i'm going to organize a Satellite tournament for BattleGrounds Detroit ( USA/Canada only ) for masters+ players ( so Masters & GM only because i don't have much time to put this together otherwise would have included Diamond aswell. Keep in mind the tournament is 18+ aswell ) i'll provide a flight for the winner and he also gets to room with me as i asked for a room with 2 beds just for that. (yeah im not millionaire :D) and i'll also take care of the Tournament ticket ~
An anonymous donor offered to help send another player and RotterdaM aswell ! so the qualifier will send at least 2 players to detroit including flight + hotel(same one as crew/most players) + tournament ticket.
A few people asked if they could donate on the various websites i posted about this Satellite on so i will allow people to donate. A flight should be between 400~600 depending on the airport the qualified player has to leave from and hotel as far as i know the one most of the crew/players stay at is full.
so it would have to be another one, i looked a bunch online & i think i'm gonna budget 100$/night for this so 400$
Ideally fundraising 1000$ means we can send another player which would be great if we're a bit short i will probably help
with that too, if we go above that depending on the amount, i'll either refund the extra, use it for showmatches after consulting the donors that gave the extra, or even possibly reach enough to send a 4th player.
my paypal is x if you want to donate, there will be complete transparency as to how much was donated, if you want to be listed here with or without the amount you donated that's also possible. Thanks.
Donation list:
1. 100$ : Archnog
2. 100$ : Travis "Dargok" W
3. 100$ : Prolix
4. 125$ : Kiddsforever
5. 50$ : William
6. 10$ : Selim
7. 10$ : Olivier
8. 100$ : JC
9. 25$ : Wyered1
10. 5$ 00higgo
11. 100$ Jared/GosuPizza
12. 200$ Anonymous
13. 9$ Alienred
14. 100$ michael
15. 100$ funkreid
16. 20$ SirRobin
17. 5$ machomanrs
18. 5$ TaCo
19. 100$ feardragon
20. 4.5$ vernon
21. 15$ Descension_sc
22. 1$ Young Jun
23 5.50$ William
24. 20$ Sean
25. 7$ Greg
26.10$ Sung
27. 20$ Iain
28. 7$ Ashley
29. 6$ Tancred
30. 20$ John
have to go to bed but i will update the total !
total: 1629$
Since BattleGrounds Global is on the 8th-10th and Detroit starts on the 22nd it will be held on the 11th at 7pm PDT/10pm EDT.
If you want to signup for the satellite tour email me at x with
(you must not have purchased a ticket for the tournament -if you did you may not participate as this tournament is intended to help the players who could not go without it)
Full name:
Nearest airport:
Battle.net ID link:
skype id:
also let me know if the 11th works for you and the time.
The format will be a single bracket using Binarybeast, Bo3 series with with seeds using WCS Rankings first, and then Aligulac & Ladder in that order of priority.
Current player list (47 players):
Caliber/ GM
TheoRy GM
Patton GM
Snakehips Master
ElhayM GM
Bones GM
hakunamatata(FlatLine) Master
LiLMiSsChiBi Master
FXOTimHoward (SirRobin) Master
Button Master
Carnage GM
SquidfingerS Master
CatZ Master
Honeybear GM
coyote Master
Bails GM
Blinky Master
Tyga (drunkenboi) GM
SwifTFiRe Master
Crayon Master
Lokk Master
Days GM
Towelie GM
Virium Master
SaroVati Master
Jowj Master
Kirk GM
KawaiiRice/ Master
Falcon/ Master
Celiumn Master
Geeden Master
Zode Master
DeraJN/ Master
PiLiPiLi Master
CharSiuBao Master
Lightning Master
Siphonn Master
AstroPenguin Master
bioice GM
iMarine GM
avilo Master
Sanctum GM
Signups will end on the 11th 10min before the tournament starts
I will be at Rotti & nate's place on that day so we will stream it on twitch.tv/rotterdam08 and the boys will probably commentate with me.
(this thread is a copy from the reddit one but i have updated a few things and will use this one from now)