Today there were 2 times (in different games) I could just have pinged to let my teammates know a sion went into river to make plays in mid, and to notify that a hecarim was teleporting into mid, potentially preventing 4 kills in total. My opponents were respectively silver2 and gold2, so it's alright for now i guess. But it's still frustrating to be aware of your mistakes a second after it's too late to correct them. + i feel bad for being (one of) the reason(s) of snowballing opponents.
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Netherlands4272 Posts
Today there were 2 times (in different games) I could just have pinged to let my teammates know a sion went into river to make plays in mid, and to notify that a hecarim was teleporting into mid, potentially preventing 4 kills in total. My opponents were respectively silver2 and gold2, so it's alright for now i guess. But it's still frustrating to be aware of your mistakes a second after it's too late to correct them. + i feel bad for being (one of) the reason(s) of snowballing opponents. | ||
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France45622 Posts
On May 29 2015 10:29 Yorbon wrote: Being the lvl20 noob I am, I'm mostly focussing on csing, not dying, buying correct (meaning useful) items and warding the nearest brush in the river. It's so frustrating to see that I'm still unable to do much else without failing at mentioned things. Although I'm in toplane, I don't have enough map awareness to make teleport plays, and get easily distracted by what's on screen. Today there were 2 times (in different games) I could just have pinged to let my teammates know a sion went into river to make plays in mid, and to notify that a hecarim was teleporting into mid, potentially preventing 4 kills in total. My opponents were respectively silver2 and gold2, so it's alright for now i guess. But it's still frustrating to be aware of your mistakes a second after it's too late to correct them. + i feel bad for being (one of) the reason(s) of snowballing opponents. But think of how satisfying it'll be when you improve enough to manage that! | ||
225 Posts
On May 29 2015 20:33 IMoperator wrote: can someone explain to me why being an absolute shitty player isnt reportable but telling them to stop feeding is? if you got banned for being bad LoL would be a dead game | ||
Germany2073 Posts
Jungle fizz 3rd pick, a gnar and a leona. Ask fizz if he will build ad, he says hes building bork ie and maybe a mejai. OK, i tell him in champ select that i will build ap then since we have noone else. Fizz and Khazix get stomped by cookie-cutter cinderhulk gragas while chasing people around on the map (teemo taunt still OP) and failing. Teamfights they proceed to ignore gragas frontline, dive in for the magical 2v5... and die intantly. They end the game with 15 and 17 deaths in 38 minutes and <1 KDA. Aftergame chat, fizz continues shittalking me for 5 minutes on how me and leona are premade trolls and why did i go ap, AP ez ult does 200dmg and raablabla. + Show Spoiler + and that's with me not even taking part in any of their bronze-chasing early to midgame, so i was in much fewer fights than them. O well i guess that's what i get for reporting the 13 death in 26 minute "i don't care anymore" irelia in the game before. Related question: What do i build on AP ezreal to be relevant in the midgame? I started with a sheen and tear because i didn't know what i should be building. That's obviously weak mid since completing the lichbane is does nothing without other AP and the tear just sits there in the inventory Also, i just learned that dorans shield applies to every instance of damage. Pretty good to learn something like that after you picked malzahar already. nullzone, visions and nether grasp all deal 8 less every tick, making you suck ass until you somehow get enough creeps to afford some AP while you can not trade in lane at all. Really great item design, thank you Riot. As if damage over time wasn't bad enough already compared to burst... Holy fuck am i salty after the last 3 games. | ||
United Kingdom414 Posts
Top lane Cassie dies twice in lane to make the score 0-2. "Game is lost, surrender" Akali mid tells me to GTFO of her lane every time I consume a minion as Nunu to regain some health after pushing her mid laner out of lane. Both afk together after 10 minutes. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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France45622 Posts
Or you can just have Lee sitting in the river bush and coming across Maokai right the second he goes to ward. TL;DR: turns out it doesn't matter how shit you are at Rumble, you can mash your buttons and still win once you're 3-0. | ||
Poland7525 Posts
Got flamed after this game by rengar/irelia for troll pick no ap mid troll all game. The enemies were all "you have right to be angry but pls don't flame" or something. For some reason that really annoyed me, especially when I checked and obviously dealt almost as much magic damage as entire enemy team. | ||
France45622 Posts
I'm Olaf and apparently Rek'Sai can burst me even when I'm a level ahead of me and neither of us have combat stats. 0K. Of course the previous games with the huge-ass throws have to count too. Like the 5-items Cass who's against Amumu and Garen but doesn't build Void Staff and is unable to do any damage to them. Zhonya's vs Leblanc was her 4th item too so she just died every single fight as Amumu would get an ult off and she'd get exploded. Geez. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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France45622 Posts
First game while I'm at 0 LP? Some shit-ass first pick Ekko feeds Cho 4-0 before laning is over. Lucian misplays when I tp bot to save their asses after a roam and then Nocturne tower dives 1v2 to try and kill Cho. End result 1-4, and around 20 cs lost top because I didn't TP there instead. Not that I wasn't already hugely behind because Nocturne came top twice, I died both times and he made it so the lane every so slightly pushed for GP both times, already putting me 20 cs and a full level behind as GP tried to freeze upon coming back. Cho was their only real threat as a combo of my cc and ult + our damage would explode the mediocre GP, and Corki didn't do well (plus the champ doesn't scale that well). Ekko had to feed him to the point that his last Feast before the game ended dealt 1135 true damage to me. Oh, current game? Enemy team picks Thresh+Kalista first round, so our bot lane goes... Blitzcrank instalock. An utterly garbage pick that won't be able to do shit against them if they're even semi-decent, but sure, send me back to Gold II dumbass, I don't mind. | ||
Poland7525 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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4476 Posts
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United States1945 Posts
i thought about playing it out because of the promo series, but then two other retards on my team start typing in chat to report the 3rd pick for some reason that i am completely unable to comprehend. i mean one of them was probably a duo with the last pick troll, but how is it even possible that someone else on the team agrees with him? | ||
4476 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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