holy shit now I'm at the point where I even lose to trash comps. Top : Brand Jungle : Lee Mid : Orianna Bot : Caitlynn / Lulu
We had : Top : Riven Jungle : Warwick Mid : Kassadin Bot Lucian (me) / Leona
Riven lost to Brand at lvl 2, then goes Malmortius 1st item. Mid got camped alot by their Lee. And bot, we got poked to death, Leona was miles behind me while I was trying to farm. And our jungle, saying he was diamond 2, afk farmed until 6 and got outplayed by a Silver 1 Lee Sin. Then he afk'd for some time, and our Riven kept blowing her ultimate onto nobody.
I've been matched with all this kind of fucking retarded and cancerous people for 2 days, losing 8 gamesi n a row. I'm fucking pissed right now
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand demoted. Fuck this game and its cancerous retarded motherfuckers in gold
comps/champs means nothing in lower tiers if opponents dont know how to deal with it :/
comps/champs means nothing in lower tiers if people dont know how to deal with it in lower tiers
New York City13113 Posts
I feel like some people think "group mid" is a panacea to every problem, and if it fails, that just means that we didn't "group mid" hard enough and we should "group mid" more.
Despite being down overall, we've been having success getting picks while our 0/9 Nasus split pushes himself back to relevance. But our ADC insists on "grouping mid" as if that will magically solve our problems. We don't want to teamfight! We aren't going to win teamfights! We're doing fine farming right now. The ADC emphasizes this point by consistently leading the charge down mid, and of course gets bursted by Aatrox immediately every time, and says it's our fault because we didn't "group mid".
On the contrary to what people think about me, I have no problems about getting invaded. Even when our toplane Blitz and their toplane Darius is away from the fight. I have problems with people who have problems with how to fight at level 1. Caitlyn (who skilled Q), Annie (who skilled W) and Nocturne (who skilled Q) are perfectly good targets for 3v3 with Braum zoning me (Lucian) out of the fight. Any given couple that can be formed with the named 3 champions and Braum is a bad target to go 1v2 if your name is Lee Sin or Tristana (and yes, we're playing double ad carry botlane and yes, we gave Caitlyn 2 kills before 2 minute mark. Needless to explain what she did to us). Also: God forbid if our Nidalee hits one fucking spear. Just one. On any given opponent. Even 4.5k HP Braum who has 150 MR and shield and was begging to get hit. Because our Blitzcrank toplane failed every single Q, he stayed out of the fight every single gank and Lee Sin just lost 1v1 to Darius when Blitz was trying to catch up. After some more time, Darius could 1v2 Lee and Blitz.
I don't really know how rito could make 2 teams that have absurd differences in the fucking fundamentals of the game and match them against each other.
God bless 20 minute surrenders.
Fuck my internet. 4v5, we're actually winning the game. Cue somebody uploading something on the network>constant DC's and lag. Might not have won anyways, but it's frustrating as all hell to lose like that.
Why do people insist on calling Jungle in champ select then proceed to just farm and put no pressure on the lanes. Just had a game with a Jungle Udyr who ganked twice (once mid and once bot, I never saw him top) while the enemy Kha'zix was everywhere (he just seemed to go from lane to lane ganking), Udyr was really nicely farmed of course, shame that our bot lane lost, mid lane lost and I went even in lane (with a Jax as my opponent, so really I lost)
We almost came back, but our mid Leblanc kept rushing off to start baron when we killed one guy, never mind their fed Fizz, Kha'zix, Ez and Jax were alive (hardly the guys you want to engage in a cramped space after fighting Baron) and all we'd killed was the support Alistar.
On June 01 2014 07:20 krndandaman wrote: god... ive never been so ticked off in a game before.
there is this toxic as fuck jax in our game and decides to flame everyone on the team.
of course, we just ignored him and played our game.
then all of a sudden jax starts to say our team was verbally abusing him when we said absolutely nothing to him. thats when I called him out on his bullshit and pointed out he was actually the one flaming the rest of the team while our team was nice enough to just ignore him.
he somehow manages to convince the other team that he was being wronged and because he was feeding (3/6) the other team believed we were flaming him for being bad. also he kept pointing out that I was a duo with my friend so clearly we were lying.
the rest of our team finally speaks up at the end and confirms with us that jax was a total dick. jax of course plays innocent and denies it while other team still sides with him. apparently they reported us instead of jax.
ive never seen such an unlikeable person on league before. who the fuck actually tries to lie to direct reports to another person? I normally just completely ignore toxic people to the end, but this guy actually had me riled up. its one thing to be toxic, but its another thing to completely deceive others and have someone else take responsibility for your actions. that sucks. happened to me once too. a feeding toxic lucian relentlessly flames everyone and then asks the enemy team to report all of us for flaming him for feeding when we actually said jack shit the entire game
we need like a chatlog printer or screenshot or some shit we can show to the enemy team so they know who to actually report
Just had a fizz that though it was a good idea to feed hardcore in lane, then after the jungler busts his ASS trying to get the lane even, he decided to just rush off to the enemy side alone with no vision and try and 1v1 people. If he was lucky he killed somebody and traded with zed. However, he was much more likely to just die or get a kill to reset his bounty and then give up kill/assist gold.
11589 Posts
thankfully if you said nothing wrong, you won't get banned by tribunal because they see your chat log.
Also, i highly doubt you even get reports. Basically, i don't report on hearsay, and i'd think any reasonable person wouldn't given how stupid the average LoL player is. I will report someone on the enemy team if i get the impression they are a dickwad from what they say in allchat. I will not report someone if someone else tells me they are an idiot.
Lose an hour long game. I'm support. I did the most damage on the team. Like 15k more than our Yasuo. ......
Can we add Morgana to the list of champions to delete from the game? It's the same shit everybody hated about her back when she was a good mid. Zero risk, long range 3 second hard CC. But even more annoying to lane against because you can't kill her, but she can definitely kill you.
Well, been on a losing streak as of late. Just feels like every game stuff just goes wrong, and everybody feeds.