please don't duo queue with silver tier players that easily tilt and become free kills
it doesn't matter that you won lane 2/0, that 11/3 riven that got fed off that silver 2 nasus is kind of painful to deal with
your squishy support
Forum Index > The Shopkeeper′s Inn |
1166 Posts
April 19 2014 08:26 GMT
please don't duo queue with silver tier players that easily tilt and become free kills it doesn't matter that you won lane 2/0, that 11/3 riven that got fed off that silver 2 nasus is kind of painful to deal with thanks, your squishy support | ||
United Kingdom1401 Posts
April 19 2014 09:03 GMT
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United Kingdom3884 Posts
April 19 2014 10:21 GMT
Get caught and die. Teammate "WTF dude". 30 seconds later the rest of my team comes, can see the enemies due to my ward. 3 kills, steal baron, push to their base and win. WTF was I thinking warding baron! Such a dumb idea to give us the chance to steal it, kill them all and win the game. Terrible player. | ||
United Kingdom414 Posts
April 19 2014 17:18 GMT
On April 15 2014 05:27 Drium wrote: Just got drop hacked for the first time. Some people are just pathetic. RIP ~20 lp i would have gained. Is it possible I got drop hacked in a normal draft? Game started stuttering and my ping shot up. Couldn't reconnect. Checked my net was still working with my phone and tried to reconnect and it game me some 'check your firewall message'. I'm not trying to jump to conclusions but my net and pc have been stable for about 3 years now. | ||
Canada454 Posts
April 20 2014 04:25 GMT
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Mozambique16569 Posts
April 20 2014 05:27 GMT
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Canada11044 Posts
April 20 2014 07:21 GMT
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Mozambique16569 Posts
April 20 2014 08:32 GMT
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Noobville17919 Posts
April 20 2014 11:04 GMT
like i cant even get team mates that seem like they have a brain, they're all mindless feeding retards. what the fuck man | ||
Bulgaria4093 Posts
April 20 2014 12:36 GMT
He executed perfectly up to the part with feeding xD | ||
France45622 Posts
April 20 2014 17:47 GMT
Then Xin decided it was a good idea to always dive people. Ashe who was trash never followed anything except to miss his fucking arrows and run head first into people after fights. Jax had that wonderful vamp -> zeal item build against a Lee who just said "thanks for all the free kills even after you outscale me", and to end the game instead of backing to defend our open inhibs tried to 1v1 the 8-1 Cait when he was 2-14 and 50 cs behind then tried to argue that "Jax is anti-carry, I counter her, he only outplayed" (not fucktard, he doesn't need to outplay when you have cutlass/zeal/zerks/randuin's vs a BT/PD/LW/BFS/zerks Cait, he just right-clicks you, pressed E to dodge yours, and fucks you up). Akali ended up 14-8. Including the time he chased me on foot then RQ'd me for the finish, with ~150 HP and Ashe between us both, who walked to me but never even right-clicked Akali. So Akali chases, kills me, then walks away, and Ashe doesn't auto even once. How is that fucking trash Gold II? He's fucking worse than Silver III players I've seen. | ||
United States5378 Posts
April 20 2014 19:49 GMT
I just want to win a single promotional series to get out of low silver, is that so hard to ask? | ||
Noobville17919 Posts
April 21 2014 00:55 GMT
On April 21 2014 04:49 Crusnik wrote: I cannot fucking win a promotional series. I really wish champ select was still based on MMR instead of randomly assigning places to everyone, being forced into roles that I'm not comfortable with (Mid/jungle) or having to deal with stupid lane matchups as a support with an AD that I go aggro at the oddest times and can't bait fights. I just want to win a single promotional series to get out of low silver, is that so hard to ask? dropped from plat 3 promos, up 1-0 to almost plat 5 0 lp, have won maybe 5 games at most pls. | ||
United States5378 Posts
April 21 2014 01:02 GMT
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Noobville17919 Posts
April 21 2014 01:05 GMT
On April 21 2014 10:02 Crusnik wrote: Yeah, you have it worse for sure, I at least still have a positive ranked record at 17-15 I think...Which could be a lot worse since I barely played Dota or any moba since like November >.>... I was almost at 30 more wins than losses too, now im like 8 away from breaking even lolol | ||
France45622 Posts
April 21 2014 13:59 GMT
And complains when we criticise him. Don't lose us the game, fucktard, it'll go better. Fucking god Cait when we're fighting 2v2 with Sona against Draven and AP Lulu you fucking focus the Draven that's killing you. Both of them at half HP won't do anything good when Draven gets a double. And don't fucking kid me when we all dive on Draven after Lulu and Syndra fuck up their flank and are cut from us, don't run away with 75% HP and whine "Syndra was zoning me", I know she wasn't, she was trying to get me and I was nowhere near you, you little lying piece of shit. | ||
New York City13113 Posts
April 21 2014 14:45 GMT
On April 18 2014 12:48 schmutttt wrote: Show nested quote + On April 17 2014 22:54 GrandInquisitor wrote: I just realized I haven't added anyone to my blacklist in nearly a month. I've had many crappy games since then, including some dc's, but no one deserving of The List in that time. Hooray! Maybe Gold really is better than Silver. I guess this is the QQ thread and not the Awesomeness thread, so let me share with you some highlights from The List. These are all Silver III to Gold V games. Names removed to protect the horrible: * [Player]: 0/10 Shen that rushed Wit's End and Merc Treads vs Pantheon * [Player]: Bronzie lying about being "Silver II" smurf, can only play Top, but could not actually play Top * [Player]: In champ select: "Don't own supports. Can't mid. Ahri support don't worry" * [Player]: Toxic Katarina who built Mejai's at 1/9/0 * [Player]: In champ select: "I trust Gold over Silver" (in other words, Gold V 0 LP who picks below, but at the same time as, a Silver I 100 LP, and this is back when MMR determined pick order) steals jungle role. Instalocks Warwick jungle and is 0/7/2 before level 6. * [Player]: Literally said in team chat: "Kassadin don't fucking gank other lanes that's MY JOB" and wouldn't give me blue buff because of it Is your blacklist your ignore list or a different one? Apparently I have ignore 98 people on my main since Oce came out, doesn't surprise me on this server tbh It's a list of summoners that I've decided to instadodge if I see them on my team in champ select. | ||
884 Posts
April 21 2014 16:09 GMT
On April 21 2014 10:05 arb wrote: Show nested quote + On April 21 2014 10:02 Crusnik wrote: Yeah, you have it worse for sure, I at least still have a positive ranked record at 17-15 I think...Which could be a lot worse since I barely played Dota or any moba since like November >.>... I was almost at 30 more wins than losses too, now im like 8 away from breaking even lolol I went from diamond v 63 lp like 3 days ago with a 60% over all winrate to plat 2 16 lp with like 52% or 53% winrate, last 3 games in a row have been 4v5's with dcs one of which was me unable to connect caus of "firewall" followed by everyones league clients crashing after the game ends no loss prevention on any of them. went on a 13 loss streak on original demotion from diamond to plat at least 20% of which were 4v5s and 80% of whcih were every other lane giving up 4 deaths within first 4-5 minutes. Just don't get how one can get so unlucky, sure if I was faker I probably coulda carried some of the games but you'd think not feeding in any of the games would lead to at least one win, feels like I have to play perfectly and carry hard core as in like go 6-0, (in one of my zigs games I actually went 5-0-3 early game, helping counter jungle their jungler with mine and roaming both top and bot successfully, and ended 8-1-3 and still lost) just to have a 40% chance of winning. Just sucks finally hitting a league goal and now not being able to win just having my mmr plummet further and further , If I do manage to hit diamond v again i'm just going to not touch soloq ueue to maintain the rank, its just way too luck based considering at least 20% of my games are 4v5s. At least 50% are trolls too, or char select losses, jungle yasuo last pick on a team with no knock ups when xin xhao is open, with a "challenger nidalee" that buys 0 wards the whole game and says "going mid no matter what" despite not saying anything until after we have a LB that ends up having to go top. Play support and carry adc, he even says" you're a god" to 5-1, but top and mid at that point have already fed a combined 10 kills without even getting ganked because it's ww jungle and their deaths are pre 6. | ||
Noobville17919 Posts
April 21 2014 16:49 GMT
On April 22 2014 01:09 Nibbler89 wrote: Show nested quote + On April 21 2014 10:05 arb wrote: On April 21 2014 10:02 Crusnik wrote: Yeah, you have it worse for sure, I at least still have a positive ranked record at 17-15 I think...Which could be a lot worse since I barely played Dota or any moba since like November >.>... I was almost at 30 more wins than losses too, now im like 8 away from breaking even lolol I went from diamond v 63 lp like 3 days ago with a 60% over all winrate to plat 2 16 lp with like 52% or 53% winrate, last 3 games in a row have been 4v5's with dcs one of which was me unable to connect caus of "firewall" followed by everyones league clients crashing after the game ends no loss prevention on any of them. went on a 13 loss streak on original demotion from diamond to plat at least 20% of which were 4v5s and 80% of whcih were every other lane giving up 4 deaths within first 4-5 minutes. Just don't get how one can get so unlucky, sure if I was faker I probably coulda carried some of the games but you'd think not feeding in any of the games would lead to at least one win, feels like I have to play perfectly and carry hard core as in like go 6-0, (in one of my zigs games I actually went 5-0-3 early game, helping counter jungle their jungler with mine and roaming both top and bot successfully, and ended 8-1-3 and still lost) just to have a 40% chance of winning. Just sucks finally hitting a league goal and now not being able to win just having my mmr plummet further and further , If I do manage to hit diamond v again i'm just going to not touch soloq ueue to maintain the rank, its just way too luck based considering at least 20% of my games are 4v5s. At least 50% are trolls too, or char select losses, jungle yasuo last pick on a team with no knock ups when xin xhao is open, with a "challenger nidalee" that buys 0 wards the whole game and says "going mid no matter what" despite not saying anything until after we have a LB that ends up having to go top. Play support and carry adc, he even says" you're a god" to 5-1, but top and mid at that point have already fed a combined 10 kills without even getting ganked because it's ww jungle and their deaths are pre 6. It's common to blame team mates but all my games are basically just like this, i dont understand like when my rito is gonna reward me with decent team mates, maybe 1 game out of every 7 or 8 ill get team mates who are actually competent and dont just outright feed 50 kills by 5 minutes | ||
1073 Posts
April 21 2014 17:43 GMT
On April 20 2014 17:32 krndandaman wrote: Show nested quote + On April 20 2014 16:21 GolemMadness wrote: Pretty bizarre, but you really should ping when you're going to gank. the guy was pushed to his tower. I can understand how a ping can be important if we're going for a coordinated gank but all I needed to do was walk into lane and kill the guy. we killed him and she bitched at me for not pinging. like honestly, did you not see me walk up from river and just walk behind the guy? I understand that pinging can always be helpful but no one should ever rely on a ping on a gank. it's the laner's responsibility to watch the area around his lane. if a jungler comes to my lane to gank and I didn't notice because of whatever reason, it's totally my fault and I definitely do not blame him for it. it's like a shen asking his team to ping when you need ulti. sure it's nice, but it's the shen's responsibility to watch for an opportunity to ult. You really believe this? Communication = key. Pinging = essential. End of discussion. 2 long winded posts when you are completely in the wrong over something so very basic to understand. | ||
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