Q: Comments on winning?
A: We didn't qualify for the S1 Playoffs, which is very regrettable. But we got a good ending; and I believe we will be better at S2.
Q: You got 5 wins in S1.
A: Even though I am at 3rd place (shrinkzxo: with 7 others). But this is the first round. I must work harder and play better.
Q: We gathered that you left IM because you did not want to play SPL?
A: It is absolutely untrue. Individual leagues and SPL are of the same value to me. I even watch SPL, and want to play it well.
Q: How do you feel to play SPL.
A: I've a pro for 5 years now. I am not anxious as a newbie will.
Q: How will you perform in the second Season?
A: We are a re-organised team. The first Season is adoption. We will prepare more and we will be better.
Q: You must carry the Zerg banner of your team.
A: DeParture helped us a lot in practising. I just came out to win the games. We are a strong Zerg team (shirnkzxo: ST: wat?)
Q: What's your aim?
A: I'd rather get wins than making aims.
Q: Any more to say?
A: Thanks to team-mates to practised with me. Today's opening was recommended by Choya. And special thanks to Coach Choi and Choya. Also to fans and sponsors.