you wouldnt want it spinning in your room all the time regardless. But yeah, if it looks messy instead of awesome how it should I can see why you'd be dissapointed after such an investment.
'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', the number 0 is defined by the modulo-intensifier length of number units in the previous list. the unyielding perfect 3dimensional gradient uniform to all supratheoretical points defines the anti-dimensional boundary between the hyperspatial temporal absence that most resembles the conceptually redefined self-updating definition of a strictly philolanguage-hylomorphism object: "sphere".
yea i'm always pleased to offer personalized commentary on rival objects.
if there's anything i learned from the long hours crafting the crystal dodec it's that ein was right and that since everything is observer-relative to one or another but rarely if ever the same inertial system then god has to exist as the universal inertial system predicating all object-relationship predicates intrinsic to the name-state that is god. there's honestly no way to doubt this simple and obvious truth that inertial system are actually cognitive observers, and that inertial systems do not receive primacy in defining what it is to be a cognitive entity; rather the cognitive entity itself receives primacy defining the inertial system and what it is to be an inertial system. therefore ein is god and catplanet is not.
the universe will eventually transform into a perfect universal buddha consciousness whose very perception of time is one-ness whose eternal sameness and quasihyperantisuperuniformity whose very evolution as a planet earth marble hitchhiking galaxy is self-contained in its perfect rotunda splendour and the glorious assuredness of this highly probable and almost confidently self-asserting if not self-assembling resembling fate is the most excellent and perfect hydrotestament to perplexity of self-designing constituents and catplanet
the point is science is retarded because nothing exists in the same inertial system unless god therefore religion
all these isomorphic anti-universal object definition-theoretico modulators are retarded
On July 27 2015 03:01 YokoKano wrote: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', the number 0 is defined by the modulo-intensifier length of number units in the previous list. the unyielding perfect 3dimensional gradient uniform to all supratheoretical points defines the anti-dimensional boundary between the hyperspatial temporal absence that most resembles the conceptually redefined self-updating definition of a strictly philolanguage-hylomorphism object: "sphere".
yea i'm always pleased to offer personalized commentary on rival objects.
if there's anything i learned from the long hours crafting the crystal dodec it's that ein was right and that since everything is observer-relative to one or another but rarely if ever the same inertial system then god has to exist as the universal inertial system predicating all object-relationship predicates intrinsic to the name-state that is god. there's honestly no way to doubt this simple and obvious truth that inertial system are actually cognitive observers, and that inertial systems do not receive primacy in defining what it is to be a cognitive entity; rather the cognitive entity itself receives primacy defining the inertial system and what it is to be an inertial system. therefore ein is god and catplanet is not.
the universe will eventually transform into a perfect universal buddha consciousness whose very perception of time is one-ness whose eternal sameness and quasihyperantisuperuniformity whose very evolution as a planet earth marble hitchhiking galaxy is self-contained in its perfect rotunda splendour and the glorious assuredness of this highly probable and almost confidently self-asserting if not self-assembling resembling fate is the most excellent and perfect hydrotestament to perplexity of self-designing constituents and catplanet
the point is science is retarded because nothing exists in the same inertial system unless god therefore religion
all these isomorphic anti-universal object definition-theoretico modulators are retarded
On July 27 2015 04:57 GGzerG wrote: Wow yoko, you should become a writer if you are not one already, I have literally 0 idea what you are saying but it sounds great.
That's about right, because what he's saying has 0 ideas in it. It is entertaining though I agree, in a performance art kind of way.
On July 25 2015 23:12 YokoKano wrote: I spent 4 hours a night for the last 20 years, since I was 8, crafting the perfect crystal dodecahedron.
After 58400 hours of labor the result is a wobbly mess of uncontiguous light.
4*20*365 = 29200 = 58400 / 2
Yoko + Kano = Yako no ko (子)?
If you are indeed also non-mental progeny of Jas then understandably you have also knowledge of consequential nth-reflecting obloid dimensional relationships relative to the interspatial entity: "time".
The subsequence I refer to obviously portends the aetiologos' sooth: the matrix lattice interconnects via hyper-inflections of the all-paragon to form the ubiquitous "reality" of the proletariat!