The goal is in the title, my weight is now 76 kg, I want to be around 66 kg by the time ten weeks pass. Sorry to the US readers but I will use the metric system here. I will lose weight by doing cardio work and training with weights in the gym, also I will monitor my food intake. I will not use drugs like ephedrine, amphetamines and others I've used before. I just don't see the point anymore as I am training for fun and to challenge my self, to test my mental limits mostly.
I will now give you some background. See, in October 2013 it was warm in Bulgaria so I did a lot of running, like every day for around 30 minutes, combined with 3 three times per week hitting the gym and also doing Muay thai drills on a bag and shadow boxing. So I got my self a tendinitis of my right achiles tendon. This is a bitch, like a real nasty bitch. I took time off, I let it rest and heal. And heal it did, it took it two months though. And in December 2013, around the beginning of the month I took my daughter to the kindergarten. It was chilly and frosty in the park where I used to run. It was that biting cold when you just want to go home and go in the bath as it's looks like the only place with positive temperature. But did I do that? Nah! That's for pussies, I thought, real men do sprints! Yup, you read that right, at -12 degrees Celsius I decided to test my achiles tendon and do sprints. In the summer I used to do 30 seconds of sprinting followed by 30 seconds of light jogging. I could do this for 13 times before almost collapsing on the spot. So in December I thought I'd do it 4-5 times. I thought I had warmed up as I jogged for three minutes and I stretched for another 5 minutes. I did the 5 sprinting sessions, thought everything was cool and got home to the aforementioned bath. The same day it was all fun and jokes, I was feeling good and no sign of what was going to hit me was present.
The next morning I felt severe pain in my right hip, from the front of the hip, back to where the gluteus muscles are. I thought 'Well, fuck, I fucked my self again...”. But I had no idea how bad I fucked my self... It was so bad that the first few nights I had to sleep with a pillow below my ass so I could get to a position where the pain was tolerable.
I started taking diclofenac pills for two weeks, the pain was less but not gone and I was limping. I finally decided to go to see a doctor. He had a x-ray done and said it was some soft tissue trauma, told me to change the pills and I should be fine. I limped from the hospital, took the new pills from some pharmacy and merrily went home or to work, I don't know. I didn't feel better though. I went to another doctor who advised me to to a scanner of the hip joint. The result was the same, soft tissue trauma, most likely of the rectus femoris and tensor fasciae latae muscles. He said I should do physiotherapy but I am postponing it, just too lazy I guess. The pain subsided though, I don't really know why or from what. I know it took it 5 months! I completely rest the hip now, I don't jog, I try not to walk too much. In the gym I don't do leg exercises. As a result my arms and chest got too big for my liking. I also got some belly fat that I want to get rid of. I gained 6 kilograms in those months. Granted, I also ate a ton of crap food.
I also wondered what cardio exercise can I do that doesn't stress the quadriceps. And it hit me. Rope skipping! I've never done this crap before though. I still think it looks ridiculous when a man does it. But it should do the job – it burns a lot of calories, even more that jogging, which I found surprising.
And today I watched a few tutorials on how to skip a rope and I did my first mini training. I jumped for about 6 minutes. My personal record is 20 skips without hitting my ankles with the rope.
As my hip and quadriceps is getting better, two days ago I even did some very light squats in the gym. It was a thing for jokes really. I uses to squat with 135 kg for 8 repetitions at 72 kg body weight before I injured myself. Now I did 20 repetitions with 30 kg. And the next day I had that feeling of sore muscles, as if they've been trained. How pathetic I've gotten...
Now about the food.
I might keep a diary and share what I eat when I type here. Today I had some cottage cheese with chicken breast, 300 grams of red meat and a cup of traditional Bulgarian yogurt which is different than what is called yogurt around the world. For dinner I don't know, I will see what my wife has cooked and see if I should eat it.
My strategy for food is clear, to eat protein food on days when I don't workout, add some carbs when I have workout.
I really miss Muay thay though. I even bought a boxing bag in the winter when I thought I'd be fine faster. Also I got the coolest mma gloves that are great for bag training.
Click to see gloves as the image is too large to fit properly
Click to see the boxing bag too
I can't do bag training for now though as the twisting motion of the body on each hit stresses the tensor fascia latae and the rectus femoris too... How stupid is this...
I am pissed at myself for being so impatient and trying to sprint at -12 degrees. I will now stretch like a girl and warm up for at least 10 minutes. But gaining this knowledge has wasted me around 5 months of training and has stripped me of the pleasure of practicing the sport I enjoy the most. But this knowledge is my silver lining so it was not all a waste...
I can share pictures too. I got some before I injured myself and I can make another those days. Would it be interesting? I know I don't like it when people post pictures so I thought I'd ask first. It looks like boasting when people are in shape and I don't train to go to the beach and show my 6 pack. I train for fun and for the rare occasion someone is too rude to me or my wife or daughter.
That's all for now.
Gl hf gg ♥!