Now, I am reading up on micro processors and taking my very first few steps into my major. When i stumbled upon a joke that I want you guys to figure out. It is somewhat immature. However, I found it humorous.
The joke(gag) is simple. It is similar to a pun.
Hey girl let me look at your 1110001010011000. It will only take me a minute to calculate it.
I have given you a hint in the wording. I do not think it should take too long to figure out, and if you do figure it out. Please, put the answer in spoilers in case anyone else wants to have a go at it.
That is it for my blog. Happy camping everybody.
extra hints:
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It has to do with a calculator
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It is upside down.
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The numbers Wilson what do they mean.
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The binary number is important.
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When the number 58008 is typed out into a calculator and turn upside down. It appears to look like boobs.