So my finance's sister was feeding my son shitty foods like cake about a year ago. Three separate time I told her to stop my fiance also but since my fiance is the youngest she doesnt have much say in family concens and wouldnt speak up much. The fourth time I flipped out grabbed her arm and pushed her away shit hit the fan and her brother came a few days later to fight me. I let him hit me once then said stop. I am fat and sick so he thought he could bully me... Well after telling him toto and he didnt I used my 4 years of wrestling and 3 years of jiujitsu to work and took him down and locked him up. He left pissed off and embarressed not talking to my fiance until last night he showed up asking for money and slept down stairs. Now she wants me to go pray him in Thai fashion and I dont want to. Its just uncomfortable. I am just being a baby, or what?
Her father is dead and he is the oldest male which carries alot of weight in the family.
How old is your son? Probably best to not alienate the in-laws over cake. Grabbing and pushing is a bit much, surely you can express that you want her to stop without getting physical?
4 months at the time but in my family we have a disease that make our fat in the blood skyrocket causeing major complications like chronic pancreatitus which I have, we tried to explain this to her but she wouldnt listen.
Sorry, yeah just read your previous blog. I can totally understand you being upset over that though probably best to take your son away from her rather than pushing. In the end it's really up to your wife to be more assertive in protecting her son and lay down guidelines on what her sister can/cannot do.
I had a similar problem with my daughter and the korean in-laws feeding her shit when she was very young. Just had to pressure my wife and get her to stop it from happening.
It seems like your fiancé's siblings are douchebags who do not respect you at all. I have no idea what I'd do if I were you, just try to be the bigger man and apologize for grabbing and pushing your fiancé's sister and "taking down" your fiancé's brother. Let them know that you only did it because they were out of line and then I think you should simply head back to the states with your kids as soon as possible. Stay there for a while until things have cooled down with your fiancé's family in Thailand. Talk to your fiancé because it seems like she's caught between you and the rest of her family and that's a bad place to be in.
I also wouldn't give him any money, that seems like a really bad idea. What is this "pray him in Thai fashion" thing?
Nah, it's your son. Keep them out of your house. Cut them out of your sons life if they're going to endanger his health like that.