source: http://s.163.com/13/0926/01/99LLP2N900314Q8N.html
Not long ago, a netizen by the name of "Chinese eSports come on!" made a post titled "Let The Unprosperous Chinese eSports develop anymore untrustable people!", a 1000 word manifesto with the contents mainly for "Unmasking the Zoo eSports team manager, former brood war player, and present pro for SC2 known as LOVETT was discovered to have commited financial fraud and ditched his team." This statement below was posted to ZOO's weibo.
The present zoo team manager (admin) LoveTT starting a year ago, when he assumed role of team manager, has committed a series of financial deceptions against the team, it is estimated that he took about 200,000 Chinese Yuan (roughly 18,000 USD), purchased a BMW and when the overall boss of ZOO discovered this, LoveTT had already ran away.
If someone would kindly take the liberty of translating the rest of this, or at least summarizing it, that would be great. it's midnight in Korea and I need sleep now.
+ Show Spoiler + 该经理跟老板说每星期请星际2部门吃饭,要1000元人民币。但是从未请过一顿饭。进了宗师奖励1000元人民币,结果发现五个队员全进宗师了。未发一毛钱。但是账单上,还是会全部写上去。老板给他的钱,像队内赛奖金这种,他从来不发,拖了半年,俱乐部队员去催,才会发一次。而且老板说要每个月一次队内赛,他估计一年也就弄了一次吧。奖金每次都到了,去哪里了傻子也该知道了吧。 上面写的只是星际2部门的一些轻如牛毛的小事,至于LOL部门才是遭的最重的,该经理招人来做职业选手,以练习生身份不发工资,然后跟老板报职业选手该有的工资。有些人没钱拿,甚至是自己贴钱来的,大致内容基本与星际2部门如出一辙。 他给的帐所有人都有工资,打个比方,帐上看出来的是10万元人民币。你就说10万元人民币吧,但是感觉又有20万元人民币。不算饭钱,饭是请自己父母再烧,这些帐都算不出来。他自己一个月工资8000元人民币。如此一年下来,做假账收益20W元人民币左右。而且他从来不办事,媒体关系都搞的一塌糊涂。我就搞不懂这种管理员有什么资格拿8000工资,一年了,ZOO俱乐部一点样子都没,管理员每天就吃喝玩乐,骗老板说每天都来,结果基本都不会来。当你用老板的钱大肆挥霍的时候,当你身为经理人该负的责任,该做的事面前,你觉得你对得起自己的人身? 首先要说的是,感谢那些为了电竞梦想还在坚持打职业的选手,你们为了梦想在努力,打出好的名次为中国争光,打出好的比赛让我们广大水友欣赏。其次要感谢的是那些俱乐部老板。说实话,每个俱乐部都是在亏钱的,那些老板,只是热爱电竞行业的水友,只是比普通的水友赚的钱多了些而已,他们愿意掏出这笔钱出来搞俱乐部,推动了中国电竞,让选手为了自己梦想奋斗的同时做好了后勤工作,让他们有一个电竞的家。 而那些不负责的俱乐部经理人,请你们摸摸你们的良心,当你们拿着高薪不做事,还各种做假账圈钱,你们就没想过自己的明天? 此人百度百科: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=mRN5LSdY629OniuvC465Sda_HNShKzBAxS7AfS82dr3ka0gtSrTGpO0Wyx-3Xv4U15Jl-yL8yCv8-jZOqraKJ此爆料真实性,大家可以去查证,别的我也不多说什么了。 现LOVETT傍住了一个新的富二代叫KING,玩LOL的。KING如果你自己看的见,请不要将你那些钱挥霍在如此人渣的身上。此外,我在这里爆了这个料,也是让大家看清此人,以免上当受骗! 让本篇微博在发布之后,作者“中国电竞加油”很快就转发并@电竞圈内各大知名人物(包括星际2以及英雄联盟),并在各大知名论坛以同样名字转发。 目前查尔星港的记者正在联系当事双方以及相关人员,稍后将带来双方更多的信息及言论,请在接下来的几十分钟内及时关注! 事件回顾: 起因:网友爆ZOO战队经理LoveTT做假账 真实性尚不知 探究求证:LOL分部队员曝光聊天记录证实爆料 探究求证:“LoveTT事件”全跟踪:网友力挺可信 LoveTT沉默 再起波澜:网友再爆内幕“Lovett事件”升级 S.163独家求证 评论:国内电竞圈惊曝“假帐门” 投资人你们还敢爱吗
When I asked ZOOTop his thoughts on the entire ordeal, he simply said this: "没什么好说的了,基本上的事163都很清楚了,只是没想到他居然能做成这样。"
Translation: I have nothing good to say, basically 163.com stated it all clearly, it's just that I didn't expect him to suddenly do this kind of thing.
mod edit: fuller translation
On September 28 2013 01:43 ChriS-X wrote:Translation: + Show Spoiler +The aforementioned manager told the boss that in order to feed the SC2 team, 1000 RMB per month was needed. But we have yet to see him buy us a meal. Entering GM also has a prize of 1000 RMB. 5 of our players have made it to GM, but we have yet to see a single cent. However, on the receipts, they have all been recorded. The money given to him by the boss, such as prize money for internal tournaments, have never been given out. After a 6 month delay, and only after pestering from the players did he hand it out one time. Also the boss said to hold internal tournaments every month, but he's only organised one tournament in about a year. The money comes in regularly, where it went even fools should know by now.
The above are only minor issues from the SC2 department, the LoL department is even worse, the manager invites people to try out as professional players, and because of their practice partner status he did not offer them a wage, yet he told the boss that they had the wages of professional players. Some of the players don't receive any money, some of them even used their own money to pay for expenses, and in general the situation is the same as that of the SC2 department.
On his receipts, everyone has a wage. Just as an example, say the receipt states 100000 RMB. You can see it says 100000 RMB, but it feels like there's another 200000 RMB. Not including money for food, which are prepared by the parents of the players, the figures don't add up. His salary is 8000 RMB per month. Over the year, through false receipts he has pocketed around 200000 RMB. Moreover he never does anything, even media relations were thrown into a mess by him. I just can't understand how this kind of manager can justify having a 8000 RMB salary, it has been a year, and nothing has been done for ZOO, all he does is lounge around and enjoy himself, lying to the boss by saying he comes in everyday, but hardly ever shows up. When you just splurge and waste the boss' money, when you fail to perform the responsibilities and tasks of a manager, how can you even live with yourself?
What I want to say first is, thanks to all those who are still chasing the dream of a professional gamer for the love of e-Sports, you are working hard for your dream, place well in tournaments to bring glory to China's name, compete well to earn the admiration of our fellow enthusiasts. Secondly, I want to thank the bosses of the professional teams. To tell you the truth, each and every pro team is turning a deficit, but the bosses, as fellow enthusiasts who love e-Sports every much, they just earn more than the typical enthusiast, they are willing to fork out money to form pro teams, to promote Chinese e-Sports, to allow players to pursue their dream while supporting them logistically, so that they have an e-Sports home.
And to those irresponsible managers, please take a look at your conscience, you receive high salaries while doing nothing, and misappropriate funds through fake receipts, have you not thought about your future?
(Link does not work anymore)
This scandal is the truth, you can do your own research, I won't say anything more about the rest.
Now LOVETT has found a new sponsor called KING, who plays LoL. KING if you can see this, please do not squander your money on the scum. Besides, by posting this, is to also let everyone clearly see what kind of person he is, so that others will not fall for his tricks.
After this weibo has been posted, please spread this around to various e-Sports sites and forums (including SC2 and LoL)
The author is currently liaising with all related parties, and will bring you more news and discussion soon, so stay posted!
Recap of events:
Beginning: Online user exposes ZOO manager LOVETT of fraud, authenticity is not determined
Further Investigation: LoL team releases chat logs, confirms scandal Everyone is tracking the "LoveTT incident", the power of online users are fairly trustworthy, LoveTT remains silent
More Turmoil: Online users expose more inside stories, the "LoveTT incident" was upgraded, S.163 exclusively confirms
Afterword: Explosive fraud scandal within the local e-Sports scene, investors do you dare to love us still? I don't usually browse Chinese gaming sites, so some of the context and slang may be lost on me
On September 28 2013 13:35 BuzzKillington wrote: 200,000 Yuan is about 32k dollars. Don't know why OP says 18k dollars.
I screwed up on the math.
China6323 Posts
Sad thing, ugly thing, don't wanna see this again.
According to current exchange rates, 200k Chinese RMB is roughly equal to 30k USD.
Yes, finally a new drama topic!
The team sMi scamming topic was getting boring.
if someone isnt going to 1-up me i can have a go at translating
oh wow lovett. He was a pretty good foreigner bw player as well....very disappointing if it is true.
Norway839 Posts
On September 28 2013 00:11 Enders116 wrote: it is estimated that he took about 200,000 Chinese Yuan (roughly 18,000 USD), purchased a BMW and when the overall boss of ZOO discovered this, LoveTT had already ran away.
Never understood why people would steal for the sake of something as plain as a car XD living the dream haha.
Living the dream indeed oh LoveTT, why would you Savior it up . This only creates fear for future companies
in the middle of translating, plz dont be a pro and beat me to it and waste my effort T.T
I live in Shanghai and got my wife read it out to me so I will sumarise what the post says.
At the beginning it describes how LoveTT's scam worked. Actually it is very simple, he was the manager of the team and he would tell the team owner that he needed X amount of money for the team, examples include food (1000 Chinese dollar per week) money for internal team tournaments that would be held monthly (according to the post only one of these tournaments were held in a year) and bonuses based on performance in events.
When the players asked he where their bonuses where he gave them some money once but that was the only time.
After that the poster goes on to talk about the LOL team, the scam was very similar but far worse for the players. LoveTT recruited professional level players but only put them on the team in a position similar to an internship so they did not receive salaries, however LoveTT told the team owner that he had recruited professional players and they need to be paid salary but the money never went to the players.
Next the poster is talking about his feelings about the team management, in a very chinese way, he is complaining about the lack of character and responsibility, and asks them to examine their own conscience so they can see what they did wrong.
Then he praises the team players for following their dream and trying to bring praise and respect to China and the chinese esports scene, he also praises the team owner saying that he actually does not make a lot or many even any money of his team but he is a fan so he wants to support the players in following his dream. This is also very chinese.
Next he talks specifically to someone called King, apparently King me LoveTT playing LOL and he is the son of a millionaire and the poster want him to see this message so he knows what loveTT is doing and will not give him any money.
Finally he summaries by saying that this information has come out and LoveTT is no where to be seen, so some people who were not sure if it was actually true are now starting to believe it because LoveTT is basically in hiding and not defending him self against the allegations.
Full Translation: + Show Spoiler +The managed talked to the boss and said every week he needs 1000 RMB to pay the food expenditure for SC2 department while in fact this has never happened. There is a prize of 1000 RMB if you enter GM league but after discovering all 5 members entered GM, no money was given. But all these expenditure were written on the receipt. The money from the boss, such as in team competition prize money was not given until after half a year delay, when the club members (Zoo club) put more pressure on him, then he finally paid it for one time. And the boss has said the in team competition is to be held once a month, the manager only did it once in a year. The prize money arrived every month, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know where the money went. What happened above to the SC2 department is just tiny compared to LoL department. That manager recruited LoL pro gamers and gave them a position as a trainee and didn't pay them any wages while getting their proper wage money from the boss. Some people didn't get any money, some even pay to come (stay in the team). The overall method is similar to what happened to SC2 department The receipt he took record, everyone has a wage. For example, the record shows there is a hundred thousand RMB, but in reality, it feels more like two hundred thousand RMB. we ignore the cost for food, food is cooked by parents, you can't calculate these record. His salary is 8000RMB per month, just one year of faking the record, he earns around two hundred thousand RMB. And not to mention he never does his work, messing up the relationship with the media. I don't understand why this level of manager gets 8000RMB as a salary. It's been a year already, the Zoo Club is still a mess, manager just eat and drink his days away, lied to the boss that he comes everyday when he normally doesn't get to work at all. When you are spending your way with the boss money, when you need to take up the responsibility as a manager, when you should be doing what you need to do, how would you value yourself? First of all, thanks for all the pro who is sticking here to achieve their dream of esport. You are working hard for your dream, you play good to bring honor for China, you play a good match for people like us to enjoy. Then we have to thank the club's boss. To be honest, every club is losing money, these boss are merely fans of esports, like us, except they earn more money elsewhere. Them willing to take out some money to run a club, pushing China's esport to grow, let the pro to achieve their dream and also handles the necessary background works so that the players have a home in esport These irresponsible club manager, have a look at your heart, when you are getting high pay and not doing anything, even faking records for money, have you not think about your tomorrow? This guy's baidu (similar to wiki): http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=mRN5LSdY629OniuvC465Sda_HNShKzBAxS7AfS82dr3ka0gtSrTGpO0Wyx-3Xv4U15Jl-yL8yCv8-jZOqraKJyou can all examine if the scandal things I wrote are real or not, I don't want to say too much Recently LOVETT has a neighbour who is coming from a rich family, called King and he plays LoL. King, if you see this happening, please don't spent your money on this jerk. The reason why I post this scandal is also a warning for everyone, don't get scammed. the author 'China esport fighting' will be re-twitting this weibo (similar to twitter) to every famous esport person (includes SC2 and LoL) and also will be posting this to every big forum under the same user name. Right now the reporters of 查尔星港 (a sc2 chinese website) are trying to contact both parties and people related, will be giving you more messages and responses from both side. sorry for the messy grammar, I don't really translate very often and all the "you"s can get confusing because he is relating to different people with the "you" sometimes.
On September 28 2013 00:44 Liquid`Snute wrote:Show nested quote +On September 28 2013 00:11 Enders116 wrote: it is estimated that he took about 200,000 Chinese Yuan (roughly 18,000 USD), purchased a BMW and when the overall boss of ZOO discovered this, LoveTT had already ran away.
Never understood why people would steal for the sake of something as plain as a car XD living the dream haha.
In China an expensive car such as a BMW is a huge sign of status, and as chinese parents and society in general place so much pressure on young people it could very well be that LoveTT did all this as a way of showing the legitimacy of his career to his family or others.
This may provide some cultural context for his actions, or he could just be, as the poster describes him, a douche bag.
On September 28 2013 01:04 coloursheep wrote:Show nested quote +On September 28 2013 00:44 Liquid`Snute wrote:On September 28 2013 00:11 Enders116 wrote: it is estimated that he took about 200,000 Chinese Yuan (roughly 18,000 USD), purchased a BMW and when the overall boss of ZOO discovered this, LoveTT had already ran away.
Never understood why people would steal for the sake of something as plain as a car XD living the dream haha. In China an expensive car such as a BMW is a huge sign of status, and as chinese parents and society in general place so much pressure on young people it could very well be that LoveTT did all this as a way of showing the legitimacy of his career to his family or others. This may provide some cultural context for his actions, or he could just be, as the poster describes him, a douche bag.
Status means everything in Chinese culture. People are walking around with LV purses, Gucci sunglasses, BMW's, but what you don't know if they are living in a dump of an apartment.
I can't say this is entirely true and applies to everyone wearing name brand everything, but there are those people out there that only care about what how you see them outside of their home.
That's China and most of Asia to be honest.
China6323 Posts
I would rather see nobody translating it because it's so fucking disgusting. Most DISAPPOINTED day in my esports life ever.
You can buy a BMW with 18k? O_O
+ Show Spoiler +The aforementioned manager told the boss that in order to feed the SC2 team, 1000 RMB per month was needed. But we have yet to see him buy us a meal. Entering GM also has a prize of 1000 RMB. 5 of our players have made it to GM, but we have yet to see a single cent. However, on the receipts, they have all been recorded. The money given to him by the boss, such as prize money for internal tournaments, have never been given out. After a 6 month delay, and only after pestering from the players did he hand it out one time. Also the boss said to hold internal tournaments every month, but he's only organised one tournament in about a year. The money comes in regularly, where it went even fools should know by now.
The above are only minor issues from the SC2 department, the LoL department is even worse, the manager invites people to try out as professional players, and because of their practice partner status he did not offer them a wage, yet he told the boss that they had the wages of professional players. Some of the players don't receive any money, some of them even used their own money to pay for expenses, and in general the situation is the same as that of the SC2 department.
On his receipts, everyone has a wage. Just as an example, say the receipt states 100000 RMB. You can see it says 100000 RMB, but it feels like there's another 200000 RMB. Not including money for food, which are prepared by the parents of the players, the figures don't add up. His salary is 8000 RMB per month. Over the year, through false receipts he has pocketed around 200000 RMB. Moreover he never does anything, even media relations were thrown into a mess by him. I just can't understand how this kind of manager can justify having a 8000 RMB salary, it has been a year, and nothing has been done for ZOO, all he does is lounge around and enjoy himself, lying to the boss by saying he comes in everyday, but hardly ever shows up. When you just splurge and waste the boss' money, when you fail to perform the responsibilities and tasks of a manager, how can you even live with yourself?
What I want to say first is, thanks to all those who are still chasing the dream of a professional gamer for the love of e-Sports, you are working hard for your dream, place well in tournaments to bring glory to China's name, compete well to earn the admiration of our fellow enthusiasts. Secondly, I want to thank the bosses of the professional teams. To tell you the truth, each and every pro team is turning a deficit, but the bosses, as fellow enthusiasts who love e-Sports every much, they just earn more than the typical enthusiast, they are willing to fork out money to form pro teams, to promote Chinese e-Sports, to allow players to pursue their dream while supporting them logistically, so that they have an e-Sports home.
And to those irresponsible managers, please take a look at your conscience, you receive high salaries while doing nothing, and misappropriate funds through fake receipts, have you not thought about your future?
(Link does not work anymore)
This scandal is the truth, you can do your own research, I won't say anything more about the rest.
Now LOVETT has found a new sponsor called KING, who plays LoL. KING if you can see this, please do not squander your money on the scum. Besides, by posting this, is to also let everyone clearly see what kind of person he is, so that others will not fall for his tricks.
After this weibo has been posted, please spread this around to various e-Sports sites and forums (including SC2 and LoL)
The author is currently liaising with all related parties, and will bring you more news and discussion soon, so stay posted!
Recap of events:
Beginning: Online user exposes ZOO manager LOVETT of fraud, authenticity is not determined
Further Investigation: LoL team releases chat logs, confirms scandal Everyone is tracking the "LoveTT incident", the power of online users are fairly trustworthy, LoveTT remains silent
More Turmoil: Online users expose more inside stories, the "LoveTT incident" was upgraded, S.163 exclusively confirms
Afterword: Explosive fraud scandal within the local e-Sports scene, investors do you dare to love us still?
I don't usually browse Chinese gaming sites, so some of the context and slang may be lost on me
On September 28 2013 01:37 TAMinator wrote: You can buy a BMW with 18k? O_O
BWM in China is way more expensive than BMW in US. He bought a Used , old , lemony, Used again, BM without the W.
United States7481 Posts
On September 28 2013 01:43 ChriS-X wrote:Translation: + Show Spoiler +The aforementioned manager told the boss that in order to feed the SC2 team, 1000 RMB per month was needed. But we have yet to see him buy us a meal. Entering GM also has a prize of 1000 RMB. 5 of our players have made it to GM, but we have yet to see a single cent. However, on the receipts, they have all been recorded. The money given to him by the boss, such as prize money for internal tournaments, have never been given out. After a 6 month delay, and only after pestering from the players did he hand it out one time. Also the boss said to hold internal tournaments every month, but he's only organised one tournament in about a year. The money comes in regularly, where it went even fools should know by now.
The above are only minor issues from the SC2 department, the LoL department is even worse, the manager invites people to try out as professional players, and because of their practice partner status he did not offer them a wage, yet he told the boss that they had the wages of professional players. Some of the players don't receive any money, some of them even used their own money to pay for expenses, and in general the situation is the same as that of the SC2 department.
On his receipts, everyone has a wage. Just as an example, say the receipt states 100000 RMB. You can see it says 100000 RMB, but it feels like there's another 200000 RMB. Not including money for food, which are prepared by the parents of the players, the figures don't add up. His salary is 8000 RMB per month. Over the year, through false receipts he has pocketed around 200000 RMB. Moreover he never does anything, even media relations were thrown into a mess by him. I just can't understand how this kind of manager can justify having a 8000 RMB salary, it has been a year, and nothing has been done for ZOO, all he does is lounge around and enjoy himself, lying to the boss by saying he comes in everyday, but hardly ever shows up. When you just splurge and waste the boss' money, when you fail to perform the responsibilities and tasks of a manager, how can you even live with yourself?
What I want to say first is, thanks to all those who are still chasing the dream of a professional gamer for the love of e-Sports, you are working hard for your dream, place well in tournaments to bring glory to China's name, compete well to earn the admiration of our fellow enthusiasts. Secondly, I want to thank the bosses of the professional teams. To tell you the truth, each and every pro team is turning a deficit, but the bosses, as fellow enthusiasts who love e-Sports every much, they just earn more than the typical enthusiast, they are willing to fork out money to form pro teams, to promote Chinese e-Sports, to allow players to pursue their dream while supporting them logistically, so that they have an e-Sports home.
And to those irresponsible managers, please take a look at your conscience, you receive high salaries while doing nothing, and misappropriate funds through fake receipts, have you not thought about your future?
(Link does not work anymore)
This scandal is the truth, you can do your own research, I won't say anything more about the rest.
Now LOVETT has found a new sponsor called KING, who plays LoL. KING if you can see this, please do not squander your money on the scum. Besides, by posting this, is to also let everyone clearly see what kind of person he is, so that others will not fall for his tricks.
After this weibo has been posted, please spread this around to various e-Sports sites and forums (including SC2 and LoL)
The author is currently liaising with all related parties, and will bring you more news and discussion soon, so stay posted!
Recap of events:
Beginning: Online user exposes ZOO manager LOVETT of fraud, authenticity is not determined
Further Investigation: LoL team releases chat logs, confirms scandal Everyone is tracking the "LoveTT incident", the power of online users are fairly trustworthy, LoveTT remains silent
More Turmoil: Online users expose more inside stories, the "LoveTT incident" was upgraded, S.163 exclusively confirms
Afterword: Explosive fraud scandal within the local e-Sports scene, investors do you dare to love us still? I don't usually browse Chinese gaming sites, so some of the context and slang may be lost on me Thanks for the translation, put it in the 1st post.