The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 535
Forum Index > The Shopkeeper′s Inn |
Canada11044 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States5710 Posts
3rd series we lose because at 50min into the game our Vayne doesn't have a single defensive item, they have a Gragas and a Vi. How do you even play adc without buying a single defensive item? She had 3 completed items and she was working on a fucking BT, on Vayne, over a GA or banshees. I was supporting her and had literally 3k more gold at the end of the game and was sitting on 6 items. She just didn't have any clue what do during teamfights and got dove while attempted to kill their adc before she died. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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Taiwan1571 Posts
I literally cannot comprehend some of the stuff you guys are saying. | ||
New York City13113 Posts
On February 07 2014 12:15 krndandaman wrote: welp. 0/17/1 nasus. sold his first item trinity force for thornmail as a response to someone recommending he go armor. me(jungle) and bot was 10/1 at that point but nasus feeding 12 kills within 20 minutes kinda cancelled that out. first ranked game of the day. yippee He's probably typing "Don't worry guys, I'll outscale them!" | ||
United States2316 Posts
Also don't play support if you're a pussy. This isnt season 2. You can farm for 25 minutes before team fights start to happen. You can't play passive and eventually take over a game. So don't sit at fucking tower half of laning phase and then dont understand how they got 2 dragons and our tower without you even poking. You are thresh, walk up and auto the fucking adc or support when they come up to cs or poke. I don't know why supports think they can just afk watch the lane every game and then complain when they lose the lane and whine to the jungler about how we dont get ganks. If you didnt play like a bitch none of this would have happened in the first place. Secondly. Dont pick vayne in solo queue and then say "I did fine my mechanics just aren't up to par" WTF THAT"S WHAT VAYNE IS ALL ABOUT. Dont pick vayne if you dont have gold level mechanics on her when you're in a gold level game. Dont pick her if you expect to farm for 40 minutes before actually fighting. This isnt CLG and you arent fucking doublelift. we wont wait on you because we cant. I'm going to dodge every game I get a vayne, nidalee, lee sin, or elise. They obviously require too much brainpower for people to play and the enemy team always gets the superior players. I'm going to dodge every game my team decides theyre going to play whatever they want because it ends up with GP jungle fiora top, veigar mid and lulu support at the end we lose because we dont have a strong team fight and we cant tank their adc for longer than half of a second. Lastly don't come into Ranked and tell me you're playing for fun. This is ranked, I want to win. You want to play for fun and troll around? There's a normal queue for that. Use it, please | ||
United States1067 Posts
edit: oh and talking to them doesnt work either. | ||
Canada747 Posts
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France2198 Posts
Their team was so fucking bad but they won just because 5v4. I was fed but Vi having sunfire/thornmail/randuin, as an adc I was basically useless. Damnit fucking son of a bitch | ||
United States540 Posts
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United States20754 Posts
Didn't get placed in fucking Taric's Enforcers. THE LEGACY IS DEAD | ||
United Kingdom50293 Posts
He single handedly cost me my gold III promos -_- | ||
Colombia140 Posts
feels bad man. | ||
United States1177 Posts
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United States2316 Posts
Skill doesn't matter. I was just in a game with Krazyness where he legit got outplayed by gold players. No not oh a few outplays here and there. He was the most deaths on the team, was trolling, feeding and being a complete asshole to everyone on the team for zero reason. Calling for ganks in a lane he couldnt win, berating the jungler for not helping, talking shit to his support who was thresh when he constantly got caught out and outplayed. 1/7 as ADC and he shit talked the whole game. this is a D1 streamer that gets 600+ viewers on a regular basis. He chose to lose that game. Volibear wasnt that far behind, I was ahead top, and our mid was even on damage if she could hit spears. Krazyness if you read this, get better scrub, I've seen better adc play from Destiny Edit: I'm sorry for anyone who actually enjoys watching him. He acts like a complete douchbag in game because eh's getting outplayed by people 2 complete divisions below him. Go find someone who will teach you how to play without being a douchbag. | ||
United States232 Posts
1-4 today, and I didn't even feel I played badly, except for the first game. | ||
United States875 Posts
So. God. Damn. Greedy. | ||
France45622 Posts
They scatter, never ward, Shyvana dies three times while "splitpushing" because he doesn't ward and ignore our pings when 4 enemies rush toward him, Sivir complains about a lack of wards and proceeds to get caught in our jungle (literally less than 10s later), Amumu tells us to follow him when he goes in and proceeds to facecheck the tribrush near nashor, alone, getting caught again. Game finishes to be thrown as we saw them doing Nashor while we're way too far to catch up in time, I tell them it's too late and risky and they've prob trapped it, Sivir runs to the bush to the right of the pit and proceeds to get instagibbed by Jarvan and Yi. I can take a loss when the enemy plays better. But it's so goddamn infuriating when it would have been that easy to avoid, were it not for teammates not being bad, but being outright retards. It's not like they put us on ignore: people talked and everything, without flaming. They were just dumb and either didn't take notice of calls, or decided to ignore them (and proceeded to suicide). | ||
United States8519 Posts
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