So I loaded up the game, rocketed through the tutorial missions and started to unlock each class (fuck that Paladin deck though) and even though I suck terribly at the game for the moment I'm having a bloody fantastic time with it. I've won a few casual games and 1 ranked game so far and got my ass handed to me in the arena which was fantastic. It's not an overly complicated game to pick up, okay so deck building is a skill that needs learning but it's a thing that applies to all card games.
Whoever thought this up at Blizzard is a genius and I'm glad they went ahead and made it into a full game, outside of MtG there aren't really that many great card games you can play online and the fact that you don't need to use real money to buy packs if you wish is great also, seeing as I'm very much casualling this game, I don't really feel like spending a small fortune that I don't have on cards I'm perfectly okay with slowly earning my packs through winning games and learning each class and finding the perfect one for me then building my perfect deck and see how it goes. Hearthstone is about to become my substitute for Yugioh, build a deck I love and win or lose, have a shit ton of fun along the way with it and maybe annoy the shit out of others with it at the same time.
That said, those card games won't play themselves, time to spend countless hours learning the ins and outs of another class today!