idea across.
But anyway! The Magic System.
There are eight Schools Of Magic. See the following diagram to see how they are arranged.
You can see Air is at the top and Earth is at the bottom which makes sense. Water is on the left and Fire is on the right. And you can see Ice is between Water And Air, Lightning is between Fire and Air, Grass is between Water and Earth, and Metal is between Earth and Fire. This all feels nice and intuitive.
You will also notice that the layout of the 4 cardinal elements (water earth fire air) provide the perfect layout for a game controller like an xbox or playstation or snes controller etc.
In pokemon, there used to be 17 types (now its 18 with fairy having been added). Despite having so many types, there were only 4 counter triangles (where one element protects another but is weak vs the 3rd). Well in the Star Tale Magic System, there are only 8 elements yet there are 8 counter triangles! And they feel like they make sense. You've got the classic pokemon triangle of Fire, Grass, Water. And its got a Fire, Ice, Lightning counter triangle too (which is partly a nod to Dungeons and Dragons where these 3 elements were particularly prominent classically. This triangle is used in several franchises).
Here are the details of what counters what:
In word format: + Show Spoiler +Water beats fire, lightning, metal. Earth beats water, fire, lightning. Fire beats air, ice, grass. Air beats earth, ice. Ice beats earth, lightning, grass. Lightning beats water, fire, metal. Grass beats water, earth, air. Metal beats ice, grass.
Water weak vs earth, lightning, grass. Earth weak vs air, ice, grass. Fire weak vs water, earth, lightning. Air weak vs fire, grass. Ice weak vs fire, air, metal. Lightning weak vs water, earth, ice. Grass weak vs fire, ice, metal. Metal weak vs water, lightning.
This may not seem like much but its a huge amount of work. If you think how pokemon revolves around its table of counters to some degree, how central it is to the games and the tournaments, the battle simulators (smogon etc) and just the feel of the world.
So now you have something similar that you can use however you wish because its public domain. I like to think that its quite a bit better than the bloated pokemon system too The Star Tale Magic system is tightly designed, its intuitive, and it provides really solid and deep strategical gameplay.
All elements resist themselves. The colour for Water is dark blue. The colour for Earth is dark green/brown. 'Sand', 'Rock' and 'Soil' are associated with Earth. The colour for Fire is red. The colour for Air is yellow/white. 'Light Magic' is associated with Air. The colour for Ice is light blue. The colour for Lightning is purple/black. 'Dark Magic' is associated with Lightning. The colour for Grass is light green. 'Nature', 'Wood' and 'Poison' are associated with Grass. The colour for Metal is silver/grey. 'Magnetic' is associated with Metal.
'Light and Dark' spells are just a normal part of the magic system, they arent extra special, they dont override or anything like that.
Here are the 8 Counter Triangles: F>G>E>F F>G>W>F F>A>E>F F>I>E>F F>I>L>F I>L>M>I I>G>A>I G>W>M>G
Here are a few example counter squares: + Show Spoiler +W>F>A>E>W W>M>I>E>W W>M>I>L>W E>L>M>G>E
Other squares can be made by adding in an extra element into the triangles. For example: W>M>G>E>W W>M>I>G>W W>L>M>G>W L>M>I>E>L E>F>I>G>E E>F>A>I>E E>F>G>A>E
Grass beats Air because trees bend in the wind, and trees absorb sunlight. Water and Lightning interact in an unusual way. They are mutually super effective vs each other. So a Water attack is super effective vs a Lightning type. And a Lightning attack is also super effective vs a Water type.
If you want to see an analysis of which elements guard vs another elements weaknesses you can check this spoiler tag: + Show Spoiler + There are several types of guard: 100% 3 of 3 100% 2 of 2 66% 2 of 3 50% 1 of 2 33% 1 of 3
100% 3 of 3: Fire covers Earth (AIG) Ice covers Water (ELG)
100% 2 of 2: Earth covers Metal (WL)
66% 2 of 3: Water covers Ice (FM not A) Water covers Grass (FM not I) Earth covers Fire (WL not E) (is self) Air covers Lightning (EI not W) Ice covers Fire (EL not W) Lightning covers Ice (FM not A) Lightning covers Grass (FM not I) Grass covers Fire (WE not L) Grass covers Lightning (WE not I) Metal covers Earth (IG not A)
50% 1 of 2: Water covers Air (F) Earth covers Air (F) Fire covers Air (G) Ice covers Air (G) Lightning covers Air (F) Metal covers Air (G) Water covers Metal (L) Ice covers Metal (L) Lightning covers Metal (W) Grass covers Metal (W)
33% 1 of 3: Water covers Fire (L) Earth covers Water (L) Earth covers Ice (F) Earth covers Lightning (W) Earth covers Grass (F) Fire covers Water (G) Fire covers Ice (A) Fire covers Grass (I) Air covers Water (E) Air covers Earth (I) Air covers Fire (E) Air covers Grass (I) Ice covers Earth (G) Ice covers Lightning (E) Lightning covers Fire (W) Grass covers Water (E) Grass covers Ice (A) Metal covers Water (G) Metal covers Lightning (I) Metal covers Grass (I)
Therefore: Water and Ice synergise. Air disrupts the pairing. Earth and Metal synergise. Air disrupts the pairing. Earth and Fire synergise. Strangely it is Earth that kind of disrupts the pairing as Earth beats Fire, and is not weak vs Earth (same type as self). Lightning and Grass synergise. Ice disrupts this pairing.
Note that Metal and Fire are similar. Fire has the same strengths and weaknesses as Metal, and in addition has 1 extra strength and 1 extra weakness.
I really hope you guys enjoy the Star Tale Magic System!