A game where I play lulu.
A few things I noticed: 1. I blew too many summoners and got nothing out of it in the lvl1 invade 2. Didn't deal with taric all-ins properly, or as well as I think I could have 3. The early jungler ganks weren't handled well 4. Not enough harrass in lane
0:30 - Good item choices and start coverage, but get into the tribush faster and just beeline there from bot. Weaving through the jungle like that is dangerous because it gives enemy team time to set up. They got a chance anyway because the rest of your team is derping off and not looking to spot invades this game or any other game they play in all probability and they will feed fbs for the rest of their league careers until they learn to do that.
1:30 - Don't run in a direction that will isolate you and don't waste flash dodging a skillshot with a taric and 3 other people behind you. Flash should be used to wallhop and bait 4 flashes in this situation--you're probably dead because you went dora mode. Dropping an explorer ward at wraiths before you go tribush can also help but that opens you up to taric getting into tribush with his team if you're the only one on your team who knows what an invade is. Luckily, even after you blow both of your summoners for no reason, they blow more summoners to compensate and taric picks up the kill.
3:30 - NEVER leave your adc like that when he's in potential stun range of a taric in a bush. It's good to ward, but taric just gained bush control over you when you walked out of lane and now it's going to be a pretty rough time until you kick him out. Luckily, your ezreal is hitting sivir like a truck with autoattacks for some reason so you can probably just shield him and all-in at some point, but just keep in mind that sivir and taric have strong level 3.
4:08 - Very nice harass. Sivir is looking very squishy here and you should just harass her down with as much burst as possible at every opportunity. That will keep her from csing very easily and it will force taric to waste his mana on heals. Cho doesn't gank warded bot lanes very well so it's fine to just shove the wave to their tower with ward coverage, too.
4:27 - Save sheepstick for Sivir, don't waste it on Taric after he's blown stun. Taric is oom here and you guys have just won lane for a while, even if Ezreal can't dodge boomerangs to save his life lol.
4:41 - When taric is oom like this you should be harassing the hell out of sivir to keep her from being in creep range. Punish her auto range and if you get engaged on by them they either don't have a stun or don't have damage because they wasted it on you.
4:50 - Gank comes, immediately run--them learning that it's warded is arguably good against Cho and they have taric who can flash stun to initiate. If your adc doesn't get the message he's retarded and you may have to sacrifice yourself to serve as his escape, but it kinda depends if you think he's any good.
5:13 - Ezreal's retarded, I wouldn't trade yourself for this idiot because you now know that he probably won't escape anyway. Nice dodges though, and they blew everything on you again which is totally exactly what you want from that situation. Somehow, your rammus hasn't ganked anywhere afaik yet but he's here to countergank and... wow, your ezreal is totally retarded and your rammus totally sucks. I would NOT play support at this elo. Then again, I don't play support at any elo.
7:00 - As soon as Taric blows stun on you and there's no followup from Sivir you should be harassing the hell out of either of them with auto. GREAT glitterlance that took like 1/3 of Sivir's hp, but don't sheepstick Taric! Save that for the damage dealer!
7:38 - Ezreal is horrible at CSing and pretty stupid so it's very dangerous to leave him, but you made the right decision to go and ward.
8:45 - VERY nice gank support, you basically made that happen.
10:14 - I think after that last gank you should have shoved wave and bought, but now it's too late as Taric is back and Sivir has full hp/mana. Ezreal is really bad so you should be constantly suggesting things to him strategy-wise because he's probably too stupid to think about it. Also, stop wasting sheepstick on taric after he's blown stun. Save it in case there's a gank in the bush or Sivir comes in.
10:54 - If it was raining soup, your Ezreal would be out in it with a fork. Holy shit, this guy is retarded and bad. I'm gonna stop my analysis here because you're playing really well and you totally nailed everything I said. I would suggest studying lane matchup dynamics a little and not supporting at this elo (lol). Otherwise, nice play from a technical standpoint, outside of a few small derps here and there.
On February 16 2013 05:30 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: ... which I still can't get to work. I keep getting some error that my league.exe file isn't found in the replay directory which is on a totally different HD than the one my league.exe is actually on. It's like looking in the lolreplay data folder for a copy of league.exe for some reason and every time i point it back to where it's supposed to be it looks around in different places for it.
I'll figure this out in a bit.
Replays from patch don't work. Anything after or before that I can look at. Post new games if you have them!
IIRC if you repair replays so that they use the latest version they work.
Jungling Mao. Silver IV Felt like I had everything under control early game. Camped top a lot cause I felt like I had already given mid a good advantage and bot was doing really well. Didn't really get much out of camping top; think it was a waste of time. Mao ult is awkward to use. We lost once teamfights started. Not really sure what could have been done about it.
Thanks for watching.
2:10 - So far, so good. Probably chug one potion on the blue buff to keep yourself high. I like to remain at higher HP in jungle because it keeps my options open. Still, very solid opening.
3:11 - Lol their Xin failed a gank because he e'd a creep instead of Garen. Garen still blew flash though, I think he's gonna have a hard time against Xin/Kennen. You're doing well, but I'd keep chugging pots to keep yourself high, especially if you think you might gank soon. Nothing worse than getting burst down with double buffs .
4:07 - I only put one point into E on Maokai until Q is maxed. It speeds your clear up a lot and gives you a bigger slow iirc.
4:33 - Nice gank! Garen went a bit early but that was a nice cleanup. After something like that, shove the wave to the tower to deny the enemy laner, you deserve lane tax and it totally damages Kennen to lose that wave .
5:12 - Swain misplayed that but very nice gank. That's two straight. You saw Xin top and you just killed their two solo lanes so you can keep going here. I'd probably clear my entire jungle with how well your lanes are doing, but your decision to blow smite and bluepill to keep the ganks going is aggressive. After setting your lanes ahead like this I would probably start focusing on farming unless a lane is asking for a gank or hit bot with a lane gank. Your priority now is to keep ahead of Xin in jungle and set up counterganks, which you bought two wards for. So far, this is textbook.
7:30 - Save smite when you're stealing blue, you can always give yours to the lane if you have to panic smite. Lux had to laser, but no big deal, great steal.
9:00 - Garen went too early again and you probably should have went in a little earlier. If you had done that and blown your ult so it damaged Kennen a kill might have come from that. Still, it wasn't bad, you blew Kennen's flash and denied him a cannon creep wave. Pretty OP.
10:00 - Wasting time here. The decision to counterjungle is a little questionable because you're really only stealing one creep and Kennen is coming back to lane through that path. Your entire jungle is up except blue and you really want to secure that red buff asap, plus there's no gank on a fresh Kennen even if his flash is down because of the way the wave is set up. Staying here is wasting time.
11:40 - Inadvisable to fight so many times in a row with your whole jungle up. You've made enough plays, the only way for you to fall behind at this point is for Xin to make more plays than you or for you to take unnecessary risks. Lux could have got a double but she got scared, not really your fault but I don't think you had to force it.
12:11 - Your bot lane is crushing, you're ahead of their jungler, and your mid lane is winning. You should get a pink and force a dragon with the pressure they're exerting. Getting a pink on dragon here is a way to open up ganks and put pressure on bottom and if it leads to a dragon you're also indirectly helping top. Also, I think if you're going to go philo stone you should get it first instead of spirit stone or skip the philo altogether.
13:15 - This is where you are starting to fall behind. Too much time is being wasted forcing plays and walking around and standing places. None of your small camps have been touched for over 3 minutes and that's keeping you behind on levels. You need to integrate small camps into your path more at this point in the game. Usually, if I notice my entire jungle up, I make sure to take wraith/wolf before I go out to gank again, especially at this stage in the game where ganks are lower percentage because of wards.
15:xx - Okay, we finally see you take a small camp again--this is the biggest weakness in your jungling. The plays you make are strong and you have a good command of the basics/build, but you don't keep ahead in levels and carry the game as hard because you're forgetting to farm. Small camps should be your bread and butter because as you get higher, gank percentages will get lower just because people will be more aware of gank timings and won't die so easily. You're making a lot of plays but you're not insanely ahead right now because your farm is so lacking. It's been 5 minutes since you've touched a small camp! Also, when bot lane is crushing like this, I force dragons. I usually get a pink ward on my second or third bluepill to open up these opportunities. Aside from that, good job--I would work on Maokai ult, there's room for improvement there, but everything else is pretty solid. I'm gonna stop here because that's the only flaw I see in your gameplay and anything else is just variance. You're lucky, your mechanics are in place and the only thing you have to work on as far as I see is timing and strategy .
Thanks a lot. That is exactly what I needed. I feel like I know how to help my lanes win but I could never figure out why the early lead wouldn't last. I'm addicted to ganks and I forget to farm ><
Started to feel really helpless after a certain point in the game. At the beginning I was feeling pretty strong but started to lose control of the lane and the game. Was getting yelled at by team for not following Akali, but never felt that I had the opportunity. Most times, I was either forced out of lane or had to deal with a creep wave at the tower. Roaming effectively is one of the things I've yet to develop a very good feel for.
I'd really appreciate advice on how to handle situations where the other team starts to build momentum and also your thoughts on effective roaming.
in general you want to roam either when you have shoved up the wave to their turret or the enemy has backed, which akali did for the most part. the enemy jungler holding mid tends to be a giveaway as well. the ideal situation is that you have wards in both sides or in the lane to give you vision or hints as to where the enemy is going ( a ward in the middle of the lane is very useful to see enemy mid's movements, against akali a pink in the middle of the lane guarantees she has no safety so it is a useful investment). if not it is courtesy to warn your teammates, but i understand that it feels unreasonable to ping back every time the enemy goes into fog. just warding lane or sides to get a feel for when someone wants to roam should teach you lots about roaming (by example).
for that particular lane, akali will outskirmish you for the most part. the advantage that ryze has is in his w being able to prevent her from getting into or staying in melee range, used in combination with your ultimate she MUST waste her ult or flash to combo onto you especially if you have boots after you root her. in middle lane this makes akali less viable, as if you fight in the middle of the lane and q w e with ultimate and run backwards, she cannot get in range at all without you being able to run back to your tower etc. if you are afraid of her damage.
one option is to get catalyst instead of tear as a first item and trade so that she cannot free push the wave (force trades such that she has to respond i.e. if she uses her spells on creeps she will eventually get damaged to the point where she is forced to back etc. buying you more farm time and safety for your teammates) which also guarantees you more safety in lane.
lastly, having a very good feel for what the opponent can do (exactly when akali can kill you, how long it would take hecarim with ghost to reach lane / what he can do, if you can survive another gank when you just blew flash a little bit ago etc.) will allow you to play to the limit. for the last example, you had been ganked by hecarim and blew flash as a result of the gank, and then sat in lane with your flask / pots and healed up back to full with a r-combo on the incoming creepwave. however, with your flash down, you were a fairly easy pick for hecarim right afterwards. the best chances you had were either going back, playing back to the tower or to ask amumu to wait for a countergank. the last option prob wont happen in solo queue so you probably should have gone back as playing at the tower would allow akali the same control and pushing ability while not allowing you the option of getting additional wards (so that you dont have to play like a 100% pussy) and boots.
I'd really appreciate it if someone could take a look at my ad team fighting mechanics (or lackthereof as the case may be). I don't think I've won a game as ad in ranked in months lol, I pretty much only play support now, and the moment I touch ad i'm pretty much doomed to lose.
The first real 5v5 fight starts at 25:00 minutes. I think the team as a whole focused too much on amumu/zed, and let Twitch do too much free damage. I don't know if I could have gotten closer to Twitch or Yi earlier with amumu and zed so close, but since we took care of Zed so quickly maybe I could have repositioned myself with arcane shift to fight Twitch.
That fight wasn't the real reason we lost, a lot of misplays all over the place but just wanted to focus on that.
Also sorry if I'm posting a lot of these lol, I think i've submitted like 3-4 replays already. Really appreciate the effort of the people that are going through these.
If I streamed and posted the replay of the game here for analysis, would that be acceptable? Or should I just DL lolreplay?
both are fine. lolreplay gives you (and the person watching) a bird's eye view of everything so you can know what the optimal play in a given situation is. however, watching something from someone's streamed PoV is probably better in a vacuum to learn what you individually did wrong in a given situation because we see as you see and can judge situation by situation. while it is possible to imitiate that in lolreplay to some extent, the feeling is different.
Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh. My heart is broken after this game. I know I had the potential to carry this game, but I'm not 100% sure what I messed up that caused the loss. I don't expect anyone to watch the whole thing as it's about 50 minutes long. But I'm also not sure where the key moments are either. Though I think the main throws were later in the replay.
http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/2872433/ I'm playing Caitlyn.
I was a little too scared of Taric so I didn't harass as much as I could have, but I think my lane phase was really good. I was super far ahead of Twitch. I'm really not sure what the cause of the loss was. I'd just like some tips on what I could have done to carry.
On February 26 2013 15:11 RagequitBM wrote:Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh. My heart is broken after this game. I know I had the potential to carry this game, but I'm not 100% sure what I messed up that caused the loss. I don't expect anyone to watch the whole thing as it's about 50 minutes long. But I'm also not sure where the key moments are either. Though I think the main throws were later in the replay. http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/2872433/ I'm playing Caitlyn. I was a little too scared of Taric so I didn't harass as much as I could have, but I think my lane phase was really good. I was super far ahead of Twitch. I'm really not sure what the cause of the loss was. I'd just like some tips on what I could have done to carry.
the 23 and 27th minute fights seemed to be the turning points for me. their lategame outclasses yours in straight teamfighting, especially with a positional advantage (underneath their turret or as your team is running away) which they had in both those teamfights. with a lead with characters like caitlyn and malzahar, you can chip at them until they are easily divable (which they were not at the 27th minute fight when nocturne decided to aggro on them behind their turret (very bad against a ryze as to get your players into position to give damage you position such that ryze can get full aoe at little risk)) or simply take their turrets. the latter is usually the safer option. in these kinds of scenarios where you are extremely ahead, a good idea is to take their outer turret, push in, and rotate in towards middle and take the middle turret. return to bottom, farm, and buy, and move on from there (take objectives such as dragon with your superior strength, buy wards and ward deep and stay bottom, move middle and shove through if your middle can take advantage of your presence (which malz certainly can)) etc.
that game your olaf had extremely poor cs, and nocturne's lategame build was very lulzy, so i wouldn't feel too terrible about losing that one as it was gonna be an uphill struggle unless you really took control of your team (which is never a guarantee in low elo from what i remember). for you personally, i would recommend attempting to take more leadership of your solo queue teams in terms of grouping around the map for objectives, as well as taking less harass in lane (know exactly what twitch can do from invis and where taric is such that you can never be in position for both to jump you at the same time) so that you can bully your lane harder. given that he had the blue side advantage, you did well overall before ganks etc. came into play.
Thanks so much Navi! I was at a huge loss of what to do, but this really helped me. I think a huge issue I need to work on is just what to do once I take out my turret, or my lane is super pushed. I just wander around aimlessly. But I think I understand more now.
Navitar giving out the informations in my thread
im so happy
Maybe this was just one of those "forget about it and move on" games but I'd really like someone to take a look at it. http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/2878249/ I'm the Mundo. It's a Silver 2 game. And for the record, my thought process with my first top gank was that I saw garen go real aggresive on ani early and I reckoned he'd do it again so that's why I waited there. In hindsight I should have just left and counterganked mid. Besides that I'm just really looking for any advice. Also I don't care how supposedly harsh it is written.
Here's a match where I dominated as Anivia but since I blew most of my placement matches I was in bronze IV that match. What I want to know is if anyone can notice any bad habits I have so that I can get rid of them or just anything I should be doing that better players always do. I know I'm not very good and Doublelift made a quote something along the lines of that if you play low-level players you pick up bad habits and playstyles. http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/2891512/
ZERG_RUSSIAN I've been reading all of your analysis for these gamers and I super like/enjoy it. So here's one for you.
It's a lengthy game where we give up an early advantage and eventually lose. I'm LOLItsRyan jungling Vi. I know I make some stupid mistakes like getting caught in their jungle trying to steal red cause they've warded, and I mis ult someone instead of cait in a team fight. But I feel that even if I'd have played near perfectly, we still wouldn't have won team fights.
Would appreciate an analysis thanks
EDIT: Two more games where my early ganks give a great advantage, we have a super good lead, and my team mates feed it away both times. I NEED to know what I can do to win these games. I just dropped from Gold 1 to Gold 2 because of these games. And to be quite frank, I'm getting fucking pissed off with my team mates causing me losses. Mr Zerg Russian. Teach me how to carry. PLEASE.
http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/2937052/ http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/2937045/
I need to know what I have to do to win these games. I feel I'm playing well, not perfectly by any means, but I feel I'm playing well. Obviously not well enough, and I need to know what the "well enough" is, so I can win these games. What would Snoopeh have done to win? What would CloudTemplar have done to win? Thanks.
EDIT 2: Okay, the next game after this. Feel free not to analyse them if I'm throwing too many useless games at you. But I seriously don't know what to do from here. I'm begging for help.
Hi everyone--I'm still here, just busy with midterms and applying to my practicum sites lately. Gonna do these in order starting this week! Keep them coming, I'll get to them as we go.