So anyway, I've played 5 games already. 2 normal losses, not a whole lot to say about those. One did a build that countered mine right from the start and I didn't feel there was much I could do. The other was just from my point of view an amazing player. He crushed me.
My first win is a person who I thought was pretty terrible and my light early pressure broke him. He starts insulting me and lifts all his buildings trying to hide them. Slightly annoying, but it doesn't take too long to clean him up.
The second win wasn't really a win. Because after killing all his probes and starting to kill his buildings he starts insulting me and says "disc gogo disc gogo". The disconnect screen opens and the drop button doesn't work. Luckily I remembered something someone wrote here about getting off the internet so I could drop him and save the replay.
Third win was a long tvt. My opponent was apparently not too happy about the matchup because he kept complaining about how boring it was. It's not like I was hiding that I was playing terran.
The games have really made me wonder. 2 out of 5 games have been against fairly immature/badly mannered/morally challenged individuals. This is a much higher number compared to the public games I've had on bnet. Is it like that all the way upwards or is this a problem mostly contained down in the dirty D rank section? And if so, I really pity the people who are of D rank skill.
My view of iccup was pretty negative after the disc gogo affair. But when the compaint got processed, it made me feel a little better. At least there are people working to keep cheaters under control.