Is it possible to have the replays of Snute doing roach ravager infestor please ?
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Is it possible to have the replays of Snute doing roach ravager infestor please ? | ||
Australia976 Posts
The PiG Daily #28 - Beginner Basics - The art of Defence + Show Spoiler + Spotters! Unit outside their base Try to react quickly to see their army - if we miss it, send another unit out We want to assess their force! Is it Scary? If not - just continue build as normal. Once we see a scary attack coming there’s a few things we need to focus on, and they’re not what you might expect! 1 : Supply! Ovies/pylons/depots You’re going to be busy microing a fight soon! You won’t have time to remember to build depots, nows a good time to build extra to make sure we don’t get blocked Many players freak out and just try to spam units - and as the enemy hits, they’re already supply blocked! You’ll often lose some supply buildings in an attack! 2: Build more units Simple enough Start those units building immediately! Prioritise production of units over tech, upgrades or more workers. 3. Defensive positioning Ensure you hold the best position possible Usually the top of a ramp Units pre-spread in a concave for bonus points! Units ready for SPECIAL maneuvers Eg. In TvP if we see stalkers coming across the map we have to be safe from a blink in the main so we keep our army between our bases so it can react both directions Examples: Every army is different and wants to use positioning differently Zerg surround - BUILD LOTS OF OVIES WHEN SEE MOVEOUT → game vs seeker Replay of PVZ HOLD Now we’ll look at a very different use of positioning - and “sim-city” as protoss to defend a roach-ravager-ling all-in. PvZ defending a ravager ling with simcity. - BUILD LOTS OF PYLONS WHEN you SEE the attack Focus just on building units constantly More gateways + more pylons (pylons are food AND defence AND a prime target in attack so they will die even more often) 4. Macro cycle 3 is part of this - but make sure once you prioritise those units you spend any other money you have to continue workers, tech, upgrades or whatever else you need in your build. You’ll be busy microing a battle soon so will neglect your macro for a while, best to soften the missed macro now! SUPER EARLY or sneaky RUSHES - Worker pulls Sometimes a rush is so sneaky, or hits so early that you don’t realise it’s coming early enough to be ready. Often pulling workers can be the difference between winning or losing! Many famous pro matches have been won with worker pulls! Pro tips! Drone-drill Hold-position micro On the note of pulling workers - let’s take a look at one of the most famous and ridiculous moments where an AGGRESSIVE worker pull mattered. This brings us to the point of RANGED units and ranged advantage. If you have a ranged advantage, or you both have a primarily ranged army - then suddenly hiding behind your buildings can actually do more harm than good! In this case Stardust is caught in a choke next to his nexus where the blocking terrain and buildings actually obstructs his ability to establish a concave or battle-line - and so his units can’t all reach the enemy HOLD KEY POSITIONS instead of simcity Concave matters more than anything! ELFI vs STARDUST: Use them like any other melee unit - try to engage at the same time as everything else and get a good surround/surface area for them to fight! Cannon Rush I see people asking about this from all races so let’s go over the key points: They need to build a pylon - and only THEN can they get cannons. In certain spots, the cannons are unbeatable SO DON’T let them get up!! Pull a decent handful of workers immediately and attack the pylon Bonus pts for blocking the best cannon positions VISUALISE the dirtiest spot a cannon could go and hold position or patrol a worker on that spot | ||
Australia5405 Posts
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Australia976 Posts
On June 27 2016 20:54 LarDonG wrote: Hi Pig, Congratulations for the good work you do. Is it possible to have the replays of Snute doing roach ravager infestor please ? I actually didn't have any reps of Snute - they were all of myself in ep 27. These days Snute has more range in his style, but a few months back it was just roach ravager infestor every single game - no hive transition just 3-3 upgrades. | ||
Australia976 Posts
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United States431 Posts
On June 22 2016 15:25 Charoisaur wrote: hotkeying eggs can be really detrimental sometimes for example when harassing with mutalisks and you have your eggs hotkeyed your rallied mutalisks may just fly over your opponents army and die so I think that's why he wasn't using it always. He seemed to do it in all situations as I recall. It's been a while since I watched those replays though. Also, icyfar hype! | ||
Australia5405 Posts
On June 29 2016 17:01 Vedeynevin wrote: He seemed to do it in all situations as I recall. It's been a while since I watched those replays though. Also, icyfar hype! Yeah, mutas is the one unit I don't egg-hotkey, at least not when actively harassing. Once the mutas are out in a safe path from my base, I go home and pick up reinforcements from the rally-point location hotkey. Slows things down somewhat, but at my gold level, about half of the egg-hotkeyed reinforcing mutas die otherwise. | ||
Denmark3308 Posts
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Belarus201 Posts
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Australia976 Posts
NP ejozl even if it's SLIGHTLY out of the rulings that's ok, generally stick to em but if you accidentally break them and the games still entertaining it's still got a good shot! EDIT REPLAYS: | ||
515 Posts
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Australia5405 Posts
On June 30 2016 00:03 ejozl wrote: I just realized ICYFAR probably is minute 1: a unit must die, minute 2: a unit must die. Basically I was looking at the timer everytime a unit died, say 2:09 and I had until 3:09 to kill the next one. Anyways my replay is submitted and it obeys both of the rulings. Your version is stricter, so if you fulfill your criterion, you will also fulfill pigs. | ||
United States10636 Posts
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United States4519 Posts
On June 22 2016 14:25 Cascade wrote: I heard that life didn't use base location hotkeys either. :o Imagine what he could have done with proper setup!! Life's hotkey set up worked for his multi-prong harass style. Just like how you don't hotkey your mutas out of risk of them dying when you're harassing, Life was one of the best Zergs because of his Ling runbies and effective usage. | ||
United Kingdom5 Posts
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Australia976 Posts
Edit: Replays: Show Notes + Show Spoiler + Blink all-ins: #31 - Aggressive Blink-prism PvZ - Keeping the zerg in check! Similar opening to what Neeb showed at austin/Tours - harstem used it vs Elazer in our first What If? Wednesday Early glaive adept pressure to do damage and force lots of units as well as scout what zergs up to Blink follow-up to be flexible vs mutas, strong vs roaches, banes and hydras (pre-lurker) Style aims to push and limit/hurt zerg before lurkers/mutas This is an important part of pvz scouting/keeping zerg honest - built in pushes to punish, force safety and scout at the same time You often won’t kill zerg before, but you can put the hurt on and then head down the regular counter-paths. Vs mutas Kill em If you can’t Cannons Split up stalkers Double stargate + fleet beacon IF they keep building them Vs Lurker Disruptors! Use your army, esp FF to keep him back. Similar to slowing down a seige tank push you just kind of stay in his face What about vs mass lingbane styles? Once you realise they aren’t going for any roach/hydra tech you can just drop lots of gates and do an archon-adept push to usually kill these players. Or you can just push with blink and use FF to nullify the lingbane Actually can be very strong vs this using FF and large adept warpins once the armies are smaller neeb/harstem’s 2-immortal push: 3-immortal push follow-up with 7+ gates Puck replays Personally I love doing a 4-immortal push HSC Drogo vs Snute - 7 hrs 13 minutes ^7 hours 26 minutes - holding counterattack with his delayed double robo style - just sentries and stalkers On July 01 2016 00:41 RossV wrote: Hey PiG, great episode with Polt and Hydra! Are you releasing the replays or no? Edited into the post just above for that episode! Will start organising replays for easy sharing in future. | ||
15 Posts
I have a topic I would like your opinion about: In one of your last episodes you said, its better to be the aggressor in LotV especially in PvZ. My problem is (most time in PvP and PvZ) when I see that my opponent is the aggressor. Following the basic we learned by JaKaTaK or Artosis of reactions toscouting: (If he goes for an Expand --> attack, If he goes for an attack --> defend, If he plays defenceiv --> expand).I'm on a defensive position. Most time survives an attack barely but get ahead through tech or worker, because opponent made a lot of units instead of worker. But I find it difficult to scout when my opponent plays a really aggressive (non all-in) Style (I'm Protoss). I feel like I can't be aggressive myself and I'm afraid if I play counter attacks I'm gooing to lose. Also most scouting tech takes too long. | ||
Australia976 Posts
Most Recent Show notes: + Show Spoiler + Beginner Basics - Learning to Scout Playing vs Hard AI (aggressive) Stage 0 - Recognising a rush: it’s usually good as all 3 races to send an early worker scout to see where your opponent spawned and spot any super early rushes. You don’t need to react unless you see an early rush, otherwise you just come home and continue your build. This will help you getting used to looking at your opponent's base and recognising the most basic scouting tells. Experienced players might say this isn’t necessary - but that’s because at their level they can still hold the rushes without seeing it until the last second. Very early pool No buildings in their base (Proxy!) No expansion Pretty simple! Three Stages of learning to scout Stage 1 - Map control/vision and basic compositional choices You always should aim to have vision: Outside your base Oh no he’s moving in to attack! Outside their base Oh no he’s moving out with a possible attack! On the edges of the map coming towards your base Here comes a drop!’ At each of their potential new bases Oh he’s taking another base Also assessing the army to compare - Is this a scary army right now? If not continue as normal and try to re-establish map control. If it IS SCARY then react hard to try and defend the incoming attack Keeping track of their number of bases - if they aren’t expanding as fast as most players, you should expect a higher chance of aggression. You don’t need to panic or freak out, but just try to keep track of how many bases your opponent is at - and only ever go about half to 1 full base of workers ahead before focusing on pure army. Getting used to watching your minimap is also key to using this info When you first start out you just go through the motions of having that vision, even though you don’t always notice it spotting an attack coming You get better over time! SCOUT THE COMPOSITION You can also throw in a unit sacrifice at the front to spy what their unit composition is. You’ll also see this whenever they move on the map. Other options are scans, drops, overseers, observers or prisms to scout their army. At this stage you don’t care about the base so much, it’s all about recognising their army so you can adjust your composition if needed. You might have a solid composition and gameplan that progresses well and you never need to respond to their composition. Don’t get hung up on REACTING to everything you see compositionally. ^Common rookie mistake is trying to REACT to everything because they’ve heard that SC is all about so many minute reactions and adaptations. But it’s not usually compositional. It’s more about timing. We’ll talk more about timing in future - but it’s more about how much someone’s committing to get certain units at certain points, assessed in the context of their economy/tech committment At this stage just focus on having the right sort of units to deal with their stuff Stage 2 - Scouting their base and understanding responses General categorisations Signs of greed, signs of aggression COMPLETELY INSANE BUILDS that are unfamiliar - suddenly become decipherable when we use this method Terran Greed CCs/hatch/nexus Ebays/armouries/forges Lots of addons Lots of tech paths Robo + Sg + Twilight Lurker den + infestation + spire Aggression Lack of the above Lots of production with no addons pumping units Fighting stuff popping out of eggs Low drone saturation POLT VS HYDRA SEJONG How to assess the situation: However if we see a really clear set of tells: No addons on barracks or starport → Just producing constantly Aggression No 3rd base = Aggression No ebays = Aggression Ok shit this is really clear → he’s all-inning, build lots of stuff to defend, we just need to survive! Only really 1 option vs all-ins … build stuff and survive! No 3rd base = sign of aggression Ebays = sign of greed Lots of addons = signs of greed What if ALL signs of greed? Invest everything into units and try to kill him soon! Punish his short-term lack of units OR invest even more into economy, and be EVEN greedier than he is to get ahead in the longer game! Taking advantage of his inability to punish you. 2xgreed, 1x aggression. ^Overall → This guy is playing more for the later stages than trying to kill me right now. Continue as normal. No strict reaction. ^Don’t need such fine degrees of reactions, your STANDARD PLAY should be pretty well set up for all the middle of the road stuff! Stage 3 - Understanding exactly how your opponents races work, being familiar with the build-orders and knowing all of the timings VR EXAMPLE - a 1-base massing of VR is very diff to 3-base massing VR Vs one it’s just get up the response to hold on, he’s got no economy, this is a rush! Just 1.5 base drones and things that shoot up! But vs a 3-base VR there’s WAY more of them, and more flexibility to transition into other units. Suddenly they could add storm very easily to counter your marines or hydras, you might need to invest in higher tech units like liberators, infestors, vipers or static defence. PvT - 1-base widow mine drop/marine can hit at 4:00 ZvT - 4:40 hellbat timing ZvP 4:40 7 adept glaive timing TvZ 4:30 nydus timing TvP 5:20 glaive adept prism timing | ||
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France24192 Posts
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