On March 01 2013 07:27 LOLItsRyann wrote: ZERG_RUSSIAN I've been reading all of your analysis for these gamers and I super like/enjoy it. So here's one for you.
It's a lengthy game where we give up an early advantage and eventually lose. I'm LOLItsRyan jungling Vi. I know I make some stupid mistakes like getting caught in their jungle trying to steal red cause they've warded, and I mis ult someone instead of cait in a team fight. But I feel that even if I'd have played near perfectly, we still wouldn't have won team fights.
Would appreciate an analysis thanks
EDIT: Two more games where my early ganks give a great advantage, we have a super good lead, and my team mates feed it away both times. I NEED to know what I can do to win these games. I just dropped from Gold 1 to Gold 2 because of these games. And to be quite frank, I'm getting fucking pissed off with my team mates causing me losses. Mr Zerg Russian. Teach me how to carry. PLEASE.
I need to know what I have to do to win these games. I feel I'm playing well, not perfectly by any means, but I feel I'm playing well. Obviously not well enough, and I need to know what the "well enough" is, so I can win these games. What would Snoopeh have done to win? What would CloudTemplar have done to win? Thanks.
EDIT 2: Okay, the next game after this. Feel free not to analyse them if I'm throwing too many useless games at you. But I seriously don't know what to do from here. I'm begging for help.
Starting on the Malphite game because every other one I tried that I haven't analyzed yet up until that point is either crashing or giving me an error response when I try to load it:
3:10 - You definitely did not have to flash for that, just land Q on her and she can't escape. Nidalee is retarded and gets killed, but that was an okay gank. You probably held the wave mid for too long, you should have just let the equilibrium sit after removing a few of the caster minions because your mid is already behind and you know Anivia is a better player, so it's dangerous to tax this lane too hard. Not bad though.
5:15 - Your Graves is totally retarded.
6:25 - Nice harass on mid, you forced her out there.
7:52 - Your whole jungle is up--it's good that you're ganking lanes, but Malphite has a HUGE power spike at level 6 and you should really be rushing that before you start doing all these gank plays. It's great that you egged Aniv and disengaged before J4 got there, but I think the stronger play here is to simply get 6 and abuse ult ganks.
9:00 - It's been a minute and you've only taken 1 camp. You're falling really far behind. Both of your buffs are up and you keep wasting time running around mid trying to help your already useless nidalee. It took you really long to hit level 6 and you're far behind because of that.
10:15 - It's been a minute and 15 seconds and you've only got two 5 gold buff lizards, two 5 gold wolves, and a single big wolf. Your red buff has been up for close to 3 minutes. You're really behind on levels and looking for ganks isn't helping that. You should have rushed 6 and ganked on ult CD instead of trying to make ganks happen before 6 and wasting time after that. I'm gonna stop the analysis here because that's the big problem, you don't have a solid understanding of the power curve timing on Malphite jungle. Think about what the most efficient ways to hit your peaks in power are and rush them, then abuse the timings to shape the game flow.
I'll keep analyzing as time allows, probably one or two a day this week.
On March 01 2013 07:27 LOLItsRyann wrote: ZERG_RUSSIAN I've been reading all of your analysis for these gamers and I super like/enjoy it. So here's one for you.
It's a lengthy game where we give up an early advantage and eventually lose. I'm LOLItsRyan jungling Vi. I know I make some stupid mistakes like getting caught in their jungle trying to steal red cause they've warded, and I mis ult someone instead of cait in a team fight. But I feel that even if I'd have played near perfectly, we still wouldn't have won team fights.
Would appreciate an analysis thanks
EDIT: Two more games where my early ganks give a great advantage, we have a super good lead, and my team mates feed it away both times. I NEED to know what I can do to win these games. I just dropped from Gold 1 to Gold 2 because of these games. And to be quite frank, I'm getting fucking pissed off with my team mates causing me losses. Mr Zerg Russian. Teach me how to carry. PLEASE.
I need to know what I have to do to win these games. I feel I'm playing well, not perfectly by any means, but I feel I'm playing well. Obviously not well enough, and I need to know what the "well enough" is, so I can win these games. What would Snoopeh have done to win? What would CloudTemplar have done to win? Thanks.
EDIT 2: Okay, the next game after this. Feel free not to analyse them if I'm throwing too many useless games at you. But I seriously don't know what to do from here. I'm begging for help.
Starting on the Malphite game because every other one I tried that I haven't analyzed yet up until that point is either crashing or giving me an error response when I try to load it:
3:10 - You definitely did not have to flash for that, just land Q on her and she can't escape. Nidalee is retarded and gets killed, but that was an okay gank. You probably held the wave mid for too long, you should have just let the equilibrium sit after removing a few of the caster minions because your mid is already behind and you know Anivia is a better player, so it's dangerous to tax this lane too hard. Not bad though.
5:15 - Your Graves is totally retarded.
6:25 - Nice harass on mid, you forced her out there.
7:52 - Your whole jungle is up--it's good that you're ganking lanes, but Malphite has a HUGE power spike at level 6 and you should really be rushing that before you start doing all these gank plays. It's great that you egged Aniv and disengaged before J4 got there, but I think the stronger play here is to simply get 6 and abuse ult ganks.
9:00 - It's been a minute and you've only taken 1 camp. You're falling really far behind. Both of your buffs are up and you keep wasting time running around mid trying to help your already useless nidalee. It took you really long to hit level 6 and you're far behind because of that.
10:15 - It's been a minute and 15 seconds and you've only got two 5 gold buff lizards, two 5 gold wolves, and a single big wolf. Your red buff has been up for close to 3 minutes. You're really behind on levels and looking for ganks isn't helping that. You should have rushed 6 and ganked on ult CD instead of trying to make ganks happen before 6 and wasting time after that. I'm gonna stop the analysis here because that's the big problem, you don't have a solid understanding of the power curve timing on Malphite jungle. Think about what the most efficient ways to hit your peaks in power are and rush them, then abuse the timings to shape the game flow.
I'll keep analyzing as time allows, probably one or two a day this week.
Brilliant, that's exactly the kind of response I'm looking for. I guess I'm falling behind because I'm trying to help my laners too much. I just remember feeling at the time that if I don't do something to help then a) they'll lose tower/feed a lot and b) flame me/afk.
I'm not sure what the error responses are about, hope that stops happening. And thanks again, I look forward to the rest of the analysis!
Thanks Monte, I'll get around to doing that in order today for at least one of them. I'll probably have to dl them again and all that. Does anyone have a workaround for the adobe air crash that happens to the LoL client when lolrecorder is open?
I'm the Trundle player, this was a ranked 5s game. I know how we ended up losing the game (completely losing teamfights so like 30+ min isn't important), but I'd like to know if there's anything I could have done better to put my team ahead early.
I'm the Trundle player, this was a ranked 5s game. I know how we ended up losing the game (completely losing teamfights so like 30+ min isn't important), but I'd like to know if there's anything I could have done better to put my team ahead early.
I'm starting here tonight because I can't seem to get any of the others up until now to work on my computer.
0:55 - Good spotting the invade but WOW that Lux bind missed you by like half a millimeter LOL
4:39 - You hesitated way too long on the gank. Just go in and make her blow flash immediately when you pillar then loop around while it's on cooldown (IMO)
8:30 - This is a definite waste of time. Full HP Singed isn't going to die to a lane gank by Trundle when his ult and ghost are both up. This is the weakest part of Trundle's game, he just sucks at ganks against anyone that's not gonna roll over and die from a well-placed pillar and he doesn't put out enough damage to chunk people down for a long time. I would be rushing 6, getting a pink ward, and ganking bot every time I was near and they were low, because that's the only lane you have a chance at killing. Maybe mid but Hecarim is always going to be close enough to countergank and it's really hard to sneak up on Lux as a melee champ, especially when she's warding.
8:49 - Is your Olaf maxing e what
9:15 - So top lane is totally lost forever and there's no way to change that because Olaf doesn't know how to skill his champ, basically you're going to hope to win before Singed takes an inhibitor on you, and he will.
10:40 - You're walking past the only lane that you can really successfully gank and they have the river pink warded and they're not pushed. I gank in this spot because it's the only place that you have any chance at really killing anyone. Instead, you walk to middle and WHOA DID LUX NOT SEE YOU WALK THERE LOL but yeah she edges you guys there and nothing comes of it. I don't think Trundle is a good champion, I would suggest playing better junglers (nocturne/vi/hec/xin do basically what trundle does but are stronger in different regards).
11:53 - I just noticed you have exhaust--how come you didn't use it on Lux when you ganked her? It would have let fiddle get a kill. Also, it's really dangerous to invade here with Lux coming back to lane from base and Hecarim in the middle. If they had a ward on that side of the river in any spot, they'd have seen you go in and could be trapping when you have no escape summoner against like 4 forms of CC. I guess fiddle is there but the payoff is like a wraith camp and you're risking a super easy death because you can't flash wall.
12:38 - Your Olaf is maxing w now with one point in q wtf
12:40 - Nice countergank, but they were retarded for diving in the first place. You guys have a shot at this game if Ezreal snowballs right now and mows down everyone on their team in a sick display of perfect kiting and skillshot accuracy.
13:34 - Very nice dragon sneak. That really helped your team. It was a risky gambit but I liked the timing.
14:02 - Olaf owns himself super hard in a spot where he should have just got an easy kill lol
16:04 - You missed a perfect chance to pillar isolate Hecarim and Singed in that fight, which cost you at least one kill I think.
16:28 - What is Olaf doing building a lantern in lane holy lol
17:00 - It's 17 minutes and your adc doesn't have boots
18:20 - I don't think you've exhausted anyone yet and it's cost you like 3 kills
20:15 - Dude, exhaust LOL
20:39 - I just watched Fiddlesticks miss literally every creep in a wave as he stood there alone
24:21 - Yep, game is over. You guys are currently ahead in gold but your mid laner doesn't scale very well into any point of the game, your choice of jungler is really weak throughout most of the game with a small peak in power at level 11-16 I think? but not as hard as Hecarim, and Olaf needs to learn how to build and skill his champion. Ezreal is a little fed but it doesn't matter, he's not gonna outscale Vayne with two tanks/Janna/Lux to back her up, and Singed is currently and for the rest of the game going to be a complete monster against your team. I would work on team comp in general (get good at stronger junglers, and make your mid/top lane learn to build/skill correctly in Olaf's case and to pick standard in Fiddle's, although he didn't do bad really, it's just a weak overall choice) and learning to use exhaust (or just take ghost or flash if that's easier to remember).
That's what I've got for you right now. I think there's a little to be learned from this game in that you guys outplayed them a couple of times but mainly you're just losing on comp/not knowing your own champs.
Here's a game that I played as Leona today. I did well, but we lost lane, so I feel like that has to at least be slightly my fault. I feel like the game would have taken a much different direction if Karthus wasn't asleep at the wheel during a dragon fight.
I didn't feel like I was warding much but a fight seemed to break out right when I got to lane every time (usually by Varus getting caught).
I'm the Trundle player, this was a ranked 5s game. I know how we ended up losing the game (completely losing teamfights so like 30+ min isn't important), but I'd like to know if there's anything I could have done better to put my team ahead early.
I'm starting here tonight because I can't seem to get any of the others up until now to work on my computer.
0:55 - Good spotting the invade but WOW that Lux bind missed you by like half a millimeter LOL
4:39 - You hesitated way too long on the gank. Just go in and make her blow flash immediately when you pillar then loop around while it's on cooldown (IMO)
8:30 - This is a definite waste of time. Full HP Singed isn't going to die to a lane gank by Trundle when his ult and ghost are both up. This is the weakest part of Trundle's game, he just sucks at ganks against anyone that's not gonna roll over and die from a well-placed pillar and he doesn't put out enough damage to chunk people down for a long time. I would be rushing 6, getting a pink ward, and ganking bot every time I was near and they were low, because that's the only lane you have a chance at killing. Maybe mid but Hecarim is always going to be close enough to countergank and it's really hard to sneak up on Lux as a melee champ, especially when she's warding.
8:49 - Is your Olaf maxing e what
9:15 - So top lane is totally lost forever and there's no way to change that because Olaf doesn't know how to skill his champ, basically you're going to hope to win before Singed takes an inhibitor on you, and he will.
10:40 - You're walking past the only lane that you can really successfully gank and they have the river pink warded and they're not pushed. I gank in this spot because it's the only place that you have any chance at really killing anyone. Instead, you walk to middle and WHOA DID LUX NOT SEE YOU WALK THERE LOL but yeah she edges you guys there and nothing comes of it. I don't think Trundle is a good champion, I would suggest playing better junglers (nocturne/vi/hec/xin do basically what trundle does but are stronger in different regards).
11:53 - I just noticed you have exhaust--how come you didn't use it on Lux when you ganked her? It would have let fiddle get a kill. Also, it's really dangerous to invade here with Lux coming back to lane from base and Hecarim in the middle. If they had a ward on that side of the river in any spot, they'd have seen you go in and could be trapping when you have no escape summoner against like 4 forms of CC. I guess fiddle is there but the payoff is like a wraith camp and you're risking a super easy death because you can't flash wall.
12:38 - Your Olaf is maxing w now with one point in q wtf
12:40 - Nice countergank, but they were retarded for diving in the first place. You guys have a shot at this game if Ezreal snowballs right now and mows down everyone on their team in a sick display of perfect kiting and skillshot accuracy.
13:34 - Very nice dragon sneak. That really helped your team. It was a risky gambit but I liked the timing.
14:02 - Olaf owns himself super hard in a spot where he should have just got an easy kill lol
16:04 - You missed a perfect chance to pillar isolate Hecarim and Singed in that fight, which cost you at least one kill I think.
16:28 - What is Olaf doing building a lantern in lane holy lol
17:00 - It's 17 minutes and your adc doesn't have boots
18:20 - I don't think you've exhausted anyone yet and it's cost you like 3 kills
20:15 - Dude, exhaust LOL
20:39 - I just watched Fiddlesticks miss literally every creep in a wave as he stood there alone
24:21 - Yep, game is over. You guys are currently ahead in gold but your mid laner doesn't scale very well into any point of the game, your choice of jungler is really weak throughout most of the game with a small peak in power at level 11-16 I think? but not as hard as Hecarim, and Olaf needs to learn how to build and skill his champion. Ezreal is a little fed but it doesn't matter, he's not gonna outscale Vayne with two tanks/Janna/Lux to back her up, and Singed is currently and for the rest of the game going to be a complete monster against your team. I would work on team comp in general (get good at stronger junglers, and make your mid/top lane learn to build/skill correctly in Olaf's case and to pick standard in Fiddle's, although he didn't do bad really, it's just a weak overall choice) and learning to use exhaust (or just take ghost or flash if that's easier to remember).
That's what I've got for you right now. I think there's a little to be learned from this game in that you guys outplayed them a couple of times but mainly you're just losing on comp/not knowing your own champs.
Thanks for the writeup 5HIT. So if I'm the jungler in a situation where I know for sure one of my lanes is going to lose badly without my intervention (our Olaf is Bronze 2 and doesn't normally top, everyone else on our team is mid silver or higher) should I just completely abandon it from the get-go? Or should I pick a really strong ganker and just ensure that the lane wins?
Support game with lulu in silver 1. I fucked up really bad at lvl1, I didn't expect corki to fall over so fast, should have exhausted earlier (when Taric exhaust came out I should have just exhausted Varus). Afterwards I just tried to keep them harrassed with EQ, and we actually netted a kill on Corki but, I think generally I was playing too aggressive against Taric when Corki was below 50% hp. I also lost brush control when Taric brought in a pink, and they ended up pushed up against us the entire time and zoning Corki out of cs.
I generally dislike playing passive against Taric with lulu, especially since corki was already behind. I wanted to pressure the taric lane back so the next time they try to all-in us it wouldn't be so one sided. If Corki eats a taric combo with some ad damage and we just play passive we're gonna be zoned forever and I just hate that.
Jungle Jarvan, silver 2 (although I was firstpick at 0 points, so more likely silver 3/4)
We were doing well, and then about halfway through we just start losing fights randomly, and end up losing the game pretty hard. I was probably going too hard onto vayne instead if peeling for my team, and I probably could have used more armour earlier in the game.
On March 01 2013 07:27 LOLItsRyann wrote: ZERG_RUSSIAN I've been reading all of your analysis for these gamers and I super like/enjoy it. So here's one for you.
It's a lengthy game where we give up an early advantage and eventually lose. I'm LOLItsRyan jungling Vi. I know I make some stupid mistakes like getting caught in their jungle trying to steal red cause they've warded, and I mis ult someone instead of cait in a team fight. But I feel that even if I'd have played near perfectly, we still wouldn't have won team fights.
Would appreciate an analysis thanks
EDIT: Two more games where my early ganks give a great advantage, we have a super good lead, and my team mates feed it away both times. I NEED to know what I can do to win these games. I just dropped from Gold 1 to Gold 2 because of these games. And to be quite frank, I'm getting fucking pissed off with my team mates causing me losses. Mr Zerg Russian. Teach me how to carry. PLEASE.
I need to know what I have to do to win these games. I feel I'm playing well, not perfectly by any means, but I feel I'm playing well. Obviously not well enough, and I need to know what the "well enough" is, so I can win these games. What would Snoopeh have done to win? What would CloudTemplar have done to win? Thanks.
EDIT 2: Okay, the next game after this. Feel free not to analyse them if I'm throwing too many useless games at you. But I seriously don't know what to do from here. I'm begging for help.
Hi 5HIT and associates, this is a game of me playing Win Nao and I lost, so there is obviously something wrong with my play. Would you care to look at it please? It's a silver 1 game (at least, I'm silver 1 and I was third pick). http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/2999535/
On March 12 2013 07:17 upperbound wrote: Here's a game that I played as Leona today. I did well, but we lost lane, so I feel like that has to at least be slightly my fault. I feel like the game would have taken a much different direction if Karthus wasn't asleep at the wheel during a dragon fight.
I didn't feel like I was warding much but a fight seemed to break out right when I got to lane every time (usually by Varus getting caught).
1:40 - You guys definitely shoulda took doubles as blue side
4:05 - At this point I almost think it's worth it to just dive them. They're really low and really bad and you can almost assuredly pick up FB here even if it means you dying. This is risky, but they're horrible and this is worth it especially when you can trade off the AD for the support as a large creep wave is near the tower. I'd like to see you being more aggressive with Leona. You're standing in the bush and letting your ADC do all of the work.
You know what, I'm actually stopping this replay here because Aphromoo teaches this lesson better than I ever will:
On March 16 2013 02:39 Nos- wrote: Support game with lulu in silver 1. I fucked up really bad at lvl1, I didn't expect corki to fall over so fast, should have exhausted earlier (when Taric exhaust came out I should have just exhausted Varus). Afterwards I just tried to keep them harrassed with EQ, and we actually netted a kill on Corki but, I think generally I was playing too aggressive against Taric when Corki was below 50% hp. I also lost brush control when Taric brought in a pink, and they ended up pushed up against us the entire time and zoning Corki out of cs.
I generally dislike playing passive against Taric with lulu, especially since corki was already behind. I wanted to pressure the taric lane back so the next time they try to all-in us it wouldn't be so one sided. If Corki eats a taric combo with some ad damage and we just play passive we're gonna be zoned forever and I just hate that.
1:05 - I think that explorer ward was unnecessary--you can just stand in the bush because TF is covering mid entrance. I like to use explorer wards a little more offensively or to bait pinks out. Still, this is safe beyond safe and a good idea vs a Taric comp who should probably invade. On that note, I think you should be covering the other entrance to blue buff because the 1:35 gank from river is one of my favorite invade ganks.
2:55 - You already pointed out the exhaust slip here--that was more or less Corki's fault but you might have saved him. No big deal.
6:00 - Nice harass, you just won the lane back and forced a Taric flash there. Time to get some wards down, you're blind in the river vs a strong ganker in a Taric lane.
6:15 - That was a really strong play to stop Varus' bluepill, that set him back really far because your creepwave is going to die to tower and he's gonna miss a ton of xp.
6:35 - Holy shit that Varus is worse than your Corki LOL.
8:00 - Your Corki is retarded, that's very demoralizing.
9:05 - Okay, so you're doing really well on support here and you know that because Taric just exhausted you to save his ADC rofl.
11:17 - Yeah, this game is lost, your Corki is just too dumb. Maybe consider picking up ADC to get out of this bracket? You're clearly better than Corki is at it lol. Analysis ends here, that fight just snowballed them really, really hard. Corki's already useless and Varus is going off really hard, and after that fight even TF/Noc ganks aren't gonna win you the lane. Nice support, probably could have been played a little tighter in some spots but overall you're far better than the other players in this game. My advice is to force other roles more often and get yourself to a point where you can queue with better ADC players .
I'd like some feedback on the game recorded there. It was a slaughter but I think I could have done a lot better. Darius seems like a rough lane for Rumble, plus I fell for a stupid bait. Any thoughts?
Here is another game I would like some feedback on (this one would probably be more useful since it's a closer game at least). Riven used to be my go-to champ every game, but lately I can't seem to win a ranked game with her. I think I started out well but maybe made some bad decisions or didn't push myself enough to win?
These were recorded around Gold IV - Plat V level. Thank you for any input.
LOL Shirokuro is in your game on veigar. His main is Diamond 1 and he's my duo buddy on his smurf at times.
Anyway yeah so like the Rumble vs Darius lane is tricky because Darius can out-trade you for a long time and all in you after you get the trade advantage. If your jungler had waited until you had flamespitter up to gank you would have got the kill, and if you hadn't died to the naut gank it would have been fine too. Against Darius try to keep your HP topped off in lane because especially as he approaches 6 he gets scarier as your health gets lower. I think you played the lane well and made the right choices, Darius is just a rough matchup and sometimes it's worth it to buy a dolans shield or even ninja tabi. Basically you're waiting until level 5 to start really taking control of the trades and then you can hit 6 and all in IF Darius isn't 6 himself because that's exactly what he's thinking too. At some point the flamespitter + harpoon harass should be strong enough to turn it into a farm war or even into your advantage as long as you don't slip up any time before that.
Darius is a son of a bitch though and I hate seeing him top lane.
On May 15 2013 06:17 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: LOL Shirokuro is in your game on veigar. His main is Diamond 1 and he's my duo buddy on his smurf at times.
Anyway yeah so like the Rumble vs Darius lane is tricky because Darius can out-trade you for a long time and all in you after you get the trade advantage. If your jungler had waited until you had flamespitter up to gank you would have got the kill, and if you hadn't died to the naut gank it would have been fine too. Against Darius try to keep your HP topped off in lane because especially as he approaches 6 he gets scarier as your health gets lower. I think you played the lane well and made the right choices, Darius is just a rough matchup and sometimes it's worth it to buy a dolans shield or even ninja tabi. Basically you're waiting until level 5 to start really taking control of the trades and then you can hit 6 and all in IF Darius isn't 6 himself because that's exactly what he's thinking too. At some point the flamespitter + harpoon harass should be strong enough to turn it into a farm war or even into your advantage as long as you don't slip up any time before that.
Darius is a son of a bitch though and I hate seeing him top lane.
Will check out g2 later today
Yeah, I was thinking a D Shield would've been a good pickup, and coulda grabbed Sorcs instead of Tabi then. I hate facing Darius, because most of my mains are completely countered by him (Riv, Akali, Rumble, Diana) and I feel damn helpless unless he horribly misplays or the jung comes to help.
I think if I didn't fall for that stupid bait I'd have been in a little better shape, despite all of the other lanes getting creamed. I don't have too much experience with Rumble matchups yet, so as long as I'm learning something I don't mind the loss.
And he was Diamond 1? Dayum. Honestly I have not won a single ranked game with a Veigar on my team this season, so I didn't have high hopes to start lol.