[Learn 5HIT] Replay Analysis Thread - Page 6
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51282 Posts
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10417 Posts
Next week the APA conference is coming to Hawaii though, and I live here/go to grad school for clinical psychology so I basically have to attend. Gonna try to hook up with some hot psychologists! | ||
United States2300 Posts
On July 24 2013 21:11 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Yeah, give us some interesting ones! I'm on summer break from grad school and I only have one class. Next week the APA conference is coming to Hawaii though, and I live here/go to grad school for clinical psychology so I basically have to attend. Gonna try to hook up with some hot psychologists! Homefield advantage in Hawaii seems pretty sick. Hookups seem guaranteed with that insider knowledge. | ||
51282 Posts
Runes/Masteries: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/oce/498196 http://www.mediafire.com/?250c52qjfqwt8e2 EDIT: Games from my promotion series, really frustrated how these turned out. They were winnable, but I guess a refusal to acknowledge the importance of objectives got me here (was too occupied trying to farm). http://www.mediafire.com/?lj59zualnqnackt http://www.mediafire.com/?n926o79vqv6ro7k | ||
Canada12016 Posts
http://www.mediafire.com/?508b68z5pfb0fu9 A Vayne where I got carried by my support thresh. I'm really lost as to what to do and where to be as Vayne. I'm just thinking of staying in the back line but her short range kind of forces my hand in terms of being closer to the other team. I think I just need to work on using tumble to get out of sticky situations | ||
United States77 Posts
What are some things I can work on, based on this game? It's actually really hard to find a team with any kind of cooperative chemistry at my level so I'm really just focus'ing on cs'ing better at the moment. Main error I found myself doing a lot is not using my zhonya's active in time, (didnt know you could switch inventory around to fit your keybinds so not as much now that i can make it always a consistent key) But more often than not, I'll move in a teamfight with a gold card pulled, and it's 50/50 whether i can get it off before I get cc'd and then nuked. I have a really hard time engaging with pretty much any champion against like fiddle's fear or crowd control's like it, and I almost feel like using zhonya's active just to avoid a cc before actually landing my gold card is really dangerous for my team, and myself because they can just wait it out and then nuke me anyways. Masteries: + Show Spoiler + (Masteries I switch around between offensive and utility depending on how I feel at the time, until I at least get to 30 and can have both.) Runes: 5 Mark of Magic Pen. 5 Seal of Armor. 5 Glyph of Magic Resist. and a Quint of Movement Speed. http://www.mediafire.com/download/vi7plux9pegdkl2/TwistedFate.lrf Thanks in advance. [Edit] Sort of figured out my own playstyle, seems to be working for the most part. Using that high mobility with teleport and my ult allowing me to solo towers constantly (Using mobility boots with alacrity and lich bane and twin shadows). Works pretty well. http://i.imgur.com/QCh6DKb.jpg | ||
10417 Posts
If anyone else wants to help out, feel free to jump in. | ||
Denmark4564 Posts
On July 25 2013 13:13 GTR wrote: Finally had a long-ish game. Please point out mechanical errors more than anything - I know the Irelia I was lanning with was god awful. Runes/Masteries: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/oce/498196 http://www.mediafire.com/?250c52qjfqwt8e2 EDIT: Games from my promotion series, really frustrated how these turned out. They were winnable, but I guess a refusal to acknowledge the importance of objectives got me here (was too occupied trying to farm). http://www.mediafire.com/?lj59zualnqnackt http://www.mediafire.com/?n926o79vqv6ro7k I took the kennen game where your team is draven/shyvana/sona/zed as the others for some reason doesn't work (getting bug splat, if someone knows how to fix pls tell, it happens for me alot). 6.30 You get FB. Make sure to push the lane fully out to the turret, before you recall. You weren't dangerously low. 14.30 Up untill now, you haven't really punished Kha'Zix at all, despite being a ahead in xp. The moment you decide to try an all-in is horrible. You should wait for your lvl 11, or generally only try for all-ins when you have the level advantage. Because of your FB, you gain levels slighty faster than him, but you haven't abused it and made two attempts to all-in where he got away. 20:00 Warwick ganks you when you try to all-in Kha'zix. The only real solution to this, is to ward. But trust me when i say this, it happens to alot of players and it's the power of jungle assists when laning phase extends this far. 30:00 Your team is awfully behind and despite being decently fed, you are unable to do anything and you lose. These games are a typical example of isolating the map. You and Kha'zix were farming alone, meanwhile your team was losing the 4v4 in bot/mid. When stuff like this happens as a top laner, you should try and help out your team by either picking a proper time to do drake (when you respawned after the ww gank, would've been a perfect timing) or try and force down mid turret, bot turret or even try ganking some of the lanes. The enemy bot lane reached your inhib pretty much by solo pushing, and sometimes you just gotta tell yourself to lose the turret on purpose, let your opponent get a slight lead and then try to create plays elsewhere so your team can catch up. I'd love to review more replays if someone can tell me how to fix my lolreplay | ||
United States2300 Posts
I'm playing Zac jungle. Diana falls behind early in mid due to leashing me for an extended period after Varus flatly says that he's not gonna leash me at red. She's about 3 minions behind in exp, but we get FB up top, and then blow TF's flash, so I think we're in good shape. Bot falls behind bigtime, and Varus refuses to commit to a gank, leaving Lux exposed and getting her killed, all while allowing Vayne to escape (Vayne also dodged my slingshot here, which hurt -- in retrospect, I might have saved it until after I initiated with Q to guarantee the knockup). From here, there were very few gank opportunities. I kept looking to help mid and get Diana snowballing, but TF pushed so safely and so quickly, playing really smart without flash, that I had almost no chance to gank him. Bot fell too far behind, and I feared a countergank or just straight losing a 2v3 because Shyv was never visible on the map. Top's small advantage (I think Shen could have snowballed the lane a lot better and zoned Renek if he backed properly) got neutralized by several consecutive TF ults. We managed to sneak some objectives when they committed to certain parts of the map, but ultimately lost miserably. I know I didn't spend my time optimally on the map, but I would love some help figuring out how to improve here. I finished 0-0-2 in a ~30 minute game. I ended up spending most of my time covering/farming, because I couldn't figure out what else to do. It also didn't really help that Varus was flaming people starting at like 1:30 and increasing as he fed. Here's the link: http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/3416535/ EDIT: @Sponkz what's wrong with it? | ||
United States875 Posts
http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/3415519/ | ||
10417 Posts
On July 26 2013 00:51 Nos- wrote: gonna see if uploading to mediafire works http://www.mediafire.com/?508b68z5pfb0fu9 A Vayne where I got carried by my support thresh. I'm really lost as to what to do and where to be as Vayne. I'm just thinking of staying in the back line but her short range kind of forces my hand in terms of being closer to the other team. I think I just need to work on using tumble to get out of sticky situations You guys had a really nice invade level 1 that actually panned out because their top laner refused to come down. Then you got to lane earlier and thresh hit a really nice hook but you're missing a lot of CS. Out of curiosity, what is your mastery setup? Are you taking butcher? Perhaps that might help when you run 6% lifesteal. I personally run one AD quint and two lifesteal quints but either way is fine. If you're running 6% I suggest you take butcher. Hell, take it regardless, butcher is amazing. But yeah, work on last hitting without tumble, vayne's attackspeed at lv 1 is really bad. 3:53 - This Thresh is going off wtf lol, he just landed two hook combos in a row on Ezreal. Work on engaging the same time as your support, your aggression and his are not lining up quite right. Also on Vayne I tend to take QEWQ or QEQW because E helps you escape bad situations and line up kills much more than W does at level 2. 4:22 - I would personally have went back to heal up and buy items before Ezreal got back to lane. You managed to push two waves into his tower and that should allow you to go heal/buy, especially when Thresh got FB with you on assist. It's possible to get FB and lose the next trade because Ezreal may have purchased an item at this point which wins him trades. 4:56 - This Thresh is on point with his supporting, without that lantern and ping you would have been in a really bad spot. 6:45 - Wtf this Thresh is basically going 1v1 with Ezreal and winning lol 8:25 - You blew your ult and forced a flash but I think if you had condemned immediately you would have got a kill on Lux. I don't even think you needed ult there to pick up a kill tbh. 9:30 - I think you should bluepill more often when you have time. You're oom and by being in lane you are forcing Thresh to stay with you, and he's at 1/4 mana and hp. When you saw the Amumu gank it would have been a great time to go and shop for both of you--instead you trade 1 for 1 which isn't terrible but I think if you were faster at reacting to Thresh's aggression (tumble in immediately when he lands that hook, I think you could have killed Lux without one of you dying). Also if you had been a little better at last hitting you might have been able to buy something big. 9:48 - Oh it ended up being 1 for 2 after a good Ezreal snipe. Gotta watch those. Also against Lux/Ezreal who are both 100% skillshots I would probably opt for boots over the second dagger. Personal preference. If you had been last hitting better you would have been able to buy all of it . 10:50 - When you come back to lane and your lane has creeps in front of the tower like that it's fine to freeze it there, especially if your opponent isn't in the lane. Pushing it like you're doing allows him to get the experience and gold from the wave while freezing it allows you to gain an advantage. There's nothing going on that requires you to push so I think freezing is better. 11:18 - If you had condemned immediately I think you would have wallstunned Ezreal. This might have been a kill. (I think overall you should work on your harass mechanics as an ADC. When they walk in to last hit you should be hitting them if there's no creeps you're going to miss. If you have the choice between farming and harassing you have to kinda evaluate where you stand in lane and which will be more valuable. Especially against bad players it's more important to harass because they will mess up and play worse because of it. Against stronger players you won't get as many opportunities to punish them and it's more important to CS. Needless to say, I'd be harassing this Ezreal all day lol.) 13:56 - Work on coordinating with your support more. You should be bluepilling at the same time in spots like this because there's nothing to be done in lane except get ganked. Once you kill them and push wave to tower there's nothing left but to bluepill and get back in lane before you lose creeps. 14:50 - That was a bad spot to pop ult because it's you and Thresh with no creeps vs Ez/Lux with a massive creepwave. Even if you kill them, the creepwave is almost more important, and you're risking getting outplayed by them just fighting you. Luckily, they got scared and ran off. Don't get me wrong, you have a fresh big item buy and could probably win that but it's just bad form. Don't engage in massive creepwaves. 15:40 - Delaying boots this long has cost you 2 kills and a flash. This all comes from the last hitting early game too. If you had last hit two cannon minions and a couple from the wave you would have had boots here and those boots would have got you Amumu and Lux without having to flash. I think I would have picked up Ezreal too. Also I'm not sure if you used BotRK active but that would have got either of them for free as well. 16:31 - There's nothing to do right now. Bluepill and buy boots. It's almost surrender time for the enemy team and you're the slowest member in the game on a champ that relies on movespeed. Everyone else has at least basic boots if not boots 2. Your contribution in teamfights is severely diminished because of this. 18:16 - The decision to buy Zeal instead of Zerks + dagger cost you a kill on Ezreal. You're still slower than Amumu even when you are chasing people. Tumble can mitigate that but generally get boots faster. I'm gonna stop analyzing here because that's the main reason you're having a hard time in teamfights from what I see. Your reaction time could use some work and that will improve as you get comfortable with the champ but without movespeed you're going to have a hard time unlocking Vayne's full potential. She needs to hit the same person 3 times and if they can walk faster than you then you just straight up can't do that when they run. | ||
United States5718 Posts
On August 23 2013 04:54 upperbound wrote: Had a really tough time figuring out what to do in this game, and hoping to get some advice. I'm playing Zac jungle. Diana falls behind early in mid due to leashing me for an extended period after Varus flatly says that he's not gonna leash me at red. She's about 3 minions behind in exp, but we get FB up top, and then blow TF's flash, so I think we're in good shape. Bot falls behind bigtime, and Varus refuses to commit to a gank, leaving Lux exposed and getting her killed, all while allowing Vayne to escape (Vayne also dodged my slingshot here, which hurt -- in retrospect, I might have saved it until after I initiated with Q to guarantee the knockup). From here, there were very few gank opportunities. I kept looking to help mid and get Diana snowballing, but TF pushed so safely and so quickly, playing really smart without flash, that I had almost no chance to gank him. Bot fell too far behind, and I feared a countergank or just straight losing a 2v3 because Shyv was never visible on the map. Top's small advantage (I think Shen could have snowballed the lane a lot better and zoned Renek if he backed properly) got neutralized by several consecutive TF ults. We managed to sneak some objectives when they committed to certain parts of the map, but ultimately lost miserably. I know I didn't spend my time optimally on the map, but I would love some help figuring out how to improve here. I finished 0-0-2 in a ~30 minute game. I ended up spending most of my time covering/farming, because I couldn't figure out what else to do. It also didn't really help that Varus was flaming people starting at like 1:30 and increasing as he fed. Here's the link: http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/3416535/ EDIT: @Sponkz what's wrong with it? I didn't watch the replay (work) but I can already tell you that there's issues with your Varus from the first post you read about refusing to leash. One thing I would advise is being flexible enough to take a smite route. Leashing red from Blue side really fucks Diana. Basically she goes to lane and she's going to zoned level 2 on, get a huge wave built and pushed to your turret and their mid backs comes back with another dorans and gg to the lane. One thing you can do is actually smite red and just level 2 gank mid. | ||
Denmark4564 Posts
On August 23 2013 04:54 upperbound wrote: Had a really tough time figuring out what to do in this game, and hoping to get some advice. I'm playing Zac jungle. Diana falls behind early in mid due to leashing me for an extended period after Varus flatly says that he's not gonna leash me at red. She's about 3 minions behind in exp, but we get FB up top, and then blow TF's flash, so I think we're in good shape. Bot falls behind bigtime, and Varus refuses to commit to a gank, leaving Lux exposed and getting her killed, all while allowing Vayne to escape (Vayne also dodged my slingshot here, which hurt -- in retrospect, I might have saved it until after I initiated with Q to guarantee the knockup). From here, there were very few gank opportunities. I kept looking to help mid and get Diana snowballing, but TF pushed so safely and so quickly, playing really smart without flash, that I had almost no chance to gank him. Bot fell too far behind, and I feared a countergank or just straight losing a 2v3 because Shyv was never visible on the map. Top's small advantage (I think Shen could have snowballed the lane a lot better and zoned Renek if he backed properly) got neutralized by several consecutive TF ults. We managed to sneak some objectives when they committed to certain parts of the map, but ultimately lost miserably. I know I didn't spend my time optimally on the map, but I would love some help figuring out how to improve here. I finished 0-0-2 in a ~30 minute game. I ended up spending most of my time covering/farming, because I couldn't figure out what else to do. It also didn't really help that Varus was flaming people starting at like 1:30 and increasing as he fed. Here's the link: http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/3416535/ EDIT: @Sponkz what's wrong with it? Lemme be honest. I did my first pause at 15 min, because it got incredibly boring to watch how you played. Aside from the FB, you just roam around without committing to any fights, while farming with E max and 21/0/9. You seem awfully squishy, you can't really close the gap (or are afraid to do so) even though you maxed E and your choice of just going farm mode makes me think that you're afraid to fight. Getting to gank early on can sometimes be incredibly hard, but you keep trying from the same spot near mid over and over without even trying to gap-close. Hell at 15 min you're sitting on ancient golem+kindlegem without boots, no wonder you might feel abit useless when you don't optimize pre-game. Going 9/21/0 makes you extremely durable in jungle and it makes you durable during ganks aswell. Zac already clears fine, you don't need 21 offense, especially not as a "tanky jungler" (hell you took arp, what you thinking bro?!). Changing the topic, i seem to have issues opening some replays. Some of them shut down after 5 seconds with the message "bug splat", however some seem to work fine. | ||
United States2300 Posts
On August 24 2013 00:51 KissBlade wrote: I didn't watch the replay (work) but I can already tell you that there's issues with your Varus from the first post you read about refusing to leash. One thing I would advise is being flexible enough to take a smite route. Leashing red from Blue side really fucks Diana. Basically you go to lane and you're going to zoned level 2 on, get a huge wave built and pushed to your turret and their mid backs comes back with another dorans and gg to the lane. One thing you can do is actually smite red and just level 2 gank mid. Yeah my plan was to smite, but diana ignored my chat and kept leashing while typing at varus. I was gonna gank mid after blue, but top was in perfect position for a lane gank so I went gank top-> gank mid instead. To be honest the early game went really well, it was after that when the lanes fell behind and the nearby gank opportunities felt forced because we never even had vision on exhaust shyv. | ||
United States2300 Posts
On August 24 2013 00:56 Sponkz wrote: Lemme be honest. I did my first pause at 15 min, because it got incredibly boring to watch how you played. Aside from the FB, you just roam around without committing to any fights, while farming with E max and 21/0/9. You seem awfully squishy, you can't really close the gap (or are afraid to do so) even though you maxed E and your choice of just going farm mode makes me think that you're afraid to fight. Getting to gank early on can sometimes be incredibly hard, but you keep trying from the same spot near mid over and over without even trying to gap-close. Hell at 15 min you're sitting on ancient golem+kindlegem without boots, no wonder you might feel abit useless when you don't optimize pre-game. Going 9/21/0 makes you extremely durable in jungle and it makes you durable during ganks aswell. Zac already clears fine, you don't need 21 offense, especially not as a "tanky jungler" (hell you took arp, what you thinking bro?!). Changing the topic, i seem to have issues opening some replays. Some of them shut down after 5 seconds with the message "bug splat", however some seem to work fine. Sponkz I have some follow up questions and will edit when I get home. I know I farmed too mucg bur struggled to see good opportunities. Although I ran 9/21/0 with as reds, armore yellows, mr blues and ms quints, so I don't think that was the problem (I would run hybrid pen reds instead if I had another page). EDIT FOR QUESTIONS: 1. Here is the mastery setup that I used: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/29631376#masteries I haven't played a game since so it's still the active one. It's pretty standard 9/21/0 with mpen and general tanky stats in the defensive tree. I can see where you're getting armor pen from now, though, because apparently my brother switched my jungle page from 9x attack speed marks to 5x attack speed and 4x armor pen while he played a few games on my account to stop decay while I was on vacation (I originally expected to be gone for longer). This really shouldn't have made a huge difference, though, because they're jungle-clearing reds in either case and that wasn't the real problem here. If I was lacking tankiness, it was for reasons other than setup; maybe because I was spending so much time clearing jungle rather than in lanes. 2. Was there any time in particular that I should have committed to a gank that was available rather than keep farming? There were a couple of times that I wanted to gank mid, but I think TF knew I was there because he stayed outside of my jump range at all times. Should I still have forced it and gone in, despite it being impossible to hit my E? 3. Was there any real way that I could have helped bot given how far behind they fell and how little chemistry they seemed to have together (in addition to their poor play they argued all game)? 4. Should I have just camped top? I thought they serious gold/exp lead I gave Shen would have been enough, but then he decided to stay in lane instead of backing after we shoved to tower. I'm just wondering if my overall mindset was bad or if there were certain decision points where I should have known to leave jungle to gank. Maybe I should have just walked into lanes instead of relying on finding a spot to hit Es. | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
http://www.twitch.tv/hiicantpk/b/437892923 (Starts at 46:29) I know a big mistake we made was facechecking into ashe/lulu that set graves pretty far back. | ||
Denmark4564 Posts
On August 24 2013 01:30 upperbound wrote: Sponkz I have some follow up questions and will edit when I get home. I know I farmed too mucg bur struggled to see good opportunities. Although I ran 9/21/0 with as reds, armore yellows, mr blues and ms quints, so I don't think that was the problem (I would run hybrid pen reds instead if I had another page). EDIT FOR QUESTIONS: 1. Here is the mastery setup that I used: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/29631376#masteries I haven't played a game since so it's still the active one. It's pretty standard 9/21/0 with mpen and general tanky stats in the defensive tree. I can see where you're getting armor pen from now, though, because apparently my brother switched my jungle page from 9x attack speed marks to 5x attack speed and 4x armor pen while he played a few games on my account to stop decay while I was on vacation (I originally expected to be gone for longer). This really shouldn't have made a huge difference, though, because they're jungle-clearing reds in either case and that wasn't the real problem here. If I was lacking tankiness, it was for reasons other than setup; maybe because I was spending so much time clearing jungle rather than in lanes. 2. Was there any time in particular that I should have committed to a gank that was available rather than keep farming? There were a couple of times that I wanted to gank mid, but I think TF knew I was there because he stayed outside of my jump range at all times. Should I still have forced it and gone in, despite it being impossible to hit my E? 3. Was there any real way that I could have helped bot given how far behind they fell and how little chemistry they seemed to have together (in addition to their poor play they argued all game)? 4. Should I have just camped top? I thought they serious gold/exp lead I gave Shen would have been enough, but then he decided to stay in lane instead of backing after we shoved to tower. I'm just wondering if my overall mindset was bad or if there were certain decision points where I should have known to leave jungle to gank. Maybe I should have just walked into lanes instead of relying on finding a spot to hit Es. 1. Yeah i got myself thinking real hard, cus i noticed the 5 arpen. Good thing we don't have to discuss that anymore 2. It's hard to say, generally going into heavy farm-mode just isn't an option. Look at how the lanes push and try different angles. If you think they are heavy warders (which they weren't really in the replay provided) you can also try and lane-gank or even counter-gank if their jungle is agressive. 3. Yes and no. After the FB, you could have gone straight to bot and tried forcing something. Zac's E range is absurd, and with some vision denying, it shouldnt be too hard (i think bot is easier to gank than mid/top as Zac, it all just depends on map control, allowing you to jump over the wall). 4. Better to camp 1 lane, than not to gank at all. Even though shen was running TP, renekton didn't really ward and was playing the usual "standing in the middle of the lane, while playing agressively". If the only choice is to camp one lane, do it. | ||
United States3106 Posts
http://www.mediafire.com/?zdc96pwaj1hqag6 | ||
Germany11249 Posts
The fuck is going on in this game. Why are you laning against a vayne that started ruby crystal? And why are you not punching her face in? Generally speaking, you are a bit too passive. You NEVER shoot at the enemy unless you absolutely have to. You take a lot of free harass because you allow vayne to hit you without hitting her back for no apparent reason. You shouldn't have anything to fear in that lane, especially considering vayne starting with a fucking ruby crystal. Just punch her. And dont stop punching her. You got sustain from dorans, she doesn't. Either Nami's sustain is worthless, or she is worthless in fights. That Nami decided to go for W max, telling you that she is a moron and will be about as useful as a caster minion in a fight as long as you dodge her bubble with E. Don't let them build up a creepwave. Generally speaking, in botlane you want to push at lvl 1 to get lvl 2 first. Afterwards it is not that important, just don't let the enemy have 10 minions. Use your e to dodge bubbles, and you should win everything. Also, as you said, your lasthitting is bad. You need to work on that. Try to avoid using your abilities to lasthit. Use them only for these three purposes : Pushing the lane(clearing waves), harassing the enemy, or in fights. If you are pushed back to your tower like at ~4:30, shout at your support to ward that bush. (Unless they have a pink in it, in which case you are kinda fucked) Nami doesn't even put points into her E, what is wrong with her. I am pretty sure you should be maxing Q over W. Don't get hit by bubbles under turret like at ~7:50, that turned a very good trade into a very bad one and nearly killed you. And was absolutely unnecessary. I still don't know what vayne is planning to do with that ruby crystal. Your supports warding sucks. Also, tell her to allin their face at 6, there is absolutely no reason you are not doing that. You can do stuff like that while running to lane from base, something along the lines of "We got way stronger 6 then they do, and that nami is fucking retarded, try to go for fights whenever possible" Also, once again. Don't get hit by bubbles. You got your E. If you can't dodge them otherwise, save your E for that. That is the single most important thing in any fight. If you don't get hit by bubble, you destroy them. You react pretty slowly when Leona starts fights, wasting a lot of opportunities like at ~13:30. And you are generally too far back. Try to stay on a line with your support, not half a screen behind him. Even while being ganked, try to orbwalk backward (move-shoot-move-shoot). This allows you to make the whole thing dangerous for them, and can even turn a gank around. If you just runrunrun, there is never any danger for them, and they can often dive you easily. Tell Leona to use her wardstone, in a friendly way. In fights, shoot stuff. Look at ~19:08 for example. You spend 5 seconds in range of enemies just walking back and forth because you can't decide what to do. If your team starts a stupid 3v5 fight like ~20:40, don't get involved. Just walk away. Don't fight vayne with your back to the wall either. Generally speaking, don't fight vayne 1v1 when her whole team is standing next to her, and you are 3v5. Just don't fight 3v5. Ping retreat and walk away. Opposite thing in 5v5s. Your whole team just ran away and got slaughtered in both fights, and i don't even see why you would do that. You hang around mid, and then you get engaged upon and die. But that is not something you alone could remedy. I can't see your team chat, but i assume it wasn't pretty. The main point you could improve is your laning. You should have absolutely crushed that vayne nami lane, but you didn't, because you were too passive and had some irrational fear of fighting them when you were dorans lucian + leona vs RUBY CRYSTAL vayne and W max nami. Destroy them. You don't even need a support for that. Just shoot them. And continue shooting. Don't let them build a wave. Don't get hit by bubbles. If you are far ahead consider freezing the lane, if you have good long ranged harass or notice the enemy sucks at lasthitting under turret, push hard. If you have neither, try to equalize the lane in the middle and just fight them whenever they want to lasthit. | ||
Peru1308 Posts
What could've I have done better in this game? I'm gold 3. Lee sin is my main jungler and sort of a crutch. I was already iffy about our chances to win with AD Twisted Fate and the all AD comp vs Rammus/Taric, but we started losing way before teamfights. as I mentioned in the IHS thread I counter jungle a lot. It's easy to pull off in gold, but rammus just brushed it off since he doesn't really need either red or blue to gank lanes. From what I've seen main mistakes are taking as long as I did to get the FB on rammus because I tried to turn on singed with irelia and missed that my zed had rammus caught before he escaped with blue. Maybe we could've got a double on rammus/jayce if I hadn't tunnel visioned. The 2nd gank at top on singed after Irelia got the tower was also pretty bad. We were already a bit over extended and I kicked Singed out of her ult because I was scared of rammus showing up, which he did and ended up getting the 2-0 on us. Neglected my botlane. I'm not quite sure why they fell behind by so much, the one time I showed up botlane sona didn't keep lucian in lane so I wasted time, map prescense and a pink ward whilel he went B. The last main mistake I saw was chasing lucian at the very end. TBH I felt the game was already over at that point and I just wanted to get the shutdown. I tried to pull off a ward jump to kill him but ran out of energy for W. What did I do wrong in terms of managing my gank presence? Spent too much top? wasted my time counter jungling rammus? Didn't help bot enough? Basically. How am I supposed to play with this teamcomp? Try to snowball zed? Shut down singed? support the AD tf lane? I'm really lost as to what I did significantly wrong throught the game that lost us the early lead. | ||
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