I'm going to go ahead and get the topic of my blog out of the way before you continue reading. After seeing several blog posts of other users truly writing about themselves, I feel a need to do the same. As the title of my blog entails, assuming the whole title is being shown as I was having issues with the input field, I'll be writing about my experiences in life and my goals involving it, school, and Starcraft.
Okay, now I feel like I can get into some detail. My name, at least on the forum, is FlatEdge. This used to be my alias on SC2 as well until I changed it to Solemn and I'm currently Platinum. I've recently been feeling that even though I'm doing very well in college and will be graduating with my Bachelors in Information Technology this December, have a job I truly enjoy, a wonderful and supporting family and girlfriend, as well as being decently well off...I really feel like I haven't done anything to deserve any of it. To add to that, it seems a little monotonous. I get up at 5:30am, get ready for work, get out around 4:30pm, go to school for one last class this semester, go home and pretty much devote whatever free time I have left to my girlfriend, then rest and repeat the process. I feel like everything's just been sort of handed to me and I've been trying to show myself that I deserve it, but I can never seem to agree with that. I've just been very fortunate and blessed.
Hence the reason for writing this blog. I want to document what I do and feel like I'm truly on the road to success, as well as to motivate me to make more time to keep playing the game that I love while furthering myself. That's the goal: Feel like I'm improving in life, feel like I'm prepared for what comes next after college is over, and make the time to play the game I love at a higher level than Platinum (I'm thinking at least Masters). In addition to writing much better writings and paragraphs than the crap I sort of haphazardly threw together above, I'll be posting ladder results and talk about my games as well as my love for Starcraft. Of course, feel free to ask me anything! Writing this blog makes me feel like I'm getting something else done; something more, as silly as that may sound.
Thank you for reading, and have a great day