Bearded Elder29903 Posts
On January 31 2014 12:59 IMoperator wrote: FOUR FUCKING PROMOS LOST IN ONE FUCKING DAY.
WHOEVER CREATED THAT FUCKING IDEA I WILL PERSONALLY FUCKING EXECUTE Just did 0-3 in my promos. Before promos I was on like 5 win streak with Zed, raping everyone around with like 16-2/13-1 and other shit. Got to promos, game 1 lost, game 2 lost and I was like meh, fuck this and lost 3rd game as well. Back to 50 points :\ FUCK
So I'm Lissandra. I get fed. Enemy Tryn gets fed. That's okay, he's easy to kite with Lissandra. Except when your teammates literally sit still while he's slowed and or rooted and take like 6 autos for no reason and keep feeding him kill after kill after kill for no reason.
Holy crap, you would think moving a few pixels would be relatively easy, but no.
man , gold is such a cesspool of insufferable human beings right now. Even when you win games someone always flames and or gloats like a mad man.
Last game I had a warwick threaten to troll because he played a game with our twitch before that and lost. We won super hard in every single lane and the warwick was still abusing twitch the entire time: "uninstall fking retard" "kill yourself" "l2p twitch jackass" etc.
Same with opponents, if someone does good he always feels the need to spam all chat "this xyz so good omg" or "outplayed". Especially annoying if he got dumpstered in lane and gets carried by his team.
But it's always satisfying to wait till the results screen after a sudden throw and ridicule the crap out of them after swallowing their bs the whole game.
Team tries to 3 man baron, Jinx ult steals it and kills 2/3 of them, Cait dies in the aftermath. Also if Cait had just tanked it, none of that would have happened. Whooo.
I fucking hate wukong jungle. Every time its on your team he gets invaded by lee sin or some shit at level 2 and dies because wu does fuck all until level 6. When he's on the enemy team your jungler does fuck all too so then wu gets to level 6 unscathed and gets kills everywhere with his retarded ult.
who do i have to wine and dine at riot to make solo queue have an option to actually queue solo without being matched with premades
whos dick do i have to suck to make this happen
Last game of my promos. 70 minute long game. What is Jinx's build order? BT>PD>FM>Randuins>LW
Fucking useless cunt didn't even know to use Fishbones for seiges. Fucking hell.
we won and i shouldn't complain but i just played a game where the soraka on my team had 75% cdr.
4860 Posts
I'm frustrated these days. I've been losing and losing a lot since the season starts, and I don't even know why. Before this season, I usually QQ because I couldn't win promo series, but right now, I'm even struggling to not get demoted. I've been demoted once, and on my way to get demoted again.
been losing like crazy, usually carrying my f*cktard teammates but they ALWAYS - without fault feed like crazy, soloing shit 40mins into the game and dying, bot trying to kill enemy bot even though their adc is 6-0 etc.... ive lost all faith in my fellow lol players
worst loss streak of my entire fucking life. im literally negative in ranked now. NEGATIVE. I CANT WIN HALF MY GAMES. holy shit i just wanna commit suicide whenever i play this game and lose every fucking game.
well I can't carry these flaming retards. When you die before I finish doubles you shouldn't complain to me.
Also, again BUY WARDS AND PLACE THEM ffs when you die 4 times because you push without wards, maybe you should BUY FUCKING WARDS
4860 Posts
Nah, look at your lolking score chart, at least you're still climbing. Mine hasn't stopped diving. I'm about to be demoted the second times in 1 week.
Fucking RIOT. I get into a Series, carry the first game, go into the second and then the PVP disconnect bullshit happens, game freezes, nothing happens for 15 minutes. I don't get kicked out of series but I get a loss. Then the teams are essentially the same except I get switched with one other player. The 14-0 Riven who should have been on my team was on the other team and the guy went Talon INTO Riven. Yet another promo series loss.
yeah i completely forgot how to win games. it seems like such a foreign concept now. 7-13 in my last 20 games, and 2 of those wins were from people being afk. Idk what to do, it's not like im even doing that bad. It's just a combination of me not carrying ridiculously hard and my teammates being shit. It feels like I have the worst luck ever
New York City13113 Posts
The reason people don't like playing support: I got my Draven so fed he bought a Bloodthirster 8 minutes into the game. That means in six minutes he had made 3200 gold. The lane should be over. There is no way you should lose laning phase when you've got an 8 minute Bloodthirster on Draven. That's not just snowballing; you should be avalanching the lane.
Sadly, in the next five minutes he goes 0-4 (including a towerdive on Jinx/Morgana while I was in base) and pisses away his entire lead. He ends the game with twice as many deaths as anyone else on our team.