On August 26 2013 19:12 Simberto wrote:
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Ok, since noone else has looked at it so far, i'll give you my feedback. I am a mid plat support, so take anything i say in that context, someone who is better then me might tell you different things that are more important.
The fuck is going on in this game. Why are you laning against a vayne that started ruby crystal? And why are you not punching her face in? Generally speaking, you are a bit too passive. You NEVER shoot at the enemy unless you absolutely have to. You take a lot of free harass because you allow vayne to hit you without hitting her back for no apparent reason. You shouldn't have anything to fear in that lane, especially considering vayne starting with a fucking ruby crystal. Just punch her. And dont stop punching her. You got sustain from dorans, she doesn't. Either Nami's sustain is worthless, or she is worthless in fights. That Nami decided to go for W max, telling you that she is a moron and will be about as useful as a caster minion in a fight as long as you dodge her bubble with E.
Don't let them build up a creepwave. Generally speaking, in botlane you want to push at lvl 1 to get lvl 2 first. Afterwards it is not that important, just don't let the enemy have 10 minions. Use your e to dodge bubbles, and you should win everything.
Also, as you said, your lasthitting is bad. You need to work on that. Try to avoid using your abilities to lasthit. Use them only for these three purposes : Pushing the lane(clearing waves), harassing the enemy, or in fights.
If you are pushed back to your tower like at ~4:30, shout at your support to ward that bush. (Unless they have a pink in it, in which case you are kinda fucked)
Nami doesn't even put points into her E, what is wrong with her.
I am pretty sure you should be maxing Q over W.
Don't get hit by bubbles under turret like at ~7:50, that turned a very good trade into a very bad one and nearly killed you. And was absolutely unnecessary.
I still don't know what vayne is planning to do with that ruby crystal. Your supports warding sucks. Also, tell her to allin their face at 6, there is absolutely no reason you are not doing that. You can do stuff like that while running to lane from base, something along the lines of "We got way stronger 6 then they do, and that nami is fucking retarded, try to go for fights whenever possible" Also, once again. Don't get hit by bubbles. You got your E. If you can't dodge them otherwise, save your E for that. That is the single most important thing in any fight. If you don't get hit by bubble, you destroy them.
You react pretty slowly when Leona starts fights, wasting a lot of opportunities like at ~13:30. And you are generally too far back. Try to stay on a line with your support, not half a screen behind him.
Even while being ganked, try to orbwalk backward (move-shoot-move-shoot). This allows you to make the whole thing dangerous for them, and can even turn a gank around. If you just runrunrun, there is never any danger for them, and they can often dive you easily.
Tell Leona to use her wardstone, in a friendly way.
In fights, shoot stuff. Look at ~19:08 for example. You spend 5 seconds in range of enemies just walking back and forth because you can't decide what to do.
If your team starts a stupid 3v5 fight like ~20:40, don't get involved. Just walk away. Don't fight vayne with your back to the wall either. Generally speaking, don't fight vayne 1v1 when her whole team is standing next to her, and you are 3v5. Just don't fight 3v5. Ping retreat and walk away. Opposite thing in 5v5s. Your whole team just ran away and got slaughtered in both fights, and i don't even see why you would do that. You hang around mid, and then you get engaged upon and die. But that is not something you alone could remedy. I can't see your team chat, but i assume it wasn't pretty.
The main point you could improve is your laning. You should have absolutely crushed that vayne nami lane, but you didn't, because you were too passive and had some irrational fear of fighting them when you were dorans lucian + leona vs RUBY CRYSTAL vayne and W max nami. Destroy them. You don't even need a support for that. Just shoot them. And continue shooting. Don't let them build a wave. Don't get hit by bubbles. If you are far ahead consider freezing the lane, if you have good long ranged harass or notice the enemy sucks at lasthitting under turret, push hard. If you have neither, try to equalize the lane in the middle and just fight them whenever they want to lasthit.
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Ok, since noone else has looked at it so far, i'll give you my feedback. I am a mid plat support, so take anything i say in that context, someone who is better then me might tell you different things that are more important.
The fuck is going on in this game. Why are you laning against a vayne that started ruby crystal? And why are you not punching her face in? Generally speaking, you are a bit too passive. You NEVER shoot at the enemy unless you absolutely have to. You take a lot of free harass because you allow vayne to hit you without hitting her back for no apparent reason. You shouldn't have anything to fear in that lane, especially considering vayne starting with a fucking ruby crystal. Just punch her. And dont stop punching her. You got sustain from dorans, she doesn't. Either Nami's sustain is worthless, or she is worthless in fights. That Nami decided to go for W max, telling you that she is a moron and will be about as useful as a caster minion in a fight as long as you dodge her bubble with E.
Don't let them build up a creepwave. Generally speaking, in botlane you want to push at lvl 1 to get lvl 2 first. Afterwards it is not that important, just don't let the enemy have 10 minions. Use your e to dodge bubbles, and you should win everything.
Also, as you said, your lasthitting is bad. You need to work on that. Try to avoid using your abilities to lasthit. Use them only for these three purposes : Pushing the lane(clearing waves), harassing the enemy, or in fights.
If you are pushed back to your tower like at ~4:30, shout at your support to ward that bush. (Unless they have a pink in it, in which case you are kinda fucked)
Nami doesn't even put points into her E, what is wrong with her.
I am pretty sure you should be maxing Q over W.
Don't get hit by bubbles under turret like at ~7:50, that turned a very good trade into a very bad one and nearly killed you. And was absolutely unnecessary.
I still don't know what vayne is planning to do with that ruby crystal. Your supports warding sucks. Also, tell her to allin their face at 6, there is absolutely no reason you are not doing that. You can do stuff like that while running to lane from base, something along the lines of "We got way stronger 6 then they do, and that nami is fucking retarded, try to go for fights whenever possible" Also, once again. Don't get hit by bubbles. You got your E. If you can't dodge them otherwise, save your E for that. That is the single most important thing in any fight. If you don't get hit by bubble, you destroy them.
You react pretty slowly when Leona starts fights, wasting a lot of opportunities like at ~13:30. And you are generally too far back. Try to stay on a line with your support, not half a screen behind him.
Even while being ganked, try to orbwalk backward (move-shoot-move-shoot). This allows you to make the whole thing dangerous for them, and can even turn a gank around. If you just runrunrun, there is never any danger for them, and they can often dive you easily.
Tell Leona to use her wardstone, in a friendly way.
In fights, shoot stuff. Look at ~19:08 for example. You spend 5 seconds in range of enemies just walking back and forth because you can't decide what to do.
If your team starts a stupid 3v5 fight like ~20:40, don't get involved. Just walk away. Don't fight vayne with your back to the wall either. Generally speaking, don't fight vayne 1v1 when her whole team is standing next to her, and you are 3v5. Just don't fight 3v5. Ping retreat and walk away. Opposite thing in 5v5s. Your whole team just ran away and got slaughtered in both fights, and i don't even see why you would do that. You hang around mid, and then you get engaged upon and die. But that is not something you alone could remedy. I can't see your team chat, but i assume it wasn't pretty.
The main point you could improve is your laning. You should have absolutely crushed that vayne nami lane, but you didn't, because you were too passive and had some irrational fear of fighting them when you were dorans lucian + leona vs RUBY CRYSTAL vayne and W max nami. Destroy them. You don't even need a support for that. Just shoot them. And continue shooting. Don't let them build a wave. Don't get hit by bubbles. If you are far ahead consider freezing the lane, if you have good long ranged harass or notice the enemy sucks at lasthitting under turret, push hard. If you have neither, try to equalize the lane in the middle and just fight them whenever they want to lasthit.
So I should have been more aggressive with seeing the Ruby Crystal start, and in general just make my presence felt in lane.
In terms of my last hitting, it varies wildly and is something I'm trying to constantly work on, but my current target goals of CS is 70 by minute 10, 100 by minute 13, and 150 by minute 20.
In terms of slow reaction time I think that's more-so to do with either getting flustered or camera placement; I often let my camera free roam and don't lock it onto my champion, though I'm trying to get better with it and lock onto myself during a fight so I can see easily.
And as for Lucian I'm still trying to learn how his skill maxing goes; my thought was to max W first then Q because of the movement speed bonus I get whenever I fire off my W and AA a marked target, so I could either chase or run away easier. But it might just be that maxing Q is better for him, or it's a situational thing that I will need to decide upon when I figure out who I'm laning against, and how they've bought their items.
Thanks for the detailed write up and opinions.