Current iCCup stats: 18-21-0 2205
I have a pretty funny game to do a recap of. Right now I have Ahzz, who you may know as writing that like.. 15,000 word guide Zerg. I've improved quite a bit in the last day, I think I am over the hump and now I can start working on mechanics. However, this game took place before everything kind of clicked.
Onto the recap game.
Recap game:
I start off with the build I have been using ZvP. I do 9pool and skip the speed. Like I said last blog, I have no intention of doing a runby or trying to kill his cannons outright, so I may as well get a faster hatchery, while still forcing him to make cannons before the nexus.
Pretty solid build I think
The game doesn't start off too well as I scout him last (it's tau, so second choice I scout him) and I somehow miss his second gateway..
Yeah, fuck.
Now because I didn't see this, I thought he would just one gate tech as normal, but obviously he didn't and had I know about the second gate I would have made more lings right off the bat.
So, he attacks and I didn't even see that until halfway. Damnit.
So far, not so good.
I see that he sent zeals when he is about halfway and I decide to throw down a sunk... but he just runs by it.
Stupid fucking zealots
Fortunately I put another sunk in my base and he just runs away from that one too. By this time I had made a handful of lings and I clean up his harass? Can we even call it that, it was more like his zealots were just chillin' in my base. Regardless.
Zealots are just chilling but my zerglings were having none of it
Now this is where Protoss has been annoying me lately. They will open with usually go one to three corsairs and than stop me from getting a third because I have slow ovies at this point. This game was yesterday and I have since fixed that little problem of mine, but for the time being, this DT was annoying and gave me a lot of hassle. Much like Atrioc.
Whatta' bitch
Now because the Atrioc DT is not letting me expand, I don't have anything to spend money on and I start to work up a surplus.
Seriously, I am on like two base with four hatcheries and I have 1200 minerals? How is that possible. I dare anyone to have worse macro than me. Actually nvm, I don't wish that upon anyone.
I finally get a lurker out at least I put that at his choke...
The dreaded one lurker contain. PH33R THE BEAST!
At this point he has a few dark templar roaming around and hes basically stopped me from expanding anywhere and I am waiting for my ovie speed to finish. So like an idiot he sends his DTs to one of the only places I actually have detection.
Finally I get a third base up, time it took to do so?
lmao, wowwwwwwwwwww
In the meantime I setup a pretty contain...
Sexy, yes?
Until his units just walk right by half of it!
Awwwwww, wtf!
So because he didn't have to fight like half my contain, he rolls down to my base where I frantically try to throw up sunkens.
Morph, morph, morph!!!
Thankfully I survive his attack due to:
1 ) I had so much surplus I could morph a lot of units
2 ) Since I barely expanded, all my hatcheries were at my base and really close.
3 ) He didn't send reinforcements... which I sound found out.
So I beat back his army, go to counter his third base which he just had completed...
Looks promising, lot's of lings, doesn't look like many units from here either
He barely loses anything in my attack. His reinforcements flanked and owned me. Damn.
Throw all my money into imbalisks!
Meanwhile, while I am teching imbalisks, he is ruining my economy, which if you know, is poor already.
Ma' drones!
And...does it again...
My economy was almost non-existant at this point
I have a plan that I think can win me the game at this point. I know his main and natural are mined out, so I bring some units to the top right, near his 3rd base. If I can lead away his army, my cracklings can go and take out his only mining base, crippling him. Genius, right?
My distraction
My sneaky zergling squadron about to win me the game!
Go Zlings go! Do my bidding!
Son of a bitch!
Ok so epic fail. I thought he was as dumb as perhaps Atrioc is, but he was more crafty. He only send what he needed to send (I know a lot of P, even some good one get crazy with the 1a2a3a4a5a) and kept the rest to defend. Hmmm...
Meanwhile his shuttle keeps dropping and crushing my drones.
Yeah, what he said!
Finally I decide that I will just wait until he THINKS he is safe to move out, than I will counter his third, he'll return, but by than it's too late and I'l have the econ advantage. Genius, right?
Genius, WRONG! Things do not go as planned. First let's start with my attack. The screen says it all.
and now his army is like, fuck my base, I don't need that. I 'l just go crush his defenseless base.
That WAS where other army was. I kept it there in case he countered. I say _WAS_ there, because that force failed me so badly.
His base on the other hand...
Neither of us is mining at this point, so he is using every spare unit he has to try to keep me out of his base.
Basically, this game turned into a race for who could kill the other one first. My Imbaliks & some zerglings versus his monster army of pain.
Yeah... army of pain
So I bust through his army of probes, which surprisingly suck versus 6 armor ultralisks, and I start razing his base. However he is also killing mine and I have about 10 buildings left, he has about 20 or so.
He rapes the last building in my main, but what's this? I am not dead...
I could forsee this happening, so I had snuck out a drone earlier and made a hatchery at the top of the map.
Realising if I kill his main, hes dead, he starts to rush back to his main
Than... an epic standoff begins. It's the final countdown as his army of pain is making it's way around the bend, I don't have much time if I want to kill him. All that remains in my way of victory is one gateway, but an army of six zealots and one archon stand in my way as well. I had two swarms still going from earlier. It's now or never.
The battle begins.
One ultra, one gateway, 10 seconds until his army returns
Hurry you slow son of a bitch, they are seconds away!
Almost dead, fatty archons having trouble rounding the bend!
Celebrate good times, cmon!
At this time, I slightly outnumber his builds.. literally.
Thus concludes the recap
General matchup feeling:
ZvP: Getting a whole lot better. I realised more about expandind now. I was worried before about overextending myself too much, but I think I have got the hang of it. I was beating a couple D+ players today, I so I think I can start to work on macro and micro and get better that way. I got Ahzz's guide if I need it.
ZvT: The same as above really, I played a game earlier where I had so much surplus that I expanded four times to different spots, more of a joke, since I thought i was dead. However, he took so long finding and killing them that by the time he had killed two, the other two were up and running and I was reaping the benefits.
ZvZ: Still unsure about this one. I have a better build that I am using,b ut I might a well flip a coin, because that's my chances.
General mood: Pretty good. Like I said, I think I am over the hump. Took six days, but I think I can start to work on macro/micro more.
If anyone is interested in downloading the replay:
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