Hi there beautiful! Quick post today!
We all know our players, casters, and personalities are brilliant and handsome.
Or are they...?
Through my awesome journey of traveling for SC2 events, I've curated the following gallery for your amusement. These weren't posted with the actual gallery since they aren't really of quality, but I think they're fun and funny
Give me your BEST caption for the photos! :p
Please do not use any of the photos without my permission, thank you!
Apollo's face screams... "I NEED AN ADULT."
Carmac: YOU LOSER!
People love jumping into my shots last minute... Hi Phil!
Kitty be like "Purrrrrrr"...
And Carmac does not approve of his technique...
Giggle.. giggle... Reading LR threads inbetween games.
PartinG is not impressed.
Full derp.
Bitch please...
The rare "I'm so happy my facial features are squished together" smile from Bomber!
Seconds after winning RBBG DC
That's it for now! Take care now
And the usual plug here . My Flickr for the event photos, and my twitter @misayi Cheers!
♥ Meru