this song rules!? I'm sure you've checked it out if you've been following this season's asl... honestly this season's games haven't been too great... but every tournament has it's own charms... my personal fave was the one with kelly clarkson and all the progamers underwater (hwasin bareshirted flash*)... And that ended up being a zvz final jaedong crushing of fake yellow !!
I like paramore now... I never would have dug this kind of rocky pop in college... songs like...
I don't honestly really dig this song, but I like this kind of "call to war" music nowadays, always was into radiohead/indie stuff in my warcraft3/college years 12 years ago !! But I had some moments with this song... pure freedom... like you're driving some tank into battle! There's those songs that just put you into. that. exact. moment. When you felt something and the memory of the feeling is amazing, just put a compendium on my mp3 full of 90's stuff (cuz broodwar came out in the 90's remember) and just other songs that have a "harder edge"
As far as the first song I don't really like metal, but I can appreciate good music, and it's a good song!
Hmmm, so I guess I like songs that get you amped, I could talk about other kind of feelings songs can give, but I'll leave with one last one... hmmm ... which amped song should i pick that represents my musical taste change....
Something like this: kind of in the middle of "going to war" and "poppy kpop party"
good for streaming and in a good mood
please share your amped up music fellow tl brothers... please you. 안영히가세요