i wanted to try the 3.0 TRM and RRM today and found myself with unbound keys when it comes to create camera. I know it is an issue with Alt Gr as i was told on the front page but what is the current work around for that? Im using a german QWERTZ keyboard and downloaded the stable files in the german folder from the dropbox linked on the front page. I looked for an answer in this thread but wasnt able to find any. Am i supposed to get rid of add to control group to make create camera location work? As i see it there are no more free modifiers? Besides that great work with the core overall, i loved playing with 2.0 in the past.
[G] TheCore - Advanced Keyboard Layout - Page 417
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2 Posts
i wanted to try the 3.0 TRM and RRM today and found myself with unbound keys when it comes to create camera. I know it is an issue with Alt Gr as i was told on the front page but what is the current work around for that? Im using a german QWERTZ keyboard and downloaded the stable files in the german folder from the dropbox linked on the front page. I looked for an answer in this thread but wasnt able to find any. Am i supposed to get rid of add to control group to make create camera location work? As i see it there are no more free modifiers? Besides that great work with the core overall, i loved playing with 2.0 in the past. | ||
18 Posts
On November 15 2016 08:45 LittleChocolate wrote: Am i supposed to get rid of add to control group to make create camera location work? As i see it there are no more free modifiers? Besides that great work with the core overall, i loved playing with 2.0 in the past. Quick question, is it definitely the altgr bug or are you in a map on the arcade? I had the same problem on certain maps which rebound the core hotkeys. Load up a regular custom game and double check that it is infact the altgr key that is the issue. | ||
18 Posts
On November 12 2016 23:32 wand.mp3 wrote: Hi guys, I am using the core TRM and i would like to know, how u use ure 9 control groups with it. iam not only interested in the type of control group, but also witch key u use for it. I use TRM too, there are actually suggested hotkeys for each race on The Core Master Spreadsheet in the tabs at the bottom: docs.google.com I use the defaults but I find it difficult to use more than 6 groups due to the placement of the pinky finger groups. My setup is as follows: J - Scouting/Harassment group H - All Production ; - CCs P - Main Army (Marine/Marauder/Medi etc) [ - Secondary units (Siege units like libs/mines/tanks or Spellcaster units that come before Marines in the grouping, e.g. Ghosts or Ravens). - - 3rd Group for Siege units if I'm using Spellcasters on [. Otherwise this is spare for things like vikings | ||
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18 Posts
Hope that helps but as a fellow Core scrub you may have to defer to JaK and the boys for a straight answer. Regards TLM Note: if it says 'Control + Alt' then this is the AltGr key. Input the binds as Cntrl + Alt but hit AltGR to actually use them. Also The Core relies exclusively on steal hotgroup keys so the initial Numpad binds are essentially irrelevant. You will only be using the Create/Takeaway and Add/Take Away control groups. | ||
4 Posts
I was reading on reddit about a guy who paralyzed his hand and now plays CSGO with one hand. People suggested he use a foot pedal, and his reaction sounded very similar to how people critical of TheCore sound. I thought, "well you should just try it. Even if you're bad initially, it'll help you improve in the long run." Then I thought, "What's stopping me from doing the same thing?" So now I'm thinking about getting a pedal, and I dont even play racing games. Foot reactions are slower, so I couldn't use them effectively for attack move click, but maybe I can move forward/back to pedals and use the side mouse buttons for attack move click. Or maybe I can somehow work in the all army hotkey. Or maybe I'm being ridiculous. | ||
4 Posts
On the topic of finding a way to get all of the control group and camera functionality into a comfortable layout, this is the solution I came up with. I'm sure this has been worked out in many different ways, so excuse me if I'm mis-informed or didn't do my homework. I downloaded a program called SharpKeys for windows from here that allows for simple point-and-click key rebinds without having to go in and edit the registry manually (the program writes to it instead - seems trustworthy but as always with downloads from the internet use at your own risk): http://sharpkeys.codeplex.com/ Hope someone finds this useful - I jumped into a game against the AI and finally found myself rebinding camera locations for most recent expansion/rally/attack points and create/stealing harassment groups out of my main army and adding them back in with ease! I play random RRS, so I'll share my general hotkey/camera set up in case anyone wants to try it out or explain how terrible it truly is: Cameras 1. (K): main base 2. (O): 2nd, keep in late game as natural may be "last stand" or production 3. (P): 3rd, adjust in late game to more recent mining base 4. ([): 4th, adjust in late game to more recent mining base (could repurpose for aggression build) 5. (=): 5th, adjust in late game to more recent mining base (could repurpose for aggression build) 6. (L): ramp/high-ground/choke OR harass/staging area #1 (drop, SH, lings, surround etc.) 7. (;): ramp/high-ground/choke OR harass/staging area #2 8. ('): ramp/high-ground/choke OR main rally 9. Backspace: base camera cycle [b]Hotkeys[\b] This setup leaves me with 7 free groups for unit control with all 3 races, and with Next/Previous Subgroup bound to Forward/Back mouse button, your Robo/Stargate or Factory/Starport are always just a tap + mouse button click away (forward for Robo/Factory, backward for Stargate/Starport). I find the overhead negligible as it can be done as a "drum roll" very quickly and you might need the finger that hits the production hotkey to produce the unit anyways - so the latency of pressing the mouse button is essentially "hidden". You have to train yourself to hit back mouse button for Starport/gate, though. Also lets you never forget to turn a gateway into a Warpgate, and if you're very consistent do away with the separate warp in button altogether (I currently have it bound to (N)). Last note, I find this balances alternation between the pinky and other fingers for unit control reasonably well - special tactics are all on the pinky, as is main army, so*interuption* tasks like harass/spellcasting tend to go to the pinky and you can double-tap an alternating finger to get back to your front line, or if you did an interuption task followed by macro (which is either pinky or ring finger in my setup), you can hit pinky main army button or middle finger meat-of-main-army button to get back to your front line: 1. (K,pinky home): main army 2. (J,pinky left one space): CCs/Upgrade/Tech/Gas/AddOns, any building I want to keep track of + Let's me take a look at selection screen to see how my "build" is coming along at a glance + Tab through or Ctrl-click on upgrade structures as needed. 3. (0,ring up one space): production/inject queens + Could free this group up as Zerg if you use a different inject technique 4. (-,middle up one space): front line unit in main army, e.g. Zerglings/Marines/Zealots/Adepts 5. (P,middle): anchor unit in main army, e.g. roach/cyclone/marauder/stalker 6. (;,middle down one space): hammer unit in main army, e.g. baneling/ravager/immortal/tanks + Late game, pick most sensible of 4-6 to double-up unit types as needed, e.g. Zealot/Archon (-) 7. (U,pinky): Harass OR spellcaster/ability unit #1, e.g. ghosts/templar/infestor + Often, this will be the first selection in your main army anyways 8. (H,pinky): Harass OR spellcaster/ability unit #2, e.g. sentry/viper/raven 9. (M,pinky): Harass/Flex OR Mama Unit (mothership core, queens, medivacs) 10. (, --- pinky): Harass/Flex OR Air Support (vikings, corrupters, pheonix) Zerg - special note here about the production hotkey, which I use to bind injecting queens. I have cycle base camera bound to backspace, and inject bound to (=), so I just move my mouse to the center of the screen and hit "Production Hotkey" > (Backspace > (=) > Energy??? > Click)*, and repeat the asterix cycle for as my bases as I have. The Energy??? step is basically just looking at the queen's energy bar and deciding whether to click or not. If you have a spare second, you can also select your queens in advance and just scan the mouse over them to see how much energy they have and whether you can expect to have to skip one or two injects this cycle else send your queens a-marchin' all across your bases. TMI? Thanks for the core and awesome community around SC2! | ||
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18 Posts
I'm adding the new upgrades in the Tech Lab to my TRM 3.0 keybinds. Quick question regarding this; What is the rationale or 'logical priority(?)' you used when mapping the previous binds. For example, why are the weapon upgrades on O and armour upgrades on i when 'spatially' in game they are ordered as 'weapons' > 'armour' from left to right (obviously the mapping choice wasn't decided spatially w.r.t. the command card). I like to have a 'method to my madness' other than just wrote learning and muscle memory so I'd like to understand the rationale behind the old binds and apply that same reasoning to the new upgrades if I can. Hope that makes sense and thanks in advance! TLM | ||
United Kingdom194 Posts
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United States2787 Posts
Absolutely have! I think someone hooked up a DDR pad at one point actually. We didn't spend a whole lot of time investigating, so I wouldn't be surprised if you find some stuff we didn't. dylanht That's more or less the modifier swap we use with TheCore Plus. Though I've gotten rid of normal add completely as everything can be done with the other options more efficiently as far as I can tell (if you find stuff make sure to share!!). Thanks for taking the time to write up such an extensive post, definitely not TMI. Much respect :D Haighstrom After writing the proceeding wall of text I decided it would be best to give a short answer: The easy, but less efficient, way is to move Unburrow to H, keep fungal on J Yea, the infestor was a pain in the ass before, now that this change has gone through it's going to be even harder. Luckily we can use the sheet to visualize and locate a solution: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/140gNhKs_1VCG6JJ9ijvEblKI9UQcpUKDTPap5t_kBeU/edit#gid=192579458 The question is: What is more important, unburrow on every zerg unit, or fungal on the infestor? Once you've answered that question, give the more important ability the faster key. This will probably create a cascading effect where more things become unbound and you have to re-arrange the entire zerg layout. The most important thing to realize about hotkeys is their interconnectedness. Burrow is one of the bigger connectors (it applies to many things) because you can't have burrow be different on a roach and an infestor. Basically, this change (all infestor spells cast while burrowed) means that I'll likely have to re-do the zerg sector for each layout. Which is why I've been avoiding doing it until I'm sure it's staying. If it makes it to 2017, I'll address it in the standard versions of TheCore, but until then. Follow that 2-step process: 1. Which function is more important? 2. Give that function the better key. That's basically all FoxyMayhem and I did every day for a month to create the first version of TheCore. | ||
United Kingdom194 Posts
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18 Posts
I was reading your reply to Haigh which almost answered the question I posed too. I had previously overlooked the 'legend' hidden on the right side of the T.ability tab where you specify that each key is given an efficiency score (presumably speed/ergonomics?) with the desire to have your bindings 'as far to the left' as possible w.r.t. the sheet columns. With this in mind, I took a look at all of my current bindings (UK Qwerty TRM v3.0) in an effort to determine the best keys for the new Starport Tech-lab upgrades and noticed two minor inconsistencies between the current TRM.SC2Hotkeys file and the master sheet (seems like the sheet is actually more up to date than the file itsself?). I've noted the inconsistencies below, along with my changes and additions for the new upgrades and my logic behind them (if it helps as feedback for upcoming versions/updates): Inconsistencies: Master Sheet (T.Ability Tab) - Raise/Lower Supply Depot listed as o/i respectively Actual Values in Hotkey File - 9/i respectively. [Added o as an alternate to 9 rather than a replacement since both bindings feel correct for raising the depots.] Master Sheet (T.Ability Tab) - SCV Spray Logo listed as . Actual Value in Hotkey File - Y [For those of us who like painting happy-stars in our opponents base, this is a super duper rank-S high priority... Changed to . as suggested] Changes/Additions: (mentioned a couple of these in a previous post) Unit Changes: (mainly switching most commonly used 'reactive' spells with 'pro-active' spells) Ghost - Switched Steady Targeting from U to i for speed in engagements, EMP switched from i to U (secondary L) as a less speedily required spell used pro-actively at start of engagements. CattleBruiser - Actually useful now (almost...). Switched Yamato from U to i for speed. Tac Jump switched to U for pro-active use. Raven - Turret switched from L/U to i due to current meta seeming to require this more often than Seeker Missiles. Seekers changed from i to U/L in turn. New Upgrade Additions Liberator Adv. Ballistics - Assigned to i* as one of the two most important upgrades in the Starport (coincides with 'offensive upgrade' [stim] in the Rax TL. *(Ideally would be 9 to line-up with the liberator build hotkey however I believe it's probably more useful to keep Cloak Tech as 9 to remain consistent with other cloak units/tech) Raven Corvid Reactor - Assigned to o as arguably the second most important upgrade here (lines up nicely with 'defensive upgrade' [combat shields] being set to o in the Rax TL) Cyclone Mag Field Launcher - Arguably less useful than blue flame and claws, assigned to L in similar vein to Concussive Shells Banshee HyperFlight Rotors - Assigned to K to line up with the Banshee build hotkey Banshee Cloak - Assigned to 9 for consistency with other cloaked units/tech Raven Calibrated Explosives - Assigned to 8 to line up with the Raven build hotkey (Arguably the upgrade is more important than the keyscore of 8 would suggest, however with other upgrades following the corresponding unit's build hotkey this seemed more logical) High Capacity Fuel Tanks - Assigned to U because it was free but really... who cares? Anyways those are the changes I've made and my rationale, perhaps it will help inform you with changes for this patch or perhaps it's just idle rhetoric to be discarded... JaKs a lefty so his logic is likely completely backwards anyway ^^; Keepo Regards TLM Edit: I still can't understand the logic behind attack upgrades on o and defence on i... it opposes the command card spatially and the idea of most important upgrades on higher scoring Keys (offensive upgrades are normally considered more important aren't they?) Not to mention Rax TL upgrades are counter to the Engi/Arm Upgrades with stim on i and shields on O respectively... it's 'sploding my fragile little mind xD | ||
2 Posts
I would like to learn TheCore but i encountered the same Problem as LittleChocolate. My "Create Location"-Hotkeys are unbound (I use German TRM). And the way i get it they should be on [Alt + Ctrl + x]. But there is already "Add to Control Group". So should i put "Create Location" on [Alt + Ctrl + x] and let "Add to..." unbound? Edit: Just encountered the next thing that doesn't work. "Create Controll Group" is set on [Alt + Shift + x]. But on german Keyboards there is no Alt-Key on the right site, only an Alt-Gr-Key. This works fine for [Alt + Ctrl] but not for just Alt. I would have to move my Hand to the other Side of the Keyboard and even use both Hands for some Combinations. Can somebody explain to me how it is supposed to work? Because how it is right now it's unusable... | ||
United States2787 Posts
Create location is Alt+Ctrl and jump to location is shift. Don't use Add or Create Control group, use the steal variants. @TurgidLeafMan Updated the Spreadsheet a bit. Will do a full update of the sheet this weekend taking the things you've brought up into consideration, potentially getting some updates with frequent problems as well. Will stream it: twitch.tv/jakataktv 10:00am PDT | ||
2 Posts
Thanks, now i get it. | ||
3 Posts
I was using ZRS and my middle finger rested on P (rapidfire) and my pinky was K. Camera hotkeys where shift + l;' and queens were shift + ]. If anyone could point me to the right direction I would be so happy to jump into some sc2 games with my new rig. Thanks | ||
United States19 Posts
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France220 Posts
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