Tonight I laddered some Starcraft II while drinking some Lagunitas, which is a quality Californian brewery. I guess I am a noob stomper, but I do not have an ounce of sympathy in my body
I played most of these games as Z, at one point I decided to go random and unfortunately lost a PvZ
Playing against gold level is pretty funny. I am not a cocky person, but whenever the loading screen showed a ZvZ, I knew it was going to be a win. 11pool mass speedling, if they go bane, just outmicro them and win
Against protoss and terran I played pretty low econ during the early/midgame, only because it is more fun to micro and attack!
There were some close games, that I could have easily went either way, those were fun. Only one person BMed, and it was a ZvZ where he was not fond of my early aggression. I love some good BM from opponents.
I don't use any HoTS units Too complicated.
I wish I still truly enjoyed SC, but unfortunately I only play it when I am drunk or at least not sober.
In my mind this post was going to be a crazy Battle Report like the old school SC1 reports. That clearly did not happen, and it is kind of pointless. But Im going to post it anyways.
Have a good night everyone (or day depending on when you read this).