this is @Ler_GG with some new? stuff. I started semi full time streaming back in February while I was waiting to continue my studies. At the start of April, I had the idea of setting up a donation goal to make a weekly 90 minute open coaching session where people are able to ask questions and or choose replays to analyze. The donation goal was hit pretty fast (Big shout outs to Leeroy who made it possible!). The first session was pretty good and also fun, but I believe the format is not good enough. Time is short, many questions are asked and mostly a certain hero needs to be topic to fill 90 minutes. Also most of the people wanted me to talk about support game play and general advice when it comes down to supporting.
Due to my pub adventures right now, it seems impossible to reliably pick core heroes. So it is time to support even due I said last time that I wont hard support in pubs anymore. Things and especially motivations change... I am kinda force too.
The idea came when someone in the stream chat said: "Maybe you play good Dota and also a good support, but maybe your play style does not fit your teams needs". At first, I was not sure what to think about it, but it became clear when I thought about it: I was focused on looking for things that went wrong on my cores. I was mad they fed, I was crying they did not push or defend, take Roshan or just did random things I did not understand. From my POV I played good but who says I played good from my teams POV?
Now, with that being said, supporting is not about the support player - It is about the team the support supports. The job of the support is to prevent feeding and securing the game. People might ask "How do I prevent people from feeding?". It is quiet simple. Try to be around them, match their play style and protect them. People might argue that players especially in Pubs tilt quite fast and heavy ... that might be true. But did you ever ask yourself why they are tilting? After I pushed a smurf account in 3 weeks from 3,6k to 5,2k MMR I understood why people get so fucking mad when they are playing cores since I only played core during that time. What happened? 24-7 rage against my support players. Wrong rotations, bad warding, no rune control, no TP support and wrong item usage or item choices. Some even stood afk next to me for 10 minutes just leeching exp. They did not even try to attack/harras the offlaners - Like a bot.
The essence? I tilted because my supports were utter trash while on the other hand, good supports made the games smooth from start to finish. Picking a support hero in a pub will already raise your teams mind set and spirit. Playing flawless Dota from your point of view will not help you winning, but playing flawless Dota from your teams point of view will.
You are matched with 4 strangers and the only constant is you. Embrace your team, read their mind and adept.
Why do I write this? As I said at the start, I wanted to move away from the 90 minute open coaching session and do something else instead. This something will be me playing hard support in pubs with focus on understanding what my team needs so I can grow as a support player. You can expect heavy commentary on every move I make (Including hero choices, early game plan, warding, map movement and item choices). When games are lost, replays will be immediately analyzed from my POV to review my decisions and understand how I could have altered the outcome of the game.
Let the games begin:
Thanks for reading, and especially thanks to all the people who watched and heavily supported my stream!