(Disclaimer I have less than 50 pub games, super nooby)
I only just started this game a couple of weeks ago (got bored of Brood War and TF2) and I generally play support. Not many people at my level ward or even buy a courier, it needs doing so I do it.
A handful of times I have tried to play a carry hero. It doesn't go well.
Finally had a win tonight, in my first game as Death Prophet. I didn't get a buttload of kills but had the least deaths of either team and was involved in every tower and rax kill as well as getting heaps of assists (we had a Nyx Assassin who went beastmode).
I also have found farming a weakness as a beginner. I ended up 6 slotted for the first time ever. Euls, Bloodstone, Phase Boots, Pipe of Insight, Shiva's Guard and Atos Rod.
I'm not someone who is good at leadership but I felt really good about my contribution in this match. This game has been quite brutal so far and games like this are why I will keep playing.
I would upload a replay and ask for tips but steam seems to hate me at the moment. Here's hoping DOTA continues to be fun!
Don't get bloodstone on DP, it's pretty awful!
But congratulations, sounds like you steam-rolled! If you need any help, let me know
Bloodstone is a pretty common choice on her...
I wouldn't say Bloodstone is an awful item on DP, just not something one should rush to like 90% of pubbers seem to do. But if you are six-slotted like DropBear, there's no real reason why BS can't be one of those items.
Getting six-slotted as a hero like DP can be daunting as a beginner because every item you rattled off has an active ability. In these situations its crucial you practice using all of your items as effectively as you can, because they really change your hero's skillset.
Regardless, congrats! I completely understand the sentiment that sometimes DotA makes you say to yourself "What is the point?" and then you get a game like this and it makes sense again.
Torte your steam guides are awesome XD
I went bloodstone as last item, cos of the extra health and mana and also so I didn't have to pop another spell (ZasZ yes I was definitely struggling with this). What would you suggest instead? Team already had a mekanism and an assault cuirass. I should point out that the enemy team had an Outworld Devourer who was well farmed by the end, if that makes a difference.
HoT is awesome on DP. Generally a support or offlaner gets the pipe and you can just work on becoming as tanky as possible.
Its enough if you share your dotabuff link, we can download every and all of your games from there. (well, just the recent ones but anyways)
If you don't know what dotabuff is, its this pretty cool site which records stats from players who don't have it deactivated (most people, atleast on medium-high skill levels have it activated, you can do this from dota2 -> options -> profile -> expose public match data)
For example, here is alliance Lodas profile: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/101495620
If you only have 50 games, the only tip you need is: Play more. Don't trick yourself by falling into nitpicking and details, because you're a 1000 games short of benefiting from that. Copying builds isn't good for you unless you intuetively know why it's good. Just enjoy the ride, and don't try to get good yet
On September 12 2014 21:25 Demand2k wrote:If you only have 50 games, the only tip you need is: Play more. Don't trick yourself by falling into nitpicking and details, because you're a 1000 games short of benefiting from that. Copying builds isn't good for you unless you intuetively know why it's good. Just enjoy the ride, and don't try to get good yet ![](/mirror/smilies/smile.gif)
Well, i think one should start to analyze and ask all the way from the start. But yeah, nitpicking and copying tends to slow you down and burn you up.
For example, you can try to figure out whats the point of quelling blade? There is a limited amount of 4+ creeps that spawn every 30 seconds on every lane, killing them faster wont get you any more money. Now then, quelling blade sure helps with lasthitting, so if you're bad at it it can give extra creeps, especially if opponent is trying to deny them. But the main idea with quelling blade is that you kill the jungle creeps faster, so you can "flashfarm" (kill creeps from jungle AND lane). Its pretty much the same story with Maelstorm and Battlefury, don't buy them if farm isn't important for you (i'm looking at you, bounty hunters).
On September 12 2014 21:25 Demand2k wrote:If you only have 50 games, the only tip you need is: Play more. Don't trick yourself by falling into nitpicking and details, because you're a 1000 games short of benefiting from that. Copying builds isn't good for you unless you intuetively know why it's good. Just enjoy the ride, and don't try to get good yet ![](/mirror/smilies/smile.gif)
That's so inefficient... One should be working towards playing optimally right from the get go. And this isn't just with item choices, really one should master the laning phase as soon as possible. I would say master laning phase and learn as much as you can about other hero spells/skills so you have an idea whats going on. Next, probably be familiar with some rules of thumb/heuristics regarding decision making such as when to fight and when not to fight, when to push, when to roshan, etc.
This is a lot to learn but just focus on playing the same hero, or mayb the same type of heroes for the most part and just focus on 1 or 2 things each game as you go on to improve.
Of course all I said was for efficiency, not purely just "for fun". Although I think quite a few others would agree that improving and working towards being good is fun in itself.
It's pretty exhilarating when you get to play the carry and actually succeed in getting kills/assists/objectives. I mostly play support, but there's nothing quite like the feeling of taking the game into your own hands. After all, you can place as many wards as you like but if the enemy carries are lasthitting better than yours you're just not gonna win.
I find that I got much better at playing carry after playing hard support for a long time. Was just better at last hitting and not being caught out of place, since every last hit matters for a support and being out of place = instant death. Playing support is definitely the best way to learn the game i feel.
hah, i remember my first win coming from ex bw mode. Microed that meepo like a boss, impressed a bunch of pub playerse.
grats on your first core win~
at your low games played, I would echo that itemization isn't super important at low MMR, but yeah HoT all day. just think about movement, hero interaction, general gameflow. understanding dota should be first.
If you want to improve, watch your own replays and question where you are, why you are there, would being somewhere else be better, and how you would know from in game information why that is so.
Awesome job! I prefer support, mainly due to my inability to last-hit well, despite learning on cores, probably not the least frustrating or best idea ever, but I got somewhere. Like everyone else has said so far, early on, your build isn't a huge deal, and nitpicking over details isn't going to help much until later on.
Osaka27102 Posts
Good job! I also just started playing, about ~60 games or so. I found that it gets more fun if you have just one other person you know on the team that you can voicechat with during the game.
On September 12 2014 12:47 DropBear wrote: Torte your steam guides are awesome XD
I went bloodstone as last item, cos of the extra health and mana and also so I didn't have to pop another spell (ZasZ yes I was definitely struggling with this). What would you suggest instead? Team already had a mekanism and an assault cuirass. I should point out that the enemy team had an Outworld Devourer who was well farmed by the end, if that makes a difference.
I'm late on this but thank you very much (: