You want the realness, well I gotcha
translation: you want the Bisu interview... I gotcha
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You want the realness, well I gotcha translation: you want the Bisu interview... I gotcha | ||
United States4467 Posts
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United States4467 Posts
If anybody could translate this one, it'd be so appreciated: Thanks again | ||
Korea (South)1087 Posts
[Shinhan] Lecaf Oh Yong Jong Interview “It was all thanks to Coach Han” -귀중한 1승을 거뒀다. 2패 뒤 1승이다. ▶너무 잘 나갈 때에는 불안함이 있었다. 2연패를 당한 뒤 불안함을 날려 버렸고 다시 이길 수 있을 것만 같았다. 이번 승리를 시작으로 앞으로도 쭉쭉 이길 수 있을 것 같다. -It was a valuable 1 win after 2 losses. ▶I was beginning to feel anxious when things were going to well. After 2 straight losses the ominous feeling that kept bothering me left and I felt like I was able to win again. I think I will be able to keep winning starting from this match. -다승왕에 한 발 더 다가섰다. ▶지난시즌 뒤늦게 다승왕 레이스에 참여했는데 (윤)용태가 먼저 앞서가 따라가기가 너무 힘들었다. 이번 시즌에는 내가 먼저 앞서 나가고 싶었다. 이 격차를 유지해 다승왕을 차지하고 싶다. 이번 시즌에는 욕심이 난다. -You are one step closer to being the King of Wins. ▶Last season, I got into the King of Wins race too late; it was really hard to catch up with Free[gm]. This season I wanted to be the one that’s ahead. I want to keep the gap the way it is right now and take the title of the King of Wins. -3연패 가운데 '원투펀치'가 자주 패했다. ▶ 신예 선수들과 경기를 할 때에는 긴장을 하지 않는데 앞서 출전한 제동이가 패해 긴장이 됐다. 긴장을 하고 있어 놀랐다. 그래도 마음을 다잡고 경기를 풀었다. 제동이도 연습을 소홀히 하는 것이 아니다. 여전히 잘하고 좋은 경기를 펼친다. -During the team’s 3 match losing streak, the “1-2 punch” lost a lot. ▶I don’t get nervous when I play new players but I started to become anxious when Jaedong lost before me. I was actually surprised that I became nervous, but I pulled myself together in time to do well in the game. It’s not that Jaedong isn’t practicing hard enough. He’s still playing really well. -조정웅 감독의 삭발 발언이 있다고 하던데. ▶게임에 집중하고 자극 받으라는 의미에서 하신 말씀인 것 같다. 희한하게도 삭발 발언이 나오면 다음 경기는 한 번도 패한 적이 없었다. 이번에도 타이밍 좋게 말씀 하셨고 선수들이 자극을 충분히 받았다. -It’s been rumored that Coach Jo Jung Oong wanted the Lecaf players to shave their hair. ▶He meant for us to focus on the game more and be stimulated at the same time. The funny thing is that after every speech mentioning shaving heads, we never lost. He made the speech at a good time and everyone became well stimulated and motivated. -You won without too much trouble. ▶ I made the mistake of making a zealot instead of a core after I saw the SCV. But he made a lot of mistakes when it came to pushing the vultures over the wall, and I relaxed seeing that my opponent was even more nervous. I was able to keep my mind at peace when I saw signs of good luck early on, and I think that is why I won. -이전과 비교했을 때 이번 3연패 때 느낀 기분은. ▶시즌 초 집중해서 연습을 할 때에는 성적이 잘 나오다가 중반에 흐트러지는 상황이 항상 닥쳤다. 그 때 패하고 다시 마음을 다잡아 승리를 하다 또 한 차례의 흐트러짐이 온다. 그 점을 고쳐야 하는데 아쉬운 부분이다. 앞으로 더 좋은 성적을 올리기 위해 노력할 것이다. -How do you feel about the 3 straight losses compared to the time before? ▶We fell into the situation where we were doing well at the beginning of the season but started to lose steam mid-season. Even after we reset our minds and start winning, the time for the losses comes once again – I wish that wouldn’t happen. We will strive to do better in the future. -르까프 연습 상대로 위메이드와 온게임넷 선수들이 자주 언급된다. ▶위메이드는 감독님 사이의 친분이 크기 때문에 많이 도와주는데 온게임넷의 경우는 선수들 사이의 친분이 많은 것도 아닌데 쉽게 도움을 준다. 정말 고마운 팀이다. 순위에서 바짝 붙어있지만 온게임넷과의 경기는 많이 남아있기 때문에 신경쓰지 않는다. -A lot of times Ongamenet and Wemade seems to be practice partners for Lecaf. ▶The Wemade coach is close to our coach so we get a lot of help but in the case of Ongamenet players they just help us even though we’re not particularly close. We are very thankful for them. We are very close in ranking but I am not worried since there aren’t that many games to play against them. -박지수의 2팩토리를 막으며 힘들었다는데. ▶2 팩토리를 상대하면서 너무 머리가 아팠다. 가난한 상황에서 막으려고 할수록 너무 힘들었다. 그런데 한상용 코치님이 해법을 주셨다. 가난함을 버리고 부유하게 경기를 펼치자 쉽게 막았다. 순간 너무 감사하고 코치님께 큰 도움을 받았다고 전해드리고 싶었다. -It’s been rumored that it was hard to block Park Ji Soo (I think forGG_V.. someone correct me if i’m wrong)’s 2 fact rush. ▶I had a hard time dealing with 2 fact rushes. I tried to block it playing economically poorly, but it was even harder then. But Coach Han showed me the solution. He told me to play with strong economy, and it became easy to block. In that short moment he helped me greatly and I want to thank him very much for his help. | ||
Korea (South)1087 Posts
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United States4467 Posts
I thought it was a fairly interesting interview...Anytime's so badass :D I know that team members from other teams help other teams, but Wemade and OGN helping Lecaf? Random? Usually this sort of help comes when individual players are prepping for finals or something. But helping a whole team in general? That's kinda weird Thanks again joohyunee! This translation is awesome Note: If you REALLY REALLY feel the interview isn't worth translating (This one definitely is), feel free to skip it but please give a summary ^^ 1000 blessings to you | ||
United States3085 Posts
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Canada6683 Posts
SK Telecom T1 sent Kim Sung-Jae back home for going out without permission. In order to tighten discipline among the players, he has been demoted to an online practice partner. 후 기리그부터 2군에서 생활하고 있는 김성제는 지난 10일 KTF 매직엔스와의 경기를 마친 뒤 선수단이 숙소에 복귀하기 전 허락을 받지 않고 외출했던 것으로 밝혀졌다. 김성제가 좋아하는 해외 팝스타의 콘서트가 열렸고 이를 관람하기 위해 선수단이 도착하기 전 허가 없이 숙소를 떠났다. It was confirmed that Kim Sung-Jae, who has been in the 2nd tier group since post season, left the T1 quarters without getting permission before the team returned from their game against KTF MaginNs on the 10th. There was a concert from a foreign pop-star that Kim Sung-Jae liked and in order to attend, he left without permission before the team arrived. SK텔레콤은 이날 KTF에게 패하며 5연패에 빠졌을 뿐만 아니라 전상욱의 아버지가 돌아가시는 일까지 악재가 겹쳤다. 장례식장으로 이동하기 위해 인원 파악을 하던 중 김성제가 없다는 사실을 확인했고 무단 외출이 발각됐다. SK텔레콤 코칭 스태프는 김성제가 돌아오는 즉시 짐을 싸서 고향으로 내려가라는 엄명을 내렸다. SK Telecom not only lost to KTF that day and lost 5 consecutive games but they had the misfortune of losing Jeon Sang-Wook's father. While checking the people attending prior to the funeral, it was found out that Kim Sung-Jae was not there and his leaving without permission. SK Telecom coaching staff sent Kim Sung-Jae back home as soon as he returned. 김성제는 지난 7월부터 2군 생활을 하면서 기량이 상승하고 있다고 평가돼 11월 로스터에 포함될 가능성도 있었다. 그럼에도 불구하고 무단 외출로 인해 온라인 연습생으로 강등됐다. SK텔레콤은 김성제가 돌출행동으로 인해 팀워크를 해쳤다고 판단, 고향으로 내려보내는 특단의 조치를 취했다. Kim Sung-Jae has been playing in 2nd tier since this past July and had a possibility of being in the roaster for November due to his increasing skill. Regardless, he was demoted to online practice partner due to his actions. SK Telecom concluded that Kim Sung-Jae hurt the teamwork by his unexpected actions and made the decision to send him back home. SK텔레콤 측은 "김성제가 자성하는 시간을 가질 수 있도록 온라인 연습생으로 강등시켰고 반성의 여지가 보일 경우 복귀시킬 계획"이라 밝혔다. SK Telecom expressed that "Kim Sung-Jae was demoted to online practice partner so he can have time to reflect on his action and if he shows positive signs, we are planning on getting him to return." lol the article is so repetitive ~_~ | ||
United States3085 Posts
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Canada6683 Posts
Yooi is quitting pro gaming in order to become a commentator. His last game will be on November 21st at StarChallenge Season 2, Group E as planned. His debut will occur at the Elite Studentwear School League and if one of the existing members drop out, he may be put into MSL or Pro League -- into MBC Game's main leagues. He said something along the lines of "I'm looking forward to this new challenge. I did not produce great results as a pro gamer but I will become a good commentator" link Edit: Also, it seems that SKT T1 went to Cheong-Gyae mountain as planned. | ||
is awesome32269 Posts
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Hong Kong20321 Posts
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Canada6683 Posts
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United States3085 Posts
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Korea (South)1087 Posts
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Canada6683 Posts
shower, laundry, lunch, homework etc. stole my attention for a while | ||
Canada5085 Posts
losers | ||
Korea (South)1087 Posts
winners get interviewed | ||
Canada555 Posts
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Canada3318 Posts
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