On May 24 2013 23:26 Capriccioso wrote: This is a really cool thing and a nice service you do for the community. I might be interested in doing something like this as well. Hey the more the merrier, I'm sure there are plenty of people on TL that would like to have their replays looked at by higher level players
On May 25 2013 03:25 Nos- wrote:Show nested quote +On May 24 2013 23:26 Capriccioso wrote: This is a really cool thing and a nice service you do for the community. I might be interested in doing something like this as well. Hey the more the merrier, I'm sure there are plenty of people on TL that would like to have their replays looked at by higher level players This... I love the initiative that 5HIT took in making this thread, but I think it could be cool to try out a more expansive "help" thread to see how it works.
I would volunteer to help, but I'm not sure there's much demand for the dude that's been stuck in Silver I or the Elo equivalent for beyond forever.
Yeah by all means, I don't want to claim exclusive rights to replay analysis on TL and I think it's a great way for the community to learn and generate discussion. I just wanted my name on another thread ggggggggggg.
No, seriously, if you want to do an analysis, feel free to help out. It'd be great for the community and would probably help improve your own game sense as well.
I've been having issue actually uploading games for awhile now does any TL'ers on here know how to fix that issue with lolreplay
On May 28 2013 12:20 captharlock wrote: I've been having issue actually uploading games for awhile now does any TL'ers on here know how to fix that issue with lolreplay
I just downloaded OBS and streamed it on Twitch so they could see the VoD.
Never heard of OBS, Mind explaining it to me and is it free.
On May 29 2013 02:34 captharlock wrote: Never heard of OBS, Mind explaining it to me and is it free.
Obs Topic. Yes it is free.
Hi folks. They're both the same game. Some after game reflections (or on the spot reflections). Baiting my team into a bunch of bad fights was my biggest mistake. I also had two mechanical slip ups as well. My decision to go top when Garen dc'd was also bad since I suspected Irelia was baiting because I saw Hecarim head towards top, I ended up not getting any cs and eventually left the turret anyway. I also trigger finger E after R way too much. One skirmish I even ended up hitting a Q (then they flashed out of range for my R follow up so I ended up E-ing absolutely nothing).
What I would like to know: A) What I did wrong. B) What I should've done to win the game.
Is this checked anymore? I just noticed the last analysis was ... May 15th?!
Replay uploads haven't worked for me in like a month... kind of puts a screw in the works.
Kiss I watched your replay
Your Diana play is entirely too passive at all points of the game past level 3. You should be getting up in people's faces and bursting them super hard and 1v2 idgaf I'm gonna kill one maybe two of you once you get ult. You should be farming wraith camps more on both sides every time they're up once you get ult and harassing with ult almost every time you land a Q. Don't worry so much about the pro plays insta QR strat, you can land a Q then R after and be just as effective. Your farm needs a ton of work, you missed a lot at every point in game. Aside from that just go hard as shit, you can blow people up really hard with Diana and I feel like you're only using about half of her DPS. If you just learned how to display full burst aggression without going pants on head retarded you'd be about 2x as effective with Diana. Also try watching a good Diana play her and watch how they farm. That's a p big part of it, too.
Like, you should care less about your score and care only about owning your lane opponent and the rest of the enemy team so hard that they can't possibly win. Who cares if you have 0 deaths when you lose the game or 20 when you win? Just own them, that's more important than score.
On June 09 2013 10:06 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Kiss I watched your replay
Your Diana play is entirely too passive at all points of the game past level 3. You should be getting up in people's faces and bursting them super hard and 1v2 idgaf I'm gonna kill one maybe two of you once you get ult. You should be farming wraith camps more on both sides every time they're up once you get ult and harassing with ult almost every time you land a Q. Don't worry so much about the pro plays insta QR strat, you can land a Q then R after and be just as effective. Your farm needs a ton of work, you missed a lot at every point in game. Aside from that just go hard as shit, you can blow people up really hard with Diana and I feel like you're only using about half of her DPS. If you just learned how to display full burst aggression without going pants on head retarded you'd be about 2x as effective with Diana. Also try watching a good Diana play her and watch how they farm. That's a p big part of it, too.
I have a really huge issue with dps IMO. I never feel like I do enough damage tbh even when I reach full build. The other issue is, I can't find any good Diana players because no one plays her after the nerf. I watched OGN Rapidstar during the semis but he got crushed =(.
Also I felt like every time I went in, it costed us the game because it would bait us into bad fights or I'm not doing something right etc =\. I wasn't really certain what my role was that game, to initiate, to get on the bruiser, to peel for caitlyn? etc.
Reviving this thread. This was an infuriating game to play.
There's some typically solo q nonsense at the beginning. I start off the game with some uncharacteristically poor cs, but we get early kills and a big lead. My first death was my Jarvan telling me "go in I will knock them all up," not telling me his skills were not off cd yet (I maybe should have known this).
After that, lane is still really, really easy, but my team refuses to group for objectives and we blow a pretty large lead. I'm not sure how to better coordinate a team in a mid game (or get them to peel for a 12 kill Caitlyn), but I just get wrecked. There is 1 death in the middle of the map where I knew instantly that I was gonna die after Rumble ulted, I got greedy and thought I could string together 4-5 autos for a kill and got turned on and WW ulted. I start getting flustered after this because my team won't do anything I ask, then people decide to start going in alone and wandering wherever and the game totally falls apart.
I get shit a bunch of times for wanting to take red buff, and a gang chorus of 3 people tell me that only the jungler can "give" me the buff.
Here's the game: http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/3338249/
Pre-game: I noticed you don't run lifesteal quints. Imo they are very much needed especially if you start doran's blade.
You get the FB on vayne, which is nice. Remember to push out the lane asap, and go back. You need to use the gold you obtain and get back to lane so you can expand your advantage. Vayne doesn't really get denied THAT much experience compared to a pushed wave under her tower.
Around 6:45'ish you kill warwick, you and annie go back to lane, because you didn't shove up and back off, annie dies. However you manage to get both leona and vayne which is nice. Back off earlier, i know you prolly wanted the extra bit of gold, but annie is back in lane, while you're going back, leaving her vurnerable with nothing to do.
When you bait a counter-gank, let your support do it. You get blown up instantly and the trade ends up 0 for 2.
20 min'ish you and annie start to siege bottom inner. Though you almost get the turret, you get shut down. When you're as fed as you were at that point, group up. Tell your team that you can easily force turrets together, just keep poking and sieging instead of going balls deep, the two of you, without any real vision in their red jungle
26:30 you get caught and die. For the last 5-6 minutes you and your team haven't done anything except for the dragon. You're still heavily fed, but not abusing it at all. No inners are down, even though you at this point have a 6k gold lead. All of you go alone (renekton sitting top, you're wandering around quite alot etc.).
Around the 30 min mark your team finally nails the grouping part after the enemy attempts to steal your blue. There's some back and forth trades and you get the inner turret, however this could have and should have been done way way earlier considering how fed you are.
At 32 min, you're both even in towers. Again, considering the lead you had before, the enemy team had way better grouping, tried to catch some of your team mates off guard, and it's finally paying off. Everytime an inner turret falls, not only does it give 750 global gold, it also gives alot of map control and the enemy is surely using it, while your team still seems to splitting and defending lanes for farm. The gold lead you had before, is gone, you're only up 500 gold at this point.
A team fight emerges at roughly 36 min where you trade 1 for 3. This is huge, however you aren't pushing. You ARE the AD carry, you're the one who should be pushing. instead you return to farming.
You get fucked abit later, enemy gets baron, and despite killing Garen it's way too late. Vayne has the items, rumble is fed too and the control is gone.
So what can you fix?
Your job as an AD carry is to siege turrets. With someone like caitlyn, it's rather easy, but you aren't taking any advantage of that big lead you got early-game. The game tilted when you got shut-down in bot, trying to siege the inner with Annie, and after that the enemy was able to slowly recover little by little. You NEED to group, you NEED to siege, for christ sake, you were 9-2 and kept pushing way too deep without any real vision, when your mid-laner wasn't stomping and the mid outer wasn't down either. The likes of Jarvan and Renekton excels at peeling for AD carries, but you didn't use this at any point during the game, except for maybe at the end, where it was too late.
When something like this happens to you again, tell your team "guys i'm really fed, let's group and get some turrets, we can easily get the inner turrets". The biggest issue from that point, is getting the inhibs, but it all comes down to map-control, something that i noticed the enemy team focusing heavily on. If you watch the replay again, look at how they either stuck to a 3-2 formation or a 4-1 formation with the 5th guy coming in for clean-ups.
TL;DR Group up, be confident and convince your team that is it the right thing to do, and make sure to complain if you don't feel like you cannot abuse the open map due to lack of wards. Global gold and vision is the way to victory in mid-game.
On July 22 2013 07:28 Sponkz wrote: @UpperB
Pre-game: I noticed you don't run lifesteal quints. Imo they are very much needed especially if you start doran's blade.
You get the FB on vayne, which is nice. Remember to push out the lane asap, and go back. You need to use the gold you obtain and get back to lane so you can expand your advantage. Vayne doesn't really get denied THAT much experience compared to a pushed wave under her tower.
Around 6:45'ish you kill warwick, you and annie go back to lane, because you didn't shove up and back off, annie dies. However you manage to get both leona and vayne which is nice. Back off earlier, i know you prolly wanted the extra bit of gold, but annie is back in lane, while you're going back, leaving her vurnerable with nothing to do.
When you bait a counter-gank, let your support do it. You get blown up instantly and the trade ends up 0 for 2.
20 min'ish you and annie start to siege bottom inner. Though you almost get the turret, you get shut down. When you're as fed as you were at that point, group up. Tell your team that you can easily force turrets together, just keep poking and sieging instead of going balls deep, the two of you, without any real vision in their red jungle
26:30 you get caught and die. For the last 5-6 minutes you and your team haven't done anything except for the dragon. You're still heavily fed, but not abusing it at all. No inners are down, even though you at this point have a 6k gold lead. All of you go alone (renekton sitting top, you're wandering around quite alot etc.).
Around the 30 min mark your team finally nails the grouping part after the enemy attempts to steal your blue. There's some back and forth trades and you get the inner turret, however this could have and should have been done way way earlier considering how fed you are.
At 32 min, you're both even in towers. Again, considering the lead you had before, the enemy team had way better grouping, tried to catch some of your team mates off guard, and it's finally paying off. Everytime an inner turret falls, not only does it give 750 global gold, it also gives alot of map control and the enemy is surely using it, while your team still seems to splitting and defending lanes for farm. The gold lead you had before, is gone, you're only up 500 gold at this point.
A team fight emerges at roughly 36 min where you trade 1 for 3. This is huge, however you aren't pushing. You ARE the AD carry, you're the one who should be pushing. instead you return to farming.
You get fucked abit later, enemy gets baron, and despite killing Garen it's way too late. Vayne has the items, rumble is fed too and the control is gone.
So what can you fix?
Your job as an AD carry is to siege turrets. With someone like caitlyn, it's rather easy, but you aren't taking any advantage of that big lead you got early-game. The game tilted when you got shut-down in bot, trying to siege the inner with Annie, and after that the enemy was able to slowly recover little by little. You NEED to group, you NEED to siege, for christ sake, you were 9-2 and kept pushing way too deep without any real vision, when your mid-laner wasn't stomping and the mid outer wasn't down either. The likes of Jarvan and Renekton excels at peeling for AD carries, but you didn't use this at any point during the game, except for maybe at the end, where it was too late.
When something like this happens to you again, tell your team "guys i'm really fed, let's group and get some turrets, we can easily get the inner turrets". The biggest issue from that point, is getting the inhibs, but it all comes down to map-control, something that i noticed the enemy team focusing heavily on. If you watch the replay again, look at how they either stuck to a 3-2 formation or a 4-1 formation with the 5th guy coming in for clean-ups.
TL;DR Group up, be confident and convince your team that is it the right thing to do, and make sure to complain if you don't feel like you cannot abuse the open map due to lack of wards. Global gold and vision is the way to victory in mid-game. Thanks Sponkz. I'm definitely going to try to be more vocal about getting my team grouped up earlier. I did try to some extent, but I definitely am going to explain it like that so that there's more of a clear goal in mind. I'm going to try and make sure to rotate mid after taking the first turret and then getting the team to keep a goal in mind, rather than just trying to deny Vayne as much as possible. I tried to force the issue too late (e.g., the fight where I get a double kill on Garen and Leona in mid was me trying to get my team to push, then just deciding to do it myself after no one responded/people told me they weren't gonna come mid).
Also, AD is not my main role, so I never got LS quints, but they are definitely my next priority. After we won the fight at 36 minutes, someone made a Baron call instead of the push, which I thought was reasonable so I headed in that direction. However, I was the only one that went, and so I ended up just pushing top out, which I know was not a great capitalization on the team fight but I wasn't sure what else to do.
Other than these issues, was there anything with my mechanical play that I should work on? Anything that I didn't do well?
LS Quints are mandatory in the meta right now because it means you can put 800g that would have went into a vamp scepter into over halfway to a BF sword. When you play Caitlyn all you're doing is sieging towers in 100% safety. You have the range to push people out and the traps and net to stay safe with minimal warding from your support. All you do is push and lay traps along the bush to prevent any support engages. Treat any engagement from them as an all-in and back off because their jungler will be there soon, and otherwise poke them and their tower out while lining up waves to hit towers en masse.
I find it a lot harder to carry games as an ADC than it used to be, but that probably just means my positioning isn't as good as it needs to be.
Your mechanics actually seem rather decent for a silver player. You hit ALOT of stuff that i personally cannot hit (that finishing Q on warwick at 6.45 was beast), however your postioning seems to be the issue. Sometimes i noticed that you go balls deep to finish someone off and then die because you're next to a bruiser. Safe-hitting is the #1 priority as ADC, it doesn't matter who you hit, as long as you stay alive.
I suffer from the same thing, though mostly i'm way too dependant on my support.
Thanks guys. I played Tristana and tried to just work on patience, safety, and encourage team map movement, and went 15-0 :p I also played another Cait game before this but my support was afk so not to do there...