My game is coming along well. I'm getting to the UI Development phase after only around a hundred hours of editing including triggers, data, and terraining.
I think the map is about 2/5's to completion excluding story and cinematics. The goal has become to make the biggest map possible in the shortest time possible.
I realized I don't really want a sense of accomplishment. Since I've been listed on the rankings of numerous game ladders, SC:BW tournaments professional competition, SC2 ladders, tournaments, and professional competition and achieved things in many games from console to PC and athletics I really don't feel a sense of accomplishment from any of these things and only regret having done them.
I realized I don't really want to work 8-5 just to make money or for a sense of contribution. I don't really feel like I want to contribute to anything especially not society.
I want to make something great like Super Smash Brothers or Starcraft 1 and the way to do this isn't endless grinding. Grinding might give us a sense of pride or accomplishment but it doesn't produce results. Regardless of whether you are happy or you think you're being productive you might be useless and if you don't feel like you're winning at the game then it doesn't matter whether you feel productive.
The productivity feeling is useless and we have a productivity feeling from anything we do so there's no point to engage in challenges just to be productive. If you aren't excelling to the level you're aiming for then you aren't accomplishing your goal.
So this game is to reflect that and not to pay homage to anything.
Here are the initial videos which I am pretty happy with so far.