Belgium6755 Posts
Lol, I hadn't thought about it yet until like 5 days ago, but my cellphone, a Sony Ericsson V630i, is capable of playing vods!
The phone comes with a standard 300mb or something M2 mini flashcard. This shouldnt really pose a problem if you wanna put vods on it since you would convert them to *.3gp anyway, which is a kickass format that minimizes it to like 15mb per vod. A great prog for this is "imtoo 3gp video converter 3", Er-hem. I hear there's a prog which converts youtube vids directly into this format too, but I haven't looked for it yet. If you know it, comment! Regardless, I upgraded to a 1gb M2 card since they're pretty cheap on ebay if you're lucky with the bids. Its cool if you have a lot of music + vods.
Anyway, I tried taking a pic but couldn't immediately find the macro setting on my camera. So just imagine the entire thing without blur (its game 5 of midas vs savior pringles msl semis, there's swarms on midas' natural)
The quality is actually great since its all sharp on the little cellphone-screen. The only problem I have is that the sound is always desynched. I see stuff like 20 secs before I hear it, which is kind of a pain.
So yeah, this is a great way of passing time if you daily have long rides on the bus,subway,train,... Just thought I'd share =)
I'm doing this on my phone aswell, a Nokia N95. Feels good to watch some VODs while your sitting on the train or something.
Belgium6755 Posts
Ah cool, do you happen to have probs with the desynch too? Is it 3gp format? If yes what prog do you use to convert?
I use mp4 on an W950i. 320x240 vods ftw!
nah i use mp4. no problems with quality or anything.
Belgium6755 Posts
Ahh I think mine supports that too. Gonna check it out, thanks!
use better quality settings for the sound i used to have that problem converting things for my psp
I do the same on my DS. I got one of these guys and a 2gb micro sd.
I hope the LG VX8600 will work. Headphone quality is amazing although speakers suck...
That's tight, I really wouldnt mind the hearing part, especially if everybody else around me was loud anywya
I have a Motorolla KRZR K1, hope it works on that, gonna try out now, lol. Has a 2gb minisd card on there.
try 4gb N91 (if it doesn't F up)
i use to put a lot of vods on it and just watch with headfones everywhere. i'd convert to 3gp so the file will be smaller. Not to mention another 600 mp3's with about 5-6 vods ;0
Hey, the admin at the website for imtoo 3gp video converter 3 is not letting new users sign up. Can you put the file in yousendit or something? Thanks